Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1190: , Fiberhome (3)

"What, Brother Qingshan, not only did you join the army of that powerful empire, you are also a legion commander?

   Quickly, tell us about how you joined the Condor Empire and then became a legion commander. "

   Fox Qingshan revealed his true identity to everyone, the surrounding young fox people were immediately stunned.

   Although the orcs have been living in Menghai County, their news is very closed, but the war that took place in Pu'er area was really shocking.

   Many of Li Keji and others' subordinates escaped after the defeat at that time, and some of them fled to Menghai County.

   In order to conceal their failures, the high-ranking orcs who escaped made the Silver Pegasus Knights extremely powerful.

   So in their ears and eyes, the orcs in Menghai County all knew that a powerful Silver Pegasus Knights defeated Li Keji and occupied the entire Pu'er area.

   And this invincible Knights of the Silver Pegasus is said to come from the mysterious east thousands of kilometers away. They belong to an extremely powerful empire—the Condor Empire.

   Whether it is the Silver Pegasus Knights or the Condor Empire, it is a very mysterious existence for these lower orcs who have lived in Menghai County all their lives.

   Due to the information blockade of the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance, they only knew from the chats of the guards that there was such a powerful empire.

   As for how powerful the Condor Empire is, they don't know what kind of country the Condor Empire is.

   For some mysterious things, people tend to have a strong thirst for knowledge.

   The lower orcs in Menghai County are full of curiosity for the Condor Empire, which can defeat Li Keji's big demon by sending a Silver Pegasus Knights casually.

   In the past, they could only hear a few words from the occasional chats of some upper orcs.

And now, the commander of an Orc Special Army of the Condor Empire was right in front of them, and he was still a lower orc who was a few years younger than them-the fox, which immediately made them very powerful and incomparable. The mysterious empire is full of interest.

Seeing everyone looking at him with curiosity and surprise, Hu Qingshan smiled slightly and said: "Brothers of the fox race, we used to be more miserable than you, because we have been living with those big demons like Li Keji. Under the rule of the head.

   Originally, I thought that in this life, I would not be able to avenge my dead relatives. I didn't even know what day I could live. I could only live one day or one day. Under Li Keji's slavery, I would eat and die.

   But with the appearance of the Silver Pegasus Knights of the Condor Empire led by General Bath, we suddenly saw the dawn.

   Under the leadership of General Bath, we defeated the high-ranking orcs in the Pu'er area and killed Zhang Bomei, Sun Teddy and Zhao Samo. Only Li Keji escaped by chance, and his life and death are uncertain.

   After overthrowing the brutal rule of Li Keji and others, the lower orcs in our Pu'er area collectively joined the Condor Empire.

   Within the Condor Empire, all races are equal, and there is no distinction between high-level orcs and low-level orcs.

   Everyone is only engaged in some different jobs according to their race and ability, but all people are equal, and there is no distinction between human beings.

   After joining the Condor Empire collectively, we not only obtained our own land and houses, but also the right to join the Condor Empire army.

   Although our personal strengths that were once divided into the lower orc races are somewhat unavailable, we have some unique abilities that other races do not have.

  The rat people have a very sensitive sense of smell, and they are naturally good at making holes.

   In addition to having the hole punching ability that is not the same as that of the rat people, the rabbit people are also very good at running.

  The cat people are born hunters. They can climb trees and dive. In the dark, their sneaking silently allows their prey to die directly in their sleep.

   Although our fox people don’t have any outstanding racial talents, we are almighty, and we also have a pair of skillful hands that can do all kinds of delicate work.

   General Bass knew that our frontal combat ability was not good, so he formed a special orc army composed of our four races based on our specialties.

   This time we sneaked in secretly by the order of Emperor Shenying, and it was the kind of secret sneak that completely broke up the team. "

   "Brother Aoyama, why are you only sneaking in, and the Silver Pegasus Knights that defeated Li Keji didn't fight with him?"

   Hearing that only Hu Qingshan and others sneak in secretly, but the powerful Silver Pegasus Knights did not follow along, a young fox man became anxious immediately, and he directly interrupted Hu Qingshan's speech.

   Looking at the disappointed and anxious fox man on his face, Hu Qingshan smiled and said, "Brother Hufeng, don't worry, listen to me slowly explain to you.

   This time, only the brothers of our Orc Special Army came. The main reason was that General Bath wanted to lead the Silver Pegasus Knights in Pu'er to protect the people in Pu'er area, that is, our tribe.

At present, the army of the Ten Thousand Beasts League is mainly concentrated in the three places of Jinggu, Jinghong and Lancang. If General Basi leads the Silver Pegasus Knights to leave Pu'er City, then the Orc people in Pu'er area will face coming from these three places. The threat of the enemy.

   Although the Silver Pegasus Knights under General Bath is very powerful, they can only attack one area at the same time.

   So in the face of the pressure exerted by the enemies from the three places, they can only choose to stay in Pu'er City and take a defensive position.

   That is to say, our people dragged down General Bath and the others, leaving them empty but unable to display their skills.

   Although General Bath and the others cannot take the initiative to attack at present, we can't choose to just stand in a stalemate with the enemy.

   So General Bath asked the Emperor Condor for instructions and formed a special army of orcs with our local orcs as the core.

I’m not talented, my little brother, because I was lucky enough to kill a severely wounded tiger warrior in the original battle. General Bass appreciates my courage, so I’m the commander of this Orc Special Army. .

   Although our Orc Special Army has more than 50,000 people, it is impossible to fight the enemy head-on with our little combat power.

   So General Bath, based on our expertise, formulated a strategy of stiffening the walls and clearing the wilds by drawing salaries from the bottom of the pan and encircling the city from the countryside.

   This time we broke into pieces and sneaked in. The main purpose was to unite all the lower orc compatriots who were oppressed, burn all the granaries in the hands of the Ten Thousand Beasts League, and let the Ten Thousand Beast League's army have no food to eat, and finally disbanded automatically. "

   "Brother Qingshan, are you going to burn all the granaries in Menghai County?" Fox Feng asked again.

   "That's right, not only the granaries in Menghai County, but also the granaries in other areas must be burned." Hu Qingshan nodded.

   "Then have you considered our people here?

   You burned the granary, what shall we do?

   You can withdraw back to Pu'er City along the same road at that time, but we can't.

   There are so many lower orcs here in Menghai County, you burned all the food, what do we eat?

   Those high-ranking orcs in the city will definitely vent their anger on us at that time, what shall we do then?

   You are small in number, so you can dive into the deep mountains and forests. With so many people here, whenever there is any trouble, the high-ranking orcs in the city will be killed immediately, and we can't escape at all.

   Brother Aoyama, you want revenge, and we want revenge, but revenge is revenge. You can't hurt our people here! "

   After getting the affirmative reply from Hu Qingshan, Hu Feng's expression immediately changed. He kept explaining his various interests to Hu Qingshan, hoping that Hu Qingshan would not be arrogant, and it would be a burden to the lower orcs in Menghai County.

   After seeing the worried expression on Hufeng's face, Hu Qingshan smiled and said: "Brother Hufeng, you worry too much. We are all a family. How could I ignore you?

  Before we came, we had already had a detailed plan. The main premise of this plan was to ensure the safety of all lower orcs in the entire Xishuangbanna area.

   Our first step here is to mingle with the local orcs and find out the location of all the enemy’s granaries.

   Now, this first step can be considered preliminary.

  After reaching the first step, we will then use the specialties of the rat people and rabbit people to dig tunnels in the settlements of all lower orcs.

   This tunnel leads from one end to the bottom of the granary in the city and one end to the nearby deep mountains and old forests.

   The amount of work required to dig out these two tunnels is very huge. It is simply not enough to rely on this little manpower here. All the lower orcs must be mobilized and everyone works together.

   This is also one of the main purposes for me to gather everyone together today. I hope everyone can persuade their families to participate in this follow-up together.

   As long as these two tunnels can be successfully excavated, then our plan will be more than half successful.

   After all the granaries of Xishuangbanna's cities have been dug through, we will act in unison.

   When the time comes, we will first steal enough food for everyone to live for a period of time from the granary, and then we will sneak into the deep mountains and old forests along the tunnel with the food on their backs.

   After all the tribesmen have evacuated overnight, we will immediately arrange for manpower to light all the granaries.

   Those high-ranking orcs are usually idle and not productive. When all the granaries are burned down, they will soon fall into a serious food crisis.

   I guess, it won’t take half a month before they will fall apart and be completely finished.

   After those high-ranking orcs are finished, the entire Xishuangbanna area will become the territory of the Condor Empire. By then, all of us here will become citizens of the Condor Empire.

  In the Condor Empire, there is no so-called distinction between superior and inferior. All people are equal and enjoy the same treatment.

   After everyone has become a citizen of the Condor Empire, no one will dare to bully us at will.

  We no longer have to worry about the beautiful women in our family being taken away and insulted. Our offspring will live a happy life without worries.

   Brothers, if you want your people and descendants to get rid of this miserable life of enslavement and oppression, now is definitely the best time.

   The Emperor Shenying has always rewarded and punished clearly. We have made such great achievements before joining the Empire of the Eagle. The Emperor Shenying will certainly reward us heavily in the future.

   When the time comes, we will not only be able to stand up and call the shots, but we will even be able to find a job in the Eagle Empire.

   If you are scared, I would ask you brothers to see that we all belong to the same race and keep this secret for us.

   In order not to drag everyone down, we will immediately withdraw, to ensure that it will not affect your normal life.

  Okay, we have already informed you of our identity and purpose of coming here, and it is up to you to make a choice.

   It is up to you to decide whether you want to join us in the Condor Empire and get rid of the fate of being enslaved, or to expel us directly and continue to live a life of enslavement and humiliation. "

   After speaking out all the plans in an eloquent manner, Hu Qingshan directly gave the right of choice to the local fox youths. This was also the plan that Bass discussed with him before he set off.

  The young people are passionate Their edges and corners have not been smoothed by the years, they are not like those middle-aged and old people who have too many worries.

   After being enslaved by those high-ranking orcs of the Ten Thousand Beast League for so long, and seeing some pretty relatives kidnapped and humiliated by those high-ranking orcs, they must be very eager to break this kind of life under the fence and become the masters of their own homes.

   Therefore, taking the young people of these orcs as an entry point is definitely a multiplier with half the effort.

   Then in all tribes, young people are the hope of the whole tribe.

   If a tribe loses all its young people, then this tribe will definitely be depressed from then on, or even be eliminated directly.

   So as long as these young people in the tribe can be won, no matter how cunning the old foxes in the tribe are, for the continuation of the tribe and race, they can only obediently submit.

  Because the old foxes have this or that kind of concern, but their core goal is to make the tribe and race continue.

   So as long as those young people are won over, then the worried old foxes have no choice.

   The scheming Bass has spotted this point, so he will let Hu Qingshan and others use the local young orcs as the entry point, so as to coerce other people in the tribe to join in.

   Buzz’s judgment of human nature is very accurate. After hearing from the mouth of the fox green mountain that the lower orcs can also stand up and call the shots, all the young fox tribes present immediately became irritated.