Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1416: , the whole country's cavalry rescue

"This bastard."

Seeing Ilhan directing the rhythm to himself, Joseph couldn't help but curse.

After taking a deep breath, Joseph looked at everyone and said calmly: "The vanguard of our European coalition has just arrived in the Karapotak area, which is more than 600 kilometers away from Rezkazgan in a straight line.

If we march from Karapotak to Rezkazgan, the Condor Empire will surely send a large army of centaurs to hinder our advance.

The distance of more than 600 kilometers is likely to be a road of death for us. Even if we can finally break through the blockade of the Condor Empire and get to Rezkazgan, it will probably be half a year later.

Right now, the situation on His Excellency Ibn's side is precarious, let alone half a year, even two or three months may be a bit long. So if all your hopes are pinned on us, then what everyone is waiting for is likely to be disappointment.

It's not that I don't want to take on this responsibility, but it's really beyond my reach! "

After speaking, Joseph sighed heavily, his face full of helplessness and regret.

Seeing Joseph's constant complaints there, Irfan curled his lips in disdain and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Joseph, the straight-line distance of more than 600 kilometers is indeed a huge and insurmountable moat on the Kazakh Khanate.

However, this was limited to infantry who traveled on two legs.

There is almost no natural danger in the Kazakh Khanate, which is very suitable for large-scale cavalry operations.

If you, Your Excellency Joseph, are willing to organize a cavalry regiment to rescue the trapped Central Asia and Middle East coalition forces, you will be able to get there in just over half a month.

As for the question that the Condor Empire will definitely send a centaur army to intercept you, I think as long as you have enough cavalry, the enemy will never dare to confront you.

Now the only one who can send troops to rescue the trapped Central Asia and Middle East coalition forces is in your direction, so whether to save them or not, and how many cavalry troops to send to rescue are entirely up to you. "

After speaking, Ilhan smiled again at Joseph and other European player representatives, and the expression seemed to say that you don't want to stay out of the world this time.

"This **** Asan."

Looking at Ilhan who had to drag himself into the water, Joseph was so angry that he wished he could strangle him to death.

However, facing the numerous player representatives in the conference room at this time, he is not easy to attack, so he can only bury this anger deep in his heart, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge in the future.

Seeing that Joseph did not refute Ilhan's remarks, Ibn Haidar immediately said while the iron was hot: "Your Excellency Joseph, now the three of us are comrades in the same boat, once the boat sinks, no one will be spared. .

I also know that the cavalry of the Condor Empire is very powerful, but the more than one million elites we are trapped in are too important.

Without these elite troops, we will not be able to recover for at least 20 years.

Ning Yuan has always liked to take advantage of a life-threatening illness, and he would never miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So if you don't want to see Central Asia and the Middle East fall one after another, then you must find a way to rescue us.

Because of the geographical location on the Indo-China Peninsula, they definitely have no choice.

As for our base camp, because of the loss of the Amu Darya line, it is difficult to provide support in a short period of time.

So now the only one who can effectively support our lone army is only you, the Ross.

I know that it is really embarrassing for you to send too many cavalry to rescue us all at once, but if the number of cavalry is too small, let alone rescue us, it is very likely that you will not even see us. The cavalry sent by the Condor Empire had already been wiped out on the way.

If you don't come to rescue us, then the Condor Empire will not only re-occupy the entire Kazakh Khanate, but will also quickly conquer the countries that have lost their troops one by one.

At that time, you will not only spit out the occupied West Kazakhstan region, but also face the sea, land and air attack of the Condor Empire.

Can you defend the vast Ural River valley?

Can you defend the long coastline of the Caspian Sea?

If the Condor Empire sent a flying army to launch a surprise attack from the Greater Caucasus Mountains, what would you use to defend it?

Obviously, once we are finished, then you Russ will border a large area with the Condor Empire. How many troops will you have to deploy on the border to prevent it from being invaded by the Condor Empire?

And with the current strength of the Condor Empire, can you resist the full-scale invasion of the Condor Empire by yourself?

The answer is obvious. Without our restraint, you would not be able to defend the plains of Eastern Europe.

So if you don't want to face the mighty Condor Empire alone, then rescuing us is your only option now, and you must rescue us successfully.

Once the rescue fails, then one of these people here will count as one, and destroying the country is just a matter of playing a day earlier.

Your Excellency Joseph, my remarks may sound harsh, but they are all from the bottom of my heart and do not mean any threat, so please do not misunderstand.

I also know that it will be very difficult for you to organize a huge cavalry army to rescue us in a short period of time, so we are also very willing to provide you with some help within our ability, such as money or something.

The help we can provide in other areas may be very limited, but as long as it is a problem that can be solved with money, it is definitely not a problem. As long as you speak, we will immediately call you the money. "

Ibn Haidar knew that it would be difficult to get Joseph to submit, so he first adopted a coercion strategy, emphasizing their importance to the surrounding area of ​​the Caspian Sea, and then adopted a bait strategy, indicating that they were willing to pay a lot of money to reward the European players coalition. of rescue.

Facing Ibn Heydar's coercive tactics, Joseph frowned.

He knew very well that there was no exaggeration in what Ibn Heydar said, because he knew too well how difficult it was to train an elite army.

If you want to have an elite army, you must first have enough soldiers, and then you can select the group of people with the best physical fitness and personal strength.

If there is no good source of soldiers, then it is just wishful thinking to form an elite army.

After selecting a group of the best soldiers, the next step is to tailor a batch of advanced weapons and equipment for them according to the characteristics of their arms.

Only the best weapons and equipment can enable these excellent soldiers to exert their strongest combat effectiveness, so often the weapons and equipment of an elite army can drag across some small countries.

Although Joseph did not personally experience the true strength of the millions of elite troops gathered by Ibn Heydar and others.

But from how many times they fought against the elite legions of the Condor Empire and only lost tens of thousands of people, it can be seen that these troops are not only strong, but also very well equipped.

If all these million elites are really damaged in the territory of the Kazakh Khanate, then Ibn Haidar and others will be severely damaged for a long time.

Because if you want to rebuild an elite army, it will take a long time to select the source of soldiers, and it is even more unknown whether you can gather the sophisticated weapons and equipment of the armed army.

Because for some small countries, they are likely to need many years of accumulation to form an elite army.

Once lost, they haven't been able to recover for decades, and even if there is no outside help, they are likely to be stunned.

So Ibn Haidar's rhetoric is not an alarmist, but a statement of a fact that no one wants to see.

If they really lost all the elites this time, then with Ning Yuan's greedy character, he would definitely take advantage of the situation to capture the entire Central Asia and the Middle East.

In the face of an aggressive country like the Condor Empire, no country is willing to directly border it, not to mention the thousands of kilometers of borders from north to south.

When he thought of the long border line that stretched for thousands of kilometers from the Ural Mountains to the Caspian Sea and the Greater Caucasus Mountains, Joseph suddenly became one big and two big.

If this border line really becomes a reality, then they don't want to recapture the lost Siberia and the Far East, and even defending the remaining Eastern European plains may be an extravagant hope, so he must stop this. occurrence of a situation.

Thinking of this, Joseph immediately said to Ibn Heydar: "His Excellency Ibn, I definitely want to rescue you unconditionally, but I can only represent our Rus, not other Eastern European countries, so please Please wait a moment and allow me to discuss it with the representatives of players from other countries."

Hearing Joseph's remarks, Ibn Haydar was relieved for a moment, he smiled and said to Joseph: "Your Excellency Joseph, then I will trouble you.

One thing I need to reiterate, if you need money, please be polite, as long as we can take it out, then we will never frown. "

"Okay, please wait a moment."

After nodding to Ibn Heydar, Joseph immediately began to connect with the player leaders of several other countries in Eastern Europe.


After about half an hour or so, Joseph finally raised his head.

He glanced at the others in the conference room, then smiled at Ibn Heydar and said, "His Excellency Ibn, after my efforts to communicate, all the Eastern European countries that finally participated in this battle are willing to send all their cavalry troops. to rescue you.

In order to ensure the success rate of the rescue, this time we really are the cavalry of the whole country.

Not only that, we will also bring a large number of war horses to cooperate with this thousand-mile rescue.

Equip each cavalry with two or three warhorses.

Although I can't give an accurate figure yet, the number of pure cavalrymen participating in this rescue will be at least 500,000 people, and the number of war horses is conservatively estimated to be more than 1.5 million.

With such a large-scale cavalry corps dispatched, no matter whether this rescue is successful or not, we will be greatly injured, because our cavalry army will definitely have countless battles with the cavalry army of the Condor Empire.

Of course, we will do our best to rescue you, but everyone knows how powerful the cavalry of the Condor Empire is, so we cannot guarantee that the rescue will be successful.

I also know that it is not appropriate to ask everyone for compensation at this moment. As allies, we Roth players have no face to ask for any compensation from everyone.

But this time, the cavalry was sent to participate in the rescue operation not only by our Roth players, but also by players from other countries.

For those small player forces, a few hundred cavalry is already their entire family.

If all these hundreds of cavalry were killed, they would immediately become paupers.

For the sake of the overall situation, they are willing to give all their wealth to help us, and we can't let people go bankrupt because of us, right?

So I hope that after I count a specific list of troops, no matter whether the rescue operation is successful or not, you can give those players a certain amount of compensation according to the loss, so as to avoid letting them become nothing. "

After finishing speaking, Joseph looked directly at Ibn Haidar and other player leaders in the Middle East, because they were the only ones in the conference room who were really good at money.

"Your Excellency Joseph, first of all, on behalf of the Central Asia and Middle East coalition forces, I would like to thank you for your perseverance.

Secondly, I want to say that we will never leave those friends who really help us empty-handed.

Sir Joseph, I hope you can send someone to count the number of cavalry and horses in detail.

No matter what the final rescue result is, after the war, we will give some financial compensation to those who helped us according to the actual number of losses.

Whether it is the loss of a knight or a we will compensate.

So please tell those friends, let them not have any worries, let them send as many cavalry as possible to participate in this rescue operation, as long as it is a problem that can be solved with money, it must not be a problem. "

Ibn Haidar patted his chest heavily to show his sincerity and determination.

Although Ibn Haidar did not give a specific amount of compensation, Joseph knew that these oil guys were really not bad.

Money is a string of numbers to them, and they care more about their own face.

So as long as they agreed, there would never be any financial problems in the end.

So Joseph immediately nodded towards Ibn Heydar and assured: "Please rest assured, I will try to lead as many cavalry as possible to rescue you."
