Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1288: , Many people are cows

Although the Chinese players who came to attack were temporarily grouped together, they were more like a mob than the regular army of players in Myanmar.

   But not only do they have a clear advantage in quantity, they are also no worse than the opposite Myanmar player in terms of quality.

   So although the cooperation between them may not be as good as the Myanmar players on the opposite side, they can use their huge number of advantages to quickly close the gap.

   As for how to smooth it out, is there a more efficient way than rushing up and playing against the enemy?

   Owl fighters are originally a very domineering melee air combat unit. Only in close combat can they display the power of their powerful natural weapons.

  As a melee unit, because they belong to the flying unit, they are very different from those on the ground.

   First of all, they cannot wear heavy armor.

  Because the weight of heavy armor will greatly affect their flight and flexibility.

  As a regular flying unit in the game world, generally speaking, most player lords equip them with some simple and lightweight leather armor.

   Few player lords are willing to use precious Mithril to build their own flying armor.

  Secondly, their power is mainly concentrated on their legs, and the most powerful weapons on their bodies are also growing under their legs.

   Compared with powerful legs, their arms are more like degenerated organs.

   Their legs can easily lift large wild boars weighing hundreds of catties, but their arms can only hold things weighing more than a dozen catties, and their hands cannot use precision weapons such as bows and crossbows.

   So when the owl warriors fight, their hands basically hold shields that don't require much manipulation, and the weapons they use to kill the enemy are the pair of claws that can drive mountains and gravel.

  Because of the special nature of owl warriors, they are destined to be unable to rely on the tight military formations of some ground regiments to fight in the battle.

When    owl warriors are fighting, they rely more on their personal strength, and then keep a certain safe distance from their companions, which can support each other at any time.

   Even though this kind of combat method was not as tight as the military formation on the ground, it still possessed certain offensive and defensive capabilities.

   But when things go bad, they are bad. They are flying arms, and their battlefield is in the sky.

   When the Chinese player's flying coalition just came into contact with the Owl Legion on the Burmese side, they were actually defeated steadily.

   It was the repeated defeats of the Chinese Flying Allied Forces that made Burmese players mistakenly believe that they were a group of vulnerable mobs, so they dared to let the separated owl army completely out of the air battlefield.

   With the successive defeats of the Chinese Flying Allied Forces, the Burmese players who were able to rise up immediately caught up with them without hesitation.

   They wanted to kill this Chinese flying coalition to avenge the annihilation of the Jiangan Garrison Army last night.

   At the beginning, the players of the China Flying Allied Forces were beaten up.

   They lack cooperation and unified command, no matter how hard they try, they cannot withstand the attack of the Burmese Owl Army.

  If the situation continues to develop like this, they might be completely defeated by the Burmese Owl Legion.

   However, it is a pity that when the Myanmar players chased them for more than ten kilometers, they were attacked from a long range on the ground.

  A group of Chinese elves with pointed ears attacked them.

   With their superb archery skills, the Burmese owl players who were caught off guard were shot down by them.

   It is precisely because of this shooting of the Huaxia Elf players that the players of the Huaxia Flying Alliance have won a precious breathing opportunity.

   After the Burmese Owl Legion’s offensive was blocked, the Chinese Flying Allied Forces, which had stabilized their positions, immediately launched a fierce counterattack against the opponent.

   Soon, the two flying legions collided again.

   Despite the collision this time, it is the Burmese owl army that cooperates tacitly that dominates.

   But they had just gained a slight advantage, and they were immediately dissipated by a long-range attack from the ground.

   "You idiots, you have a huge advantage in numbers, and none of you can play it. You are really stupid.

   Stop fighting head-on with those Burmese guys. Their cooperation is ten times better than yours.

   You should launch suicide attacks on those Burmese guys.

   As long as you rush to hug them, so that they can no longer hover in the air, then they are dead.

  Because your battlefield is in the air, if you fall from a high altitude, you will all die forever. "

   It is said that the authorities are fans and the bystanders are clear, and this is also true on the battlefield at this time.

   The players of the China Flying Allied Forces have never figured out why they clearly have the advantage in numbers, but they can't beat the Burmese Owl Legion anyway.

   This makes them feel very embarrassed and anxious.

   However, they can't see the situation clearly, but some players on the ground who have a certain strategic vision can see it very clearly.

   When a player sees them because they have not cooperated, the offense is disorderly and disorderly, so that they cannot play a huge advantage in numbers.

   The player immediately shouted out the tactic he thought of.

   After hearing the shouts from the ground, many players of the China Flying Allied Forces were all taken aback.

   After they looked at their companions, they didn't listen to the arrangement of the shouts, and still carried out the best tactics they believed to be their own way.

   Seeing that no one listened to him, the Chinese player on the ground was suddenly furious.

   He glanced fiercely at the idiots in the sky, and then immediately shouted at the long-range army of elven players:

   "Brothers of the Elf race, don't need to worry about hurting your own people by accident, and shoot me fiercely, because there are more people here than Burmese guys.

   As long as this Burmese owl army is eliminated, we can immediately break through the last line of defense between Menao Town and Wansen Town.

   There are countless Burmese beauties waiting for us to spoil them.

   For those Burmese beauties, for the inexhaustible wealth ahead, shoot me fiercely! "

   The player's speech was very confusing.

   The elf players who were aiming and shooting carefully became bold after hearing his shout.

   They no longer worry about accidentally hurting their own people in the sky. The arrows in their hands are like money-free, and they keep shooting at the scuffled crowd in the sky.

   "Fuck, brothers, the **** below are crazy.

  Since they have ignored it, let's not stretch it.

   I die early and come back early, I don't want to die in my own hands.

   Brothers, in order to prevent that group of **** from stealing all the Burmese beauties, we must rush back as soon as possible.

   Clash with me! "

   After seeing the elven players below start shooting indiscriminately, the flying players in the sky can no longer calm down.

  Although at this time, they really want to turn around and rush down to kill the elven players who are evil-hearted and have broken conscience.

   But the enemy is currently, they can't engage in infighting, and there are many familiar faces in the group of conscientious bastards.

   So they could only curse secretly while launching a suicidal impact on the Burmese player in front.

   Facing the active impact of the Chinese players, the Burmese owl players did not have much room to dodge.

   They can only aim their claws at the Huaxia players who collided at a high speed, hoping to persuade the opponent to retreat and let the opponent rein in the precipice.

   It's a pity that those Huaxia players who rushed to the front are ready to die back.

   are not afraid of death, how can they be persuaded by Myanmar players?

   As the first batch of Chinese players crashed into the eagle-claw array arranged by the Burmese owl army, a shower of blood immediately began to fall on the sky.

Can the sharp claws of the Owl clan be hit with the flesh?

   The players of the China Flying Allied Forces gave everyone a lively practical lesson with practical actions.

   corpses and blood rain are the best proof.

   However, these Chinese Flying Alliance players are not dead in vain.

   Their successful impact brought great damage to the formation of the Burmese owl army.

   Due to their strong impact, many Burmese owl players were knocked back a short distance.

   It was this small distance that successfully opened the prelude to the destruction of the Burmese owl army.

   Taking advantage of the moment when the Burmese owl players retreated backwards and temporarily lost their balance, the Chinese players who followed the first batch of Chinese flying coalition players immediately rushed to their respective targets in front.

   They used the opportunity of the Burmese owl player's body to lose balance, flexibly avoided the opponent's sharp eagle claws, and then directly pounced on the opponent's body, and hugged the opponent firmly with their arms.

   If the scene at this time were to take place on the ground, then it is still unknown who wins and loses, because the enemy and the enemy are about to compete in power.

   However, the scene at this time took place at an altitude of tens of meters.

   After the soldiers from both sides of the enemy are entangled tightly, no one can continue to float in the air.

   So while the enemy and us were competing, they quickly fell to the ground.

   Do free fall from an altitude of tens of meters, unless there is a deep water area below, or there is a dense tree canopy to buffer, the result of a direct fall is nine deaths.

   The current situation is that the Chinese players and the Myanmar players are tightly hugging each other. They are still attacking each other during the process of falling to the ground, and no one has the opportunity to make adjustments.

   So, they were like a rock thrown from the air, and slammed on the ground.

   At the moment of collision with the ground, whoever is underneath is dead.

   If two people's bodies touch the ground at the same time, they will still be dead.

   There is only one person below, and when one person is above, the one above may not be killed.

   But even if the person above was not thrown to death, the huge impact and counter-shock force still caused huge damage to his body.

   may fracture all over the body at the slightest degree, and may rupture the five internal organs.

   after falling to the ground.

   If it is a Huaxia player who survives in the end, then the life or death is up to the Huaxia player to decide.

  If it is the Myanmar players who survived in the end, then a group of Chinese players will rush over and hack them to death.

  Don't get me wrong, this group of Huaxia players who rushed past didn't want to avenge their dead companions.

   In fact, they rushed to grab the merits.

  In the eyes of Chinese players, every Burmese player or aboriginal Burmese is a piece of military exploits that can be moved.

   The accumulation of military exploits has nothing to do with the number of their deaths.

   No matter how many times they die in battle, as long as they can obtain enough combat exploits, they can exchange for a weapon as a reward from Ning Yuan.

   What is easier than making up a knife?

   That is to make up for an enemy who has temporarily lost the ability to move.

   When the Chinese flying player and the Burmese owl warrior fell to the ground together.

   In the eyes of Huaxia players, it is equivalent to having countless military exploits falling from the sky.

   So they didn't care if they would be unlucky enough to be hit by the pond fish. They all carried their knives and started looking for the undead Burmese owl players to make up the knife.

   Seeing those melee players carrying knives frantically harvesting exploits below the battlefield, the elf players who were responsible for long-range attacks on the side could not calm down immediately.

   Seeing that their own combat exploits were divided away by other players, they no longer cared about the tingling of their arms, and they all immediately accelerated the frequency of shooting, hoping to harvest as much combat exploits as possible.

   Battle exploits gave the Chinese players greater motivation, and at the same time accelerated the demise of the Burmese owl players.

   Facing more and more crazy Chinese players, and more and more Chinese players, after the Burmese owl army lost most of its troops, they finally couldn't sustain it.

   After knowing that they were lost, some of the Burmese owl players who did not want to die in this battle chose to flee in the direction of Gangao Town.

Their escape did not matter, it immediately caused a chain reaction. Many unidentified Burmese owl players also followed them and flew towards Gangao Seeing that their companions suddenly escaped, and those are still there. The Burmese Owl players who fought with the Chinese players suddenly stopped doing it.

   Why do I fight to the death here, and you just turned around and fled?

   I want Lao Tzu to give you the queen, no way.

   Based on the notion that everyone should die together, and everyone should escape together, more and more Myanmar players have joined the fleeing team.

   So only a moment later, this Burmese owl army, which was still pressing the Chinese flying coalition forces, was directly defeated.

   After discovering that the enemy had begun to flee, the players of the China Flying Allied Forces immediately chased them up.

  The Burmese owl players who escaped are a piece of feat for them.

   In order to be able to obtain the final reward weapon, they will not miss any opportunity to obtain military exploits.

   So they kept chasing until they could no longer catch up with the enemy in front of them before they had to stop chasing.

   The fiasco in the sky battlefield was a bolt from the blue for the ground battlefield that had just launched a counterattack.

   After discovering that the black and crushing Chinese flying coalition forces were pressing down from the sky, many Burmese players showed desperate expressions on their faces.

   After the breath that the Burmese players just mentioned disappeared, at this time, both in terms of numbers and morale, they are all at an absolute disadvantage.

   So, except for some of the Burmese owl players who saw the opportunity faster to escape, all the other Burmese players became a dead body on the ground.