Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1211: , New changes

After Ning Yuan used live video to answer various questions raised by the players, few Huaxia players took it seriously because they knew what Ning Yuan was.

Based on the ambition and possessiveness that Ning Yuan has always shown, if he would immediately stop after he dominates China, and he would not invade other countries, even if he killed them, they would not believe it.

In the eyes of Huaxia players, Ning Yuan’s current position is undoubtedly intended to paralyze the enemies of those neighboring countries, and then take the opportunity to concentrate on completing the goal of unifying China.

The players in Huaxia District did not take Ning Yuan's words seriously, but players from other countries have read an important message from Ning Yuan's statement.

When answering questions from the player, Ning Yuan mentioned that as long as he sins against his enemies, he will be punishable even if he is far away.

North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam and other countries are examples.

Ning Yuan's so-called offense was a head-on conflict with the Condor Empire, or an organization that had participated in a conspiracy to subvert the Condor Empire.

There is no clear standard for the definition of the latter. It should be entirely based on Ning Yuan's preferences, because as long as Ning Yuan insists that you have participated, then even if you have not participated, you must have participated.

Ning Yuan is strong, he can refer to him as a horse, and the weaker party has no need to refute, because even if he refutes, nothing can be changed.

So if anyone naively thought that he could make Ning Yuan's men be merciful without being hostile to the Shenying Empire, then he would be too naive.

As long as the time is right, no matter whether you have offended Ning Yuan or not, he will send troops to destroy you directly, without giving you any chance to pray.

The definition of the former is very simple. As long as you have fought with the Condor Army, then you are Ning Yuan's enemy.

At first, everyone thought that the Condor Empire was stuck in the quagmire of China's domestic war, and could not deal with other people.

But the war that took place in Burma directly gave them a resounding slap in the face and awakened them completely.

Throughout this war between the Condor Empire and Myanmar players, some players have summed up an important message.

This important message is that the Condor Army is not the end of the battle, and they still have room for it.

Although it is impossible to send out too many ground regiments to fight, several elite air forces under Ning Yuan can appear on the territory of any country bordering the Condor Empire at any time.

In the past, many players always doubted whether the Condor Air Force was exaggerating, and they were not as powerful as the Huaxia players boasted.

It now appears that the elites of the Condor Air Force are indeed true sky overlords, because Myanmar players are living examples.

With a Silver Pegasus Knights, a Seraphim Legion, and a Monster Legion, the Condor Army has beaten millions of Burmese troops without fighting back.

If the powerful players of these elite Condor Army can be accepted, then after defeating the millions of Burmese army, they did not have much battle damage, and the players could not accept it.

When the two armies are at war, regardless of victory or defeat, it should be a normal phenomenon that there will be casualties to each other.

However, the casualty ratio between the Condor Army and the Burmese player army is very abnormal.

From the start of the Los Angeles offensive and defensive battle, until the Condor Army hit the Naypyidaw area.

The Condor Army only suffered some casualties, and the Knights of the Silver Pegasus and the Seraph Legion were almost unscathed.

As for the demon army that can be transformed into mountain-moving giant apes, they also lost more than 500 people in the night attack outside Los Angeles, and there have been no deaths since then.

On the other hand, the Burmese side has lost three battles, and they have lost millions of troops.

In these three battles, the Condor Army not only won more with less, but also killed and injured a large number of their active forces at a small price.

This is like a strong man breaking into a kindergarten.

Although there are many children in the kindergarten, facing the single-handed brawny, those children can only be slaughtered.

Myanmar is not a small country. Now they are all defeated by the elite of the Condor Army, not to mention those countries whose strength is not as good as Myanmar.

The most nervous of these are Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.

Because they are the kind of enemies that Ning Yuan said, even if they are far away, the three countries once formed a Southeast Asian coalition to invade the Vietnam County of the Condor Empire.

Now that the Toungoo Kingdom of Myanmar has become a tribute to the Condor Empire, Myanmar players are temporarily safe, but they are facing a new crisis.

In the situation where the China Civil War is still stable for the time being, if Ning Yuan suddenly leads the Condor Army that defeated the Burmese players to attack one of their countries, what should they do to resist?

Among the three countries, Thailand is a little better, because they do not directly border China, and Ning Yuan must borrow other countries to invade Thailand.

Laos and Cambodia are more sad.

Their own strength is not as good as that of Myanmar, and they also have a large border with China's Yunnan region and the Condor Empire's Vietnamese county.

If Ning Yuan wanted to clean up their two countries, it would be really easy.

Because in addition to the Condor Air Force that defeated the Burmese player army, Ning Yuan could also mobilize the army stationed in Vietnam County to directly invade the two countries.

In the eyes of everyone except Myanmar players, the reason why the Condor Army gave up occupying Burma is not that Ning Yuan didn't want Burma's land, but because of the long distance, the Condor Army was unable to send a large number of troops there.

When the domestic war in China was still at a stalemate, it was impossible for Ning Yuan to start another more costly war for a piece of Burma that was almost an enclave.

Therefore, after defeating the army under King Toungoo, he forced the opponent to claim tribute to himself.

Burma is an enclave for the current Condor Empire, but Laos and Vietnam are different.

Because the north of the two countries is China's Yunnan region, the west is Thailand, and the east is the Vietnam county of the Condor Empire.

If the Condor Empire chooses to attack their two countries, it would be equivalent to erasing the border between their two countries and Yunnan and Vietnam. This is a seamless connection.

In this way, not only will the Vietnam County of the Condor Empire become a safe rear, the Condor Army can also conquer a more prosperous Thailand, and then connect the Malay Peninsula with the occupied Thailand.

In this way, the Condor Empire will no longer have any enclaves on the main continent of Asia.

When the domestic war in China is at a deadlock, if a breakthrough can be made on their side, it is also a good choice for the Condor Empire, because their two countries are now mature soft persimmons.

More importantly, after the Burmese players were hit hard and the Toungoo Kingdom claimed tribute to the Condor Empire, apart from Thailand, there seemed to be no other reinforcements for the two countries.

With the help of Thailand alone, it seems that it would be difficult for them to resist the attack of the Condor Army, so if Ning Yuan thinks about this, then their two countries will soon be destroyed.

After analyzing layers of analysis that their two countries are most likely to be the next victims, the player leaders in Laos and Cambodia were immediately frightened.

Now the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand have been wandering with the naval fleet of the Condor Empire. The two countries are like an abandoned son. No one can rescue them, and no one is willing to take risks to rescue them.

If they do not want to perish, then they can only save themselves.

Judging from the information that Ning Yuan accidentally revealed and their current situation, the only way they can save it now is to let the Condor Empire accept their tribute.

As long as Ning Yuan agrees to let their two countries become tributary states of the Condor Empire, then the crisis of their two countries' annihilation will be temporarily avoided, and perhaps they will be able to win a few more years of buffer development time.

Although the claim to pay tribute is only a temporary imperative, but as modern people, they still can't afford to lose this person.

So they put their ideas on the aboriginal kingdoms that were single-handedly fostered in their respective countries.

The Myanmar side has just finished this road, and it is very successful, so they also want to copy it as it is.

They thought it was a very simple thing, but they soon knew how difficult it was.

Players have their own spine and don't want to lose this person. The aborigines in the game are not boneless, not to mention the people they want to move are the kings of their respective countries.

As the king of a country, who has no ambition, who is willing to bow to someone who has never seen him before?

The current aboriginal kingdom in Laos is the Lancang Kingdom, and Cambodia is the Angkor Kingdom.

The kings of these two kingdoms had never fought head-on with the Condor Empire, and had no idea how powerful the Condor Empire was.

So not only did they directly reject the requests of players from the two countries, they also gave Fatty a beating for all the players who took the initiative to speak up.

After being severely beaten, the players of the two countries realized that they had thought things too simple.

They just wanted to let the aboriginal king throw this man for them, but they forgot that the aboriginal king who had not been beaten was more proud than them and had better face.

The reason why the Toungoo Kingdom of Burma was willing to bow to the Condor Empire was because the Condor Army frightened him. Under the power of the Condor Army, he had to bow his head.

The aboriginal kings of their two countries have not yet endured such a severe beating, so they can't let go of their pride as the king of a country, and they can't recognize the reality.

It is estimated that only when the army of the Condor Empire comes to the door will the two kings recognize reality.

But if the Condor Army hits the door, I'm afraid it will be too late even if the two kings want to bow their heads, so they must find another way.

After a period of intense research, a player in Laos thought of a genius idea.

The idea was that they bypassed King Fumi Volagi of Lancang directly, preached the imperial decree, and paid tribute to the Condor Empire in the name of King Lancang.

To this end, they deliberately recruited a solemn-looking aboriginal male for emergency training and asked him to pretend to be an envoy sent by King Lancang.

Then they prepared a batch of tributes out of their own pockets, and directly let the counterfeit lead the team to the Vietnam County of the Condor Empire.

When thinking of this good idea, Lao players did not forget their good neighbor Cambodia.

So when the Laos delegation entered the territory of Vietnam, the Cambodian delegation also entered the southern region of Vietnam.

The news that Laos and Cambodia sent missions to Vietnam County soon reached Ning Yuan's ears.

Seeing such cooperation between the players of the two countries, Ning Yuan did not care about the authenticity of the mission, so he sent someone to receive each other with high-level courtesy.

Then, after the two sides signed an extremely irregular agreement, the Lancang Kingdom of Laos and the Angkor Kingdom of Cambodia became tributary states of the Condor Empire without the knowledge of both kings.

Soon, the news reached the ears of Thai players.

After discovering that he had been surrounded by the Tributary Kingdom of the Condor Empire, the Thai players suddenly began to fidget.

Although they do not have a direct border with China, the Condor Empire has taken their territory on the Malay Peninsula, and the entire Gulf of Thailand is under attack by the Condor Navy fleet.

Thai players are very worried that after losing their three main allies, the Condor Empire will suddenly launch attacks from the Malay Peninsula and the Gulf of Thailand.

So they didn't go to inform their king Tony Zheng, so they just followed suit and formed a fake mission to the Malay Peninsula.

Regarding Thailand’s Siam Kingdom’s tribute, Ning Yuan also did not care about the true or false, and directly accepted the tribute and agreed.

In this way, a month in the game has not yet passed, and several countries on the Indo-China Peninsula have successively become tribute states of the Condor Empire.

When the news was spread, players from all over the world were shocked.

They cursed the players in these countries for lack of spine, and at the same time began to study how to deal with the future situation.

For those players in countries far away from the Condor Empire, these things have nothing to do with them for the time being, because there are still many countries between them and the Condor Empire.

For those countries that border the Condor Empire or are relatively close, this is not good news, especially some countries in Central Asia.


Inside a manor in Iran.

After a bearded man learned that several countries on the Indochina Peninsula had all chosen humiliating self-protection, he was suddenly furious.

"Are those guys in Africa still fighting for territory in the civil war?"

After calming down again, he looked directly at the assistant beside him.

"Yes, Lord Chief, I'm afraid we can't count on the dragon army there, unless Africa can be unified, but based on those guys, I guess there is no hope."

The male assistant replied.

"It's better to ask yourself, and let me know. From now on, all the divine stones produced on the Nine Forbidden Peaks will be given to me to choose the forbidden stones, and then sold to the chiefs of various countries at low prices.

Isn’t the air force of the Condor Empire very powerful?

Then I will build the entire Central Asia region into a no-air area. I want to see if my Persian cavalry is better without the air force, or the prairie cavalry of the Condor Empire is better. "

The bearded man stared at the sky with murderous in his eyes.