Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1256: , Each show his supernatural powers (25)

"The Burmese warriors of the Hou Gongbang era, although the situation tonight is very unfavorable to us, it is only a test of the Buddha to us.

The sky will come down to the people of Sri Lanka, and he must first suffer from his mind, his muscles and bones, and his body and skin.

If we want to reproduce the great glory of the Gongbang dynasty, we must endure what others can't bear and endure what others say can't bear.

Only in this way can we overcome all obstacles and let the glory of the Gongbang Dynasty shine to every corner of the world.

As your legion commander, I have an unshirkable responsibility for the current unfavorable situation.

I was supposed to fight and die at the head of the city with everyone, but there are still more than 10,000 of our brothers in the city who need me to command.

Lord U Sadie still needs me to continue to lead my brothers in the city.

So even if I deserved my sin and died without regret, I can't die now.

Please rest assured that I will not be less responsible afterwards. No matter how you want to punish me at that time, I will not have any complaints.

But now I am more useful alive than I am dead, so please help me at the end, so that I can play the final meaning for the great revival of the Gongbang Dynasty.

Please use flesh and blood to isolate a place without flames for me, and then send me to the city alive. Please everyone. "

After giving an impassioned speech, Latin immediately threw out his request, put down his figure completely, and bowed deeply to the Burmese ape-man player trapped on the wall.

"Master Wu Laing, you are not to blame for this incident. You also took us to the city wall after receiving the order of Master Wu Sadie. You can only say that this time, the Goddess of Victory was not on our side."

"Master Wu Laing, the brothers in the city still need your command. You must live as long as possible.

If you want us to protect you from the city, just say it, we don't have any complaints. "

"Yes, Lord Wu Laing, we all have a common ideal, and we are all fighting for this common ideal.

Now we just have a different division of labor, so you must not have any psychological burden, do not put too much pressure on yourself, as long as you have a clear conscience. "


Latin's words are very confusing. The Burmese players trapped on the wall not only did not blame him for wanting to survive, but they also comforted him by saying that he should focus on the overall situation and do not have any psychological burden.

Seeing that the group sentiment was available, Latin immediately winked at Della beside him.

After reading Latin's wink, Della immediately shouted: "Warriors of Burma, everyone takes advantage of the stagnant water on the wall now, so quickly wet the body with the stagnant water, and then follow me up to the tower together. ."

After speaking, Della hit a roll directly in the stagnant water under her feet, and then walked straight towards the tower.

Under Della's personal demonstration, the Burmese ape-man players on the city wall followed suit and quickly rolled in the stagnant water, and then followed Della to the top of the tower.

Seeing that there were enough Burmese ape-man players on the top of the tower, Della immediately shouted: "Warriors of Burma, it's time for those Chinese people to take a look at our courage and will.

Listen to my order, in order to reproduce the glory of the Gongbang Dynasty, jump for me! "

"Long live the Gongbang Dynasty, long live Myanmar!"

Following Della's order, the Burmese ape-man players who climbed the tower were excitedly shouting slogans, while quickly approaching the edge of the tower, and then jumped down.

Although Della’s enchantment was very successful, the Burmese ape-man players were not stupid. In fact, the moment they jumped out, they had secretly pressed the suicide button on the attribute panel, and then they became a no-brainer in the air. Any living body.

As a modern person, even if he is a faithful believer, it is not something others can confuse in a few words, not to mention the act of sacrificing oneself into the sea of ​​fire.

The main reason why the Burmese ape-man players on the city wall were bewitched by Latin and Dara’s success was that they simply did not see the hope of being born into the sky.

In addition, there is a more important reason, that is, they are all players and are not afraid of death.

Although jumping into the sea of ​​fire seems to be a self-abuse behavior, as long as the suicide button is pressed quickly, they will not suffer any pain, so they will agree so happily, otherwise it will be Latin to say a flower They won't agree with the flowers.

Of course, for both Della and Latin, whether they are living or dead, as long as they can quickly fall into the sea of ​​fire below the city wall.

As the corpses of a large number of ape-man players fell into the sea of ​​flames, the flames that originally went straight into the sky were immediately suppressed. In the area where the Burmese ape-man players jumped, a small vacuum zone with little flame appeared temporarily.

"Speed, work harder, long live the Gongbang Dynasty, long live Myanmar."

Seeing that an escape passage was about to be formed, Della immediately urged the ape players behind to speed up the jump into the sea of ​​fire.

When the last group of Burmese ape players on the city wall completed a volley jump into the sea of ​​flames, a complete passage without much flame finally appeared in the sea of ​​flames.

Seeing the formation of the passage, Latin and Della looked at each other, then quickly came to the edge of the tower and jumped down.

When Latin and Della jumped into the fire, a team of Burmese ape players holding shields and buckets had also appeared on the other side of the fire.

When the two fire men ran out of the sea of ​​fire one after another, a bucket of ice-cold well water immediately poured on them. At the same time, the shield players immediately protected the two with their shields.

Regarding the actions of Latin and others, whether it was Blood Sky Treasure or Hull and Durham, they could only watch from a distance silently.

The burning flames made it impossible for them to approach the sea of ​​fire. They could only interfere with the actions of Latin and others by shooting arrows from a distance.

In the case that the Burmese ape players had prepared for a long time, the cold arrows they shot were basically blocked by the shield, so in the end they could only watch as the two fire men, Latin and Dera, successfully escaped.

After being extinguished by the ape-man players in the city with the well water, Latin couldn't care about the pain from the flame-burned part. He directly ordered:

"Immediately pass the order and order all the ape-man warriors in the city to immediately enter the building where we store food and prepare to guard the stone house.

Della, you immediately took a team of people to guard the stone houses where the food was stored, and strive to transport a part of the food in the stone houses before the enemy launches an attack and distribute them to the defenders in each stone house.

Duval, take your vanguard to guard the stone hut outside. Be sure to stay in the stone hut. I don’t want to see anyone escape from the stone hut for a while. "

"Master Wu Laing rest assured, I will definitely take good care of those foods for you, and at the same time I won't make any brothers in the stone house hungry."

"Master Wu Laing rest assured, after everyone has entered the stone house for a while, we will never come out unless you call us personally."

Della and Duval took their orders and left.

Immediately afterwards, under the cover of the shield hand, Latin also withdrew smoothly into a huge stone house.

As all the Burmese ape-man players in Daluo City hid in the stone houses, the entire city immediately became quiet again.

If it were not for the raging fire that was burning on the southern city wall and countless dark figures flapping their wings in the night sky, no one would have thought that this humble small city had swallowed countless lives.


"What? Those Burmese guys who attacked the city wall all jumped into the flames and committed suicide. Only two guys who looked like generals escaped?"

When Ning Yuan led more than 2,000 bare-bottomed Monster Race players back near the southern wall of Daluo City, he was immediately enraged by the news.

The Burmese guys trapped on the wall desperately wanted to cover the two generals from going down the city. This was clearly sending a signal to Ning Yuan that they would resist to the end until all of them died in the city of Los Angeles.

And the current situation perfectly confirms this point.

Now all the Burmese ape players in the city are concentrated in a group of buildings near the southern city wall.

They not only occupied all the stone houses in that area, but also blocked a large number of entrances and exits in the stone houses with stones, leaving only one main entrance for entry and exit.

This is not to tell Ning Yuan clearly that they want to guard every stone house, if they are not afraid of excessive casualties, the Condor Army will attack the stone house directly.

"This bunch of cheap @people, since they want to die, then I will fulfill them."

After receiving the affirmation from the courier, Ning Yuan suddenly looked murderous.

Originally, Ning Yuan thought that the ape-man legion in Daluo City would flee directly into the forest on the east and west sides after learning that the main force was defeated.

If they really run away, then Ning Yuan will at best send them a vampire army from time to time to prevent them from escaping into Xishuangbanna, and will not entangle them too much. After all, he has more important things next. To do.

But the ape-man legion in the city not only did not escape, but also put on a posture to defend firmly, which is a bit of a bad idea.

Fighting Los Angeles is very important to Ning Yuan's next actions. If such an enemy ape-man army is still entrenched in the city, then Ning Yuan will definitely be unable to do anything next.

So if you don't want to be dragged on by the enemy, you must clear it as soon as possible, otherwise the group of time bombs hiding in the stone house may run out and make trouble at any time.

"Come here, call me Hull, Durham, and Blood Heaven treasure immediately. I want to know all the information in the city."

Ning Yuan looked at the sea of ​​flames in front of him, gritted his teeth and said.

Following the departure of the messenger soldiers, within a short while, Hull, Du Lun, and Xue Tianbao came close to Ning Yuan.

Looking at the three generals under him, Ning Yuan asked in a deep voice: "Who knows how many enemy ape-man troops are left in the city, it's best to be accurate to a hundred digits."

"Your Majesty, our blood-sucking legion is the first to come back. At that time, the enemies in the inner city were all performing tasks outside, fetching water, fetching water, and borrowing soil.

At that time, I took a cursory look, and there were almost 15,000 or 6,000 people in the city alone.

Only two of the ape-man army trapped by us on the wall escaped alive, and the others were all buried in the flames.

And the ape-man warriors we killed before could have about six to seven hundred people, so there are at least fourteen to five thousand people in the city now! "

In the dark night, the eyesight of the elves was basically for nothing. Ning Yuan’s problem directly caused Hull and Du Lun to stare at each other, so Xue Tianbao, who had excellent night vision ability, could only stand up for Ning Yuan’s confusion. .

Hearing that there were at least 145,000 Burmese ape-man warriors in the city, Ning Yuan's face suddenly darkened.

Fourteen thousand and five thousand people don't sound like a lot at first glance, especially for a powerful empire like the Condor Empire that mobilizes a million troops at every turn, these over 10,000 people are simply not worth mentioning.

As long as Ning Yuan thinks, then the Shenying Empire can send a team of elites to wipe out all the more than 10,000 people.

Because these 10,000 people are really not a lot, and they do not have the elite army of the Condor Empire.

But now more than 10,000 people are hiding in the stone houses in Daluo City.

Faced with the Burmese ape-man legion, whose head was retracted into the tortoise shell and never came out again, there was only one way to defeat them, and that was to smash the tortoise shell and do whatever it wanted.

The solid stone houses in the city are the tortoise shells of the Burmese Ape-Man Legion. It is basically difficult to remove these stone houses without excavators and large forklifts.

Ning Yuan didn't have the time and the patience, so the only way now was to storm every stone house where Burmese ape players were until all the Burmese ape players in the city were killed.

Assaulting the stone house means going hand-to-hand.

This ape-man legion composed of Burmese players is not so elite in Ning Yuan's eyes, but the ape-man clan is known for its characteristics such as good at climbing and strong body, tall and thick, and thick-skinned.

In the small stone hut, the Condor Army who took the initiative to attack must be the one who suffered hand-to-hand combat with these ape-man players.

And now in Da Luocheng, apart from the Windwing Bat Army led by Ding Baocheng, Ning Yuan couldn't find any army that was good at close hand-to-hand combat.

Neither the Silver Pegasus Knights nor the Seraphim Legion can play a small role in this kind of house attack.

So when Latin led the ape-man army to guard every stone house occupied by them, there were not many options left for Ning Yuan.

Either Ning Yuan directly led the demon clan army to launch a night attack, or besieged this lone army in the city until it ran out of ammunition and food.