Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1437: , a new promotion strategy

Persia and Afghanistan are the two toughest bones in the Middle East.

Most of the entire Persian territory is located on the Persian plateau.

The Persian Plateau is full of mountains and rivers and canyons, and its unique subtropical arid and semi-arid climate makes it difficult for people from other places to adapt to it for a while.

Compared with the rugged Persia, the terrain in Afghanistan is more complex and steep.

In the whole of Afghanistan, 63% of the land is high mountains, and 27% of the country is above 2500 altitude. In the ancient times when agriculture was the mainstay, there was no barren land at all.

Afghanistan is very rich in mineral resources, and the reserves of copper, iron and coal are among the top in the world.

However, the ore in Afghanistan is not so easy to mine, and not everyone can covet, because it has the reputation of the cemetery of the empire, and many military powers have turned over in Afghanistan.


After Guli Muhartov of Turkmenistan voluntarily gave up the remaining territory, the Condor Emperor ** team located in the Amu Darya Valley logically occupied the entire territory of Turkmenistan.

After occupying the entire territory of Turkmenistan, the two plateau countries of Persia and Afghanistan to the south of the Great Wall of Despair stood in the way of the James army.

Facing these two countries on the plateau, and facing the Great Wall of Despair that traverses the east and west, even James, who has always been able to fight well, didn't know for a while what to choose as his main attack point.

Persia and Afghanistan.

Afghanistan's comprehensive strength is weaker, and it is relatively easier to break through.

However, there are too many mountains in Afghanistan. In the absence of the air force, the army of the Condor Empire cannot be effectively deployed.

There are many fortresses in Afghanistan now. As long as there are dangerous places with water sources, Afghan players have built large and small passes there.

In the face of Afghanistan, which is full of mountains and fortresses, once the army of the Condor Empire goes deep, it is likely to get lost in the mountains and castles.

If the most stupid method is used to remove the fortresses in Afghanistan one by one, then after occupying the whole of Afghanistan, time will probably pass for a long time.

That is to say, if Afghanistan is chosen as the main breakthrough point, then the army under James's command is likely to fight a long and tough battle there.


Although the military strength of Persia is much stronger than that of Afghanistan, and the plateau terrain in Persia is also dominated, the terrain in Persia is much gentler than 63% of the mountains in Afghanistan.

The main mountain ranges in Persia are concentrated in the southwest region, and only the outer mountain range where the Great Wall of Despair is located in the north.

As long as the Eagle Empire's army can break through the Great Wall of Despair, then most of Persia will immediately fall under the shroud of the Eagle Emperor's army.

That is to say, in the face of the southern attack of the Condor Empire, Persia now has only the Great Wall of Despair left to defend.

Obviously, the Persian players are also very aware of this, so they not only transferred all their country's major troops to the back of the Great Wall of Desperation, but also arranged the troops supported by other countries in the entire Middle East there.

The situation is now very clear. If James wants to attack Persia, what they need to face is the main force of Persia and the coalition forces in the Middle East.

If James wants to attack Afghanistan, the Condor Army only needs to face the local army in Afghanistan, because the Middle East coalition did not send troops to support Afghanistan. ωwww.8⑦7zω.còΜ

Facing the two extremes of one east and one west, James did not make a blind decision. He continued to increase troops towards the Amu Darya while taking time to meet with Ning Yuan in Bukhara City, which had restored the teleportation function.


In a mansion in Bukhara, after listening to James' detailed report on the southern front, Ning Yuan did not rush to express his opinion, but asked with a serious face: "James, where do you personally prefer to attack? "

"Your Majesty, although Afghanistan seems to be easier to attack, I am more inclined to attack Persia.

Because the terrain in Afghanistan is so bad, it is difficult for our army to play 100% of its strength there.

I think the best tactic for attacking Afghanistan is to capture the surrounding countries first, then launch a full-scale attack on it from all directions, defeat the main force with lightning speed, and not give the opponent more time to retreat. "

Seeing Ning Yuan asking, James immediately expressed his opinion.

After listening to James' analysis, Ning Yuan asked with a smile, "James, have you never thought that Afghanistan is likely to be deliberately exposed by the enemy to lure us to attack?"

"Your Majesty, are you saying that Afghanistan is actually a bait, the enemy deliberately placed all the troops in Persia, just to take the initiative to lead us to attack Afghanistan?

But what is the purpose of the enemy doing this? Are they just trying to stall for time? "

Hearing what Ning Yuan said, James was suddenly surprised, because if the enemy really used Afghanistan as a bait, he really couldn't figure out what it could do except delay time.

Because under the investigation of the Seraph scouts, it was impossible for the enemy to set up an ambush to attack the Condor Army.

Ning Yuan knew that the reason why James thought so was mainly because James still didn't know about the players of the beautiful country and the Principality of Ram.

These things that only players can know, Ning Yuan is not going to explain to James in detail.

After thinking for a while, Ning Yuan said: "James, we can leave Afghanistan alone for the time being, you just need to concentrate on attacking the Persian country.

I've just received some secret information that the enemy has paid a lot of money to hire a professional army in other areas to come against us.

It will take some time for this batch of professional troops to complete the assembly. Your next main task is to use this time to advance as far south as possible, preferably to be able to advance here. "

Saying that, Ning Yuan's finger landed on the two river basins marked on the strategic map.

"After advancing to the Mesopotamia, it doesn't matter whether you can quickly occupy all of them, but you have to take all of them for me. Our naval fleet needs to have a naval base here that can be docked at any time."

After all, Ning Yuan pointed his finger at Khomeini Port in the Persian Gulf.

After listening to the strategic deployment given by Ning Yuan, James frowned immediately. He stared at the strategic topographic map for a while, and then analyzed with a serious expression:

"Your Majesty, if you move southward according to your strategic deployment, it will probably require more troops to complete it.

You see that the northernmost point of Persia is Azerbaijan and Armenia, the powerful Ottoman Turkey to the northwest, Iraq to the southwest, and many other Middle Eastern countries to the southwest of Iraq.

To the east of Gubo Persia are two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Judging from the current situation, when we conduct large-scale military operations in Persia, there is a high probability that these countries adjacent to Persia will intervene.

As a result, we need to send a lot of troops to confront the troops sent by these countries, and at worst, we have to station some important traffic roads to block the troops of these countries in the peripheral areas.

I made a rough calculation just now. If we go all the way south without occupying Afghanistan and Pakistan, then we have to reinforce at least one million troops to the front line.

Your Majesty, is it worth it just to occupy an outlet to the sea? "

Obviously, James does not agree with Ning Yuan's strategy.

Looking at James with a serious look, Ning Yuan said in a deep voice, "It's worth it.

James, you look at the southwestern part of Persia, a Khrud mountain range, a Zagros mountain range.

These two mountains and the Caspian Sea directly separate the Persian plateau from the southwestern region.

The passages in these two mountains are dangerous places, and if the enemy reinforcements occupy these places, then these two mountains will once again become a barrier to prevent us from going south.

Since the passages in these two mountains are easy to defend and difficult to attack, why don't we take the lead and take it into our own hands?

If the two mountain ranges are completely in our own hands, then we can take the initiative in the war, so that we can attack and defend.

As for the port of Khomeini that I asked you to occupy, the main reason is that sea transportation is more convenient and faster than land transportation.

With the port of Khomeini, our naval fleet can **** the transport fleet to continuously transport food and grass resources.

In this way, the long-standing problem of laborious logistics and transportation on the plateau can be perfectly solved. "

"Your Majesty, this is the truth, but the entire lower reaches of the Tigris River is a great plain without danger.

If we just stay here and don't move forward, the enemy will surely concentrate superior forces to attack here.

As a result, we need to deploy more troops here to defend.

And Your Majesty, have you ever thought that the food and grass materials transported from the ocean can only be supplied to the army in the plains, we can't in turn transport the food and grass materials to the Persian plateau, after all, there are two huge mountain ranges between the two. Woolen cloth?

So I think that if your Majesty has no plans to continue marching to the southwest in a short period of time, then it would be better for us not to enter the plains easily.

Because there is no danger in the plains, if we want to stand in the plains, we need to arrange more troops there.

I think it's a huge waste to have a large number of troops deployed there to defend just for the sake of a seaport.

Your Majesty, I think this strategy of yours is a bit too aggressive, because according to your line of thinking, our front will be drawn longer and longer.

It is a very risky act to stretch the front so long with some unconquered regions and countries behind.

Once the war in the front does not progress very smoothly, and the rear is frequently harassed, then the situation is likely to gradually develop in a direction unfavorable to our army.

Your Majesty, although we are strong and strong, the more time this happens, the less we can make any mistakes.

Because once we are defeated, the morale of the enemy will be restored in an instant.

Now we have finally beaten the enemy to the point of no morale, and we must not give them any chance to turn over!

I think we can occupy the two mountains in the southwest of Persia, but it is not suitable for us to attack the plains of the Mesopotamia.

We should first defend the main traffic routes in those two mountains, and then concentrate on attacking Afghanistan and Pakistan, and then take Yindu and the entire Indochina Peninsula.

After taking the entire Indochina Peninsula, our naval fleet can keep advancing along the coastline.

At that time, we will be able to advance by sea and land and launch a full-scale attack on the Mesopotamia and the Arabian Peninsula.

With the enemy's territory and country in the rear, I don't think we should go too far into the enemy's territory. "

After listening to James' detailed analysis, Ning Yuan suddenly got into trouble.

James' analysis is very reasonable, so that Ning Yuan can't pick out any faults.

But the problem now is that Ning Yuan has already agreed to Li Tianqi to support the Principality of Ram, and this promotion strategy he formulated is also to echo the Eagle Emperor team that will be stationed in the Principality of Ram in the future.

If James's plan is adopted, then the northern theater is indeed much safer, but the Principality of Ram is in danger.

Because Ning Yuan wanted the main purpose of Khomeini Port to support the Principality of Ram from the sea, and by the way, he could enter the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers to deter Iraqi players.

If it is impossible to station troops in Khomeini Port, Ning Yuan will have to find a port for the naval fleet of the Condor Empire to call at any time elsewhere.

After scanning the map for a long time, Ning Yuan's eyes stopped at Bandar Bandar Abbas in the Strait of Hormuz.

"A Persian army of 200,000 people has been stationed there for a long time in the Bandar Bandar region. It is very difficult to conquer Bandar Bandar Abbas from the sea when the flying corps cannot be dispatched."

Soon, detailed information about Bandar Abbas emerged in Ning Yuan's mind.

After making a careful comparison with Khomeini Port, Ning Yuan said to James: "I can give up the occupation of Khomeini Port, but you must take down Bandar Abbas for me.

There are 200,000 elite Persian troops stationed there, and Arab countries such as Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar on the opposite side can reinforce Bandar Abbas by sea at any time.

And we can't give you any support at sea until there is no naval base that you can dock, so you will have a very difficult battle in this battle. "

After that, Ning Yuan looked at James solemnly. From his expression, it could be seen that what he said was not a suggestion, but a direct order, and there was no room for negotiation.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that after I lead the army to invade the Great Wall of Despair, I will definitely take Bandar Abbas to you as soon as possible."

Although I don't know why Ning Yuan is so persistent in occupying a seaport first, James did not bargain this time, he directly gave his guarantee.

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This time, Tang San's grasp of time, location, and distance was very precise.

He knew very well that even if he possessed the unique skills of the Tang Sect, he also possessed a third-order Xuan Tiangong cultivation. However, the wolf demon is talented and strong, and if he is facing the enemy, he may not be an opponent. Especially since he is young and lacks qi and blood, he will definitely not be able to fight for a long time. If it weren't for the transformation of a human to kill a wolf demon, he might not be able to take action in the face of two third-order wolf demons, and his own life is the most important thing.

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However, once he makes a move, he must hit it.

The wolf demon was in a state of extreme anger at this time, so he didn't realize it until Tang San's palm slapped the side of his eyes. Turning his head sharply, the wolf's mouth went straight to Tang San to bite.

Tang San's other hand grabbed his clothes at this moment, using the convenience of his small size, he pulled the wolf's fur and changed his direction. The position that was almost close to the third-order wolf demon's chest was flipped to the other side of the wolf demon.

The index finger and **** of the right hand were combined into sword fingers, and Xuanyu's hand urged, causing the **** to flash with a pure white jade color, piercing the eyes of the wolf demon who was turning back like lightning. 818 Novels

"Pfft!" The slender fingers were almost instantly warmed. In terms of physical strength, Tang San was definitely far inferior to this third-order wolf demon, but he was hit to the point, and with the same level of energy, he would never be able to do it again. There is no fluke.

Under the injection of Xuan Yu's hand, Xuan Tian Gong was almost spun into the wolf demon's brain. So that the other eye of the wolf demon also burst open in an instant, and the brain has been twisted into a mess. The roar came to an abrupt end as if the neck was stuck, and the strong body also fell to the ground.

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Tang San kicked his toes on him, turning over and landing in a far place.

This blow can have such a result, or the rich combat experience in the previous life helped him. The child's thin body and the dark night are the best cover. In addition, the third-order wolf demon is in a rage, and the perception is weakened.

In a head-to-head confrontation, Tang San's mysterious jade hand might not be able to break through the thick skin of the wolf demon. However, the eyes are the most vulnerable places. If the eyes are pierced and injected with Xuantian energy, the dead can no longer die.

Both feet landed, and the third-order wolf demon on the other side had also stopped moving. Tang San breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't rush to check the human, but quickly lay down on the ground. He pressed his ears to the ground, listening to the surrounding movement to see if there were any chasing soldiers.

With his current strength, it is difficult to face the third-order wolf demon head-on. No matter how good his skills are, his young body is too weak. Once hit by a wolf demon, it is likely to be fatal. In the seemingly simple attack just now, he actually went all out to raise his spiritual will to the highest level.

There was no other movement around. Obviously, there were only two third-order wolf monsters who were chasing and killing those who could transform into humans. This also made Tang San heave a sigh of relief, otherwise, he would have to choose to escape.

Only then did he walk towards the human being, while remaining vigilant.

When he came to the man, he immediately found that the hair that had grown on the man had disappeared. Tang San's heartbeat couldn't help but increase a bit.

Given his childhood situation, and the fact that he was not related to the man who turned into a human, the safest way to do this was to wait for the wolf demon to leave. But he still chose to take action. One is that the people being hunted down are humans. Another important reason is his just transformation.

In Tang San's original Douluo Continent world, there was a kind of spirit master with a beast spirit, capable of possessing similar abilities. You can also grow and become stronger by cultivating the beast spirit.

If there is a similar ability in this world, for him, if he can learn it, it will naturally be of great benefit to his own strength improvement, and it will be easier to integrate into this world!

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