Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1285: , Defeat the enemy, send the plague god

Withdraw troops now.

   In knee-deep water, it is impossible for them to run better than a mermaid warrior who is good at fighting in the water.

   Even if the water is less than one meter deep, the mermaid warrior can still activate the racial talent of Waterwalker.

   (Waterwalker: The sensitive attributes of the mermaid clan in the water will directly reach the full value of seven stars.)

   choose to continue to fight hard.

   Now the heavy rain is still falling, and there is no sign of stopping, not even abating.

   As the heavy rain continues, the water level of the Salween River will rise higher and higher, and in the end it is very likely that the entire river bank will be submerged.

   In this case, staying is undoubtedly a dead end, and it can even be said to be dead.

   Withdraw now. Although the final result may be that the mermaid army took the opportunity to chase and kill from behind, and finally was completely defeated, there is still hope for some people to escape.

   choose to stay and fight to death, then the result can only be all the deaths in the battle, no one will survive.

   The final results of the two choices are basically the same. The hundreds of thousands of them basically have to explain here, and the Jiangan position will eventually fall into the hands of the Condor Army.

   As the highest commander here, Wu Qian's heart is actually inclined to retreat immediately, because they choose to retreat, they have at least a chance to escape some people.

   But as the highest commander of the Jiangan Garrison Corps who has been given a heavy responsibility, Wu Qiang shoulders the responsibility of defending the soil.

  Although the Jiangan position could not be defended in the absence of support, if they withdrew like this, it would greatly damage the morale of the entire Burma.

   So from the standpoint of a Burmese player, facing the invaders, Wu signed that they should not give up and defend their country with blood and lives.

   Should they play their blood, or should they rationally preserve some of their vitality?

   Looking at the water level rising bit by bit, a fine layer of sweat appeared on the forehead of signed Wu. He was still engaged in a fierce psychological struggle between the two options.


  While Wu Qi was still in a psychological struggle, the song of the Sea-Monster, which was originally melodious, suddenly became more and more high-pitched.

   After feeling the changes in the song of the sea monster, the mermaid warriors who had not taken any action suddenly let out a loud roar in unison, and then killed the Burmese player on the opposite side of the trench.

   At this time, the water level in the trench has already been level with the soil platforms on both sides.

   For the mermaid warriors who have the talent of Waterwalker, trenches filled with water are no different from flat ground. They step on the water as if they step on the flat ground.

   The distance of three meters is only one second.

   Facing the mermaid warrior who stepped on the water suddenly, many Burmese players had no time to react at all, and were directly hit by the mermaid warrior on the hind legs.

   The collision of the mermaid fighters almost used the strength of feeding. They not only knocked down the Burmese players in the front row, but also indirectly knocked down the Burmese players in the back rows.

   Affected by the front comrades, many Burmese players at the rear were directly knocked off the soil platform and fell into the water behind which had no knees.

   The sudden attack of the Mermaid Legion directly made a choice for Wu Sign who was still hesitating just now.

   Seeing that the defensive line on the earth platform was knocked into chaos by the ferocious mermaid fighters in an instant, Wu Jian knew that the situation was over.

   He glanced at the players who were constantly struggling in the water, and then at the players who were shivering with soaking behind him, and he immediately made a decision in his heart.

   "Brothers, let the enemy take a look at our courage, and never retreat!"

After    shouted loudly, Wu Chibian rushed towards a mermaid warrior with his big knife high.

   "Deadly fight and never retreat!"

   "Deadly fight and never retreat!"


   Affected by Wu's sign, the Burmese players, whose morale was about to fall to the bottom, immediately cheered up.

   They don't care about the formation or formation, and they rushed directly to the mermaid fighters who had already killed them.

   If it is on a dry river bank, Burmese players who have already put their life and death out of the question may cause some trouble to the Mermaid Army, after all, where is their number.

   But now their position has become a vast ocean.

   Now that the Salween River, whose water level is soaring, has flooded most of its banks, the water level at their location has already fallen below their knees.

   In such a bad situation, it is very difficult for them to move even if they can't tread water.

   But their opponents, the mermaid fighters, can move freely on the water, just like on land.

   As one ebb and flow, the gap between them was further widened.

   In addition, there is a certain strength gap between them and the mermaid fighters.

   So even if they are more courageous at this time, they still can't change anything.

  Because the morale of the Mermaid Army is even higher than theirs.

   Under the blessing of Siren’s Song, the Mermaid Legion has reached a peak state in terms of morale and strength.

   What's more, Ning Yuan, who has the talent of a conqueror, is behind them.

   With so many blessings, they reached their peak state almost in an instant.

   Such a mermaid army in its peak state, how can a mere improvised player army resist it?

   The hand-to-hand battle between the enemy and us was just a face-to-face encounter, and the Myanmar players whose actions were greatly affected were completely suppressed, and the Myanmar players who were in front began to fall in pieces.

   Their bodies fell into the water, and the blood flowed into the river, mixed with the river water, and soon dyed the surface of the nearby river bright red.

   Following the death of a group of senior Burmese generals including Wu Qiang, the entire Jiangan garrison quickly fell into a state of no command.

   Facing the fierce mermaid warrior, the fighting spirit that Myanmar players had just ignited was quickly exhausted.

   When it was discovered that almost every celebrity fish warrior could have more than one enemy and was very comfortable, some Burmese players at the back immediately stopped moving forward, then turned around and fled.

   Humans are social creatures with blind obedience.

   After seeing someone start to run away, soon others followed suit.

   As the number of people fleeing increased, a big rout began to officially take place.

   Facing the Burmese players who struggled to escape westward in the water, the mermaid warriors immediately showed cruel smiles.

   I saw them walking steadily on the water, and soon they caught up with the Myanmar players who were escaping desperately, and then they picked up the knife and landed cleanly.

   The thing that Wu signed the most worried about still happened, and the seriousness of the matter was more terrible than he thought.

   Sign Wu believes that although the defeat is set, at least a small number of lucky ones will be able to escape.

   However, judging from the current situation on the river bank, I am afraid that no Myanmar player can afford the lucky one.

   They still retreated too late, so that the water level has risen further.

   As the water level continues to rise, their actions in the water will become more and more difficult, but the mermaid fighters are not affected in any way.

   So when they missed the most precious opportunity to retreat, facing the chase of the 200,000 fish army, they could not escape at all.

   This war broke out just after midnight and officially ended at 3:30 in the morning.

  On the bank of the river nearly a hundred miles away, there are river water that has been dyed red and the corpses of Burmese players floating on the water.

   In this battle, with the help of the mighty power of nature, the Condor Army defeated the Burmese Jiangan Defense Army in an absolute crushing situation through unique magical attacks and the innate advantages of the Special Army.

   After the last Burmese player fell into the water with a painful face, the night landing battle officially came to an end.

  As the five hundred dragon warriors stopped casting spells, the heavy rain that had fallen all night finally showed a weakening trend.

   After throwing the corpses of hundreds of thousands of Burmese players into the river, 200,000 fish fighters returned to their battleships one after another, and then quietly waited for the arrival of dawn and sunny days.


   "Damn, what happened?

   Why is the other side of the river so clean suddenly?

   Could it be that there was a flood last night and the Burmese guys on the other side of the river were washed away by the flood? "

   "I don't know, it was windy and rainy last night, I vaguely heard someone singing while I was sleeping, and it was pretty good.

   I wanted to get up and go out to find out, but it was a pity that I was poured back by heavy rain as soon as I arrived at the door.

   Then I went back to bed and slept until dawn. "

   "I also heard someone singing last night, and I also heard a roar. The roar seemed to come from across the river.

   In order to find out, I wore my clothes and went out for a circle.

   As a result, the visibility was too low, and the sky was very dark, so I couldn't see anything.

   Just when I was wandering around the river without giving up, I suddenly heard the sound of killing from the other side of the river.

   Yesterday there were only us, the Condor Army and Myanmar players in this area.

   Now the hundreds of thousands of Burmese players on the other side of the river are all gone, it's impossible for them to disappear for no reason!

   And even if the Salween River flooded last night, there must be a survivor!

   So all this must have an indispensable relationship with the Condor Army. "

   "Is it impossible? Does the Condor Army have the ability to directly make hundreds of thousands of Burmese players disappear overnight?"

"How not.

   Have a look at the magic warships, do you see the mermaid warriors?

  Under the special natural environment, they are invincible.

   And I also saw a few women on a magic battleship yesterday.

   At the time, I was still wondering why there were women on board the Condor Navy?

   If the soldiers on the battleship are hungry, a few women will not be enough for them to toss!

   After your analysis just now, I suddenly figured it out.

   Those women are not ordinary women, but the sacrifices of the mermaid clan.

   The song you heard last night should be the song of the sea monster they sang.

   Great Flood + Song of the Sea Monster, how can those Burmese guys be the opponents of the Mermaid Army?

   So I think that Ning Yuan should have sent a mermaid army to launch a beach landing battle last night.

   With the help of wind, rain, flood, and the song of the sea monster, the mermaid army of the Condor Army wiped out the Burmese guys on the other side of the river. "

   "What about the corpses? You know that those are not a few people, but hundreds of thousands of people. You can never see a corpse!"

  " I ran away!

   Look at the surface of the river. Even the big trees can wash down with this current, let alone some dead bodies.

   I guess, the corpses of those Burmese guys might have floated into the sea by now. "

   "Well, your analysis makes sense."


   Just as early Huaxia players discovered that the Burmese army on the other side of the river had disappeared overnight, when heated discussions began, Ning Yuan rode a Silver Pegasus to the sky above them.

   After clearing his throat, Ning Yuan shouted: "Brothers of China, I sent an army to wipe out the Burmese guys on the other side of the river last night.

   Now a hundred chain-link pontoons leading to the other side of the river have all been erected. As long as you are ready, you can cross the river at any time.

   In order to ensure your logistics work, I have asked each of you to prepare a dry food that can be eaten for seven days.

   After a while, you can go to the one hundred granaries that we open to the outside world to collect. "

   Seeing that the players below were all rushing towards the granary, Ning Yuan hurriedly shouted:

   "Don’t hurry, everyone, listen to me to finish.

Although the hundreds of thousands of Burmese players on the other side of the river have been wiped out by us, there are also a Burmese owl legion and a ground legion in the towns of Menao and Wansen dozens of miles behind the mountain.

   Although their number is not very large, if you pass rashly, it is still easy to suffer.

   So you'd better work out an action plan in a while.

   I believe that as long as you join forces temporarily after crossing the river, the Burmese army in those two towns should not be your opponent.

In order to ensure that you can concentrate on the enemy, when you act, I will also lead the main force of the Condor Air Force to Gangao Town to help you contain the main force of the Burmese owl Well, our office There is only so much that can be done for everyone.

  After crossing the river, what kind of results you can achieve depends on your ability.

   I think everyone is also in a hurry, so I won’t have any ink stains. After an hour, I will formally lead my army to Gangao Town.

   I will be there to contain the main force of their owl army for a day.

   I believe that this time is enough for everyone to defeat the enemies in Menao Town and Wansen Town, and then go further into the hinterland of Burma.

  Finally, I wish everyone can get the results they want and return with a rewarding experience! "

   As Ning Yuan finished speaking, and rode away on the Silver Pegasus, the Chinese players below immediately began to call friends and friends to prepare to cross the river.

   In order to send these Huaxia players away earlier, Ning Yuan directly sent someone to deliver the prepared dry food to some large player teams.

   After receiving the seven days of dry food, those players did not have any ink marks, and directly found the chain bridge closest to them by the river, and then walked directly over.

  As the first player set foot on the land on the other side of the river, soon a dense crowd of Chinese players appeared on the other side of the river.

   After dozens of large teams of Huaxia players assembled, those flying players immediately appeared above their heads.

"Set off!"

   As a player leader yelled out the word "Go", the army and air force regiment consisting of 200,000 ground players and 500,000 flying players officially headed towards Menao Town and Wansen Town.