Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1439: , Sunrise in the north and rain in the s

After encountering serious obstacles in attacking Guchang County, James, who did not give up, quickly led an army to the periphery of Salahs City.

Facing the nine-square grid-shaped defensive position on the periphery of Salahs City, James sent people to test one by one.

When all the results were summed up to him one by one, in the end he could only frown and lead the army out again.

Regarding the nine prohibitions contained in the Nine Forbidden Stones, James has encountered three so far, namely, forbidden air, forbidden gold, and forbidden water.

Although James didn't have too many clues about the other six bans, these three bans already gave him some headaches.

The forbidden air field directly prevented the most powerful air force of the Condor Empire from participating in the war.

The forbidden gold field directly abolished the superiority of the Eagle Emperor team in weapons and equipment.

The forbidden water area forced the condor empire's army to be careful about every deep water in Persia.

If you come across a big river like the Atrak River, you have to be careful even when building a bridge.

Now there are only three forbidden areas, and if there are some other forbidden areas nearby, the situation will become more complicated.

From the current point of view, Salahs City, which has a nine-grid defense system, is more difficult to attack, because if you want to attack Salahs City, the Eagle Emperor team responsible for the siege must first attack and occupy the same direction. of three grids.

If the moat near the city wall has a forbidden water area, and there is a forbidden gold area above the city wall, then the difficulty of sieging the city will be further increased, because before the condor army attacked the city mainly rely on the high-altitude fire of the Cloud Army.

When somersault cloud army's long-range attack fails, the only way is to send melee troops to the city to fight hand-to-hand.

Although the defenders on the city wall could not use any metal weapons at this time, they could use pure wooden weapons such as stones and sticks to defend against the enemy.

Although their own somersault cloud legion can also carry some stones to launch air strikes on the enemy on the city wall, but they still have to be deprived of all metal-containing weapons and equipment when they enter the forbidden gold field from the air.

Let the somersault cloud army disarm and throw high-altitude throwing over the enemy?

Not to mention how the throwing effect is, the pitiful load capacity of somersault cloud, I am afraid most of the time has to be spent on the way to repeatedly load stones.

Therefore, once the long-range attack of the Somersault Cloud Legion is abolished, the advantages of the city wall and the advantage of the defensive side of the city will be revealed all at once.

The city of Sarakhs is just on the way to enter the Persian plateau from outside the Great Wall of Despair. If the army of the Eagle Empire wants to penetrate the Persian plateau, it must first break the city of Sarakhs, otherwise the logistics supply line will face risk of being cut off at any time.


Compared with Sarahes City, although the number of enemy troops in the Guchang area is larger, the strategic depth there is also greater.

Even if Guchang City is as easy to defend and difficult to attack as Sarahes City, as long as the army of the Condor Empire can successfully cross the Atlak River, they will have a chance to break it in a short period of time.

Because many of the enemy troops on the south bank of the Atlak River still normally hold metal weapons such as swords, which means that the forbidden gold area only exists on the north bank of the Atlak River, and the south bank is completely normal.

This can also be seen from the layout of the enemy near Guchang City.

There is a bridge on the north bank where the 10,000 powerful orc troops are stationed, and on the south bank at the other end of the bridge is a dense alliance of enemies. The closer the camp to the bridge, the more powerful orc warriors there are.

Clearly, the 10,000-strong orc army on the north shore was a bait.

The enemy's goal was to use this ten thousand orc army as a bait to seduce the Condor Empire to send the orc army into the forbidden gold area to start a hand-to-hand battle with them.

Once the orc army on the north bank is overwhelmed, the orc army on the south bank will immediately support the north bank through the bridge.

In this way, if James wants to go to the south bank, he must defeat all the orc armies on the south bank, otherwise he can only lead the army to stay on the north bank, because under the circumstance that the Atrak River has become a weak water, the Condor Army It is basically impossible to cross the river anywhere else.

The small army may not be able to defend the Persian army, but the main army must build bridges to cross the river.

When you build the bridge, the Persian cavalry on the south bank has already been killed, so if you want to cross the river, you must take the only bridge in Guchang City.

Although the Condor Army is not afraid of taking off all equipment and fighting to the flesh, James does not want to engage in such a battle with the enemy, because this is simply a trap set by the enemy.

The enemy's intention is obvious. They just want to use the forbidden air field to erase the superiority of the Condor Empire's weapons and equipment, and then use the advantage in quantity to consume the effective strength of the Condor Empire in the Middle East.

The reason why the various armies of the Condor Empire can be invincible in Central Asia and the Middle East is not only the strength of the soldiers themselves, but also the advantages of weapons and equipment is one of the very important reasons.

If the soldiers of the orc army were to remove all their weapons and equipment, their advantage would be wiped out a lot at once.

In addition, the enemy dispatched are also powerful orc warriors. In terms of physical fitness, the orc warriors of the Condor Empire are not much stronger than the other orc warriors.

Therefore, once the fist-to-meat hand-to-hand combat is really fought, even if the Condor Empire can defeat the enemy, the final result is likely to hurt the enemy by one thousand and lose eight hundred.

This kind of war of attrition to lose both sides is undoubtedly the greater loss for the Eagle Empire, which takes the elite line, so it is not a last resort, otherwise James will not choose to fight this self-destructing war of attrition with the enemy.


If you don't want to fight a war of attrition, you have to find another way. James soon thought of a good way to quickly defeat the enemy, so he immediately wrote a letter and sent someone to send it to Ning Yuan.

In the letter, James reported the situation here to Ning Yuan in detail, and then emphasized the enemy's nine forbidden areas.

After reporting the current situation, James hopes that Ning Yuan can send a demon army to help him crack the enemy's forbidden gold area. If possible, it is best to transfer the most elite Windwing Bat Legion of the Condor Empire.

In terms of close-quarters combat, if the Mountain-moving Giant Ape dares to be second, absolutely no one dares to compete for this first place.

As long as the Mountain-moving Giant Ape Legion can rush over, and then supplement it with a monster army that can transform large beasts, the forbidden gold area that the enemy is proud of will immediately become their nightmare.


When the James Department on the southern line encountered resistance, the Ningyuan Department on the northern line ushered in major benefits.

After several consecutive breakthroughs without success, with the daily food dwindling, the Central Asia and Middle East coalition forces trapped on the west bank of the Saaresu River finally could no longer hold on.

In order to fill their stomachs, the coalition soldiers turned the ground of the entire camp upside down.

The pikas and mice under the ground were directly eaten by them, and they didn't even let the grass roots grow in the soil.

Originally, Ibn Haidar planned to leave a group of war horses to use when he broke through the siege to escape, but after starved of gold, the soldiers were about to eat people.

Under the trend of starvation, Gu Hao did not pay attention to Ibn Haidar's orders. A large group of soldiers with green eyes rushed directly into the cavalry camp, and then all the war horses were slaughtered and stewed on the spot. .

When Ibn Haidar heard the news that the orc army was attacking the cavalry camp, he hurried over, and the cavalry camp was already full of aroma.

Facing the eye of the orc army, the soldiers in the cavalry camp just shouted a few words symbolically, and then followed behind the orc warriors excitedly.

They have long wanted to slaughter these war horses that are competing with them for food every day, but because of Ibn Heydar's order, they dare not do it themselves.

So for the arrival of the orc army, their hearts were cheering, and many people had not even waited for the orc warriors to go to the stables, they had already set up the iron pot and prepared the firewood.

When they learned that the cavalry battalion had started slaughtering war horses, the generals of other battalions immediately brought people to the cavalry battalion to ask for horse meat.

50,000 war horses may seem like a lot, but in the face of millions of hungry eyes, these horses can only be eaten by the soldiers.

It wasn't that the soldiers didn't want to save some horse meat for a second meal, but they didn't dare to save it for a second meal.

Because almost no one took the initiative to stop when the meal was started, as long as there was meat in the pot, they kept eating, for fear that they would be eaten up by others if they didn't eat it. ωwww.8⑦7zω.còΜ

As a result, under this fierce competition, the meat produced by 50,000 war horses was eaten up by the army in one day.

After eating the horse meat, the horse bones were stewed by the soldiers for several days in soup, and finally they were simply ground into bone meal and eaten directly into the stomach.

When the horse bones were also eaten up, all the soldiers fell into starvation again.

Looking at the thinner and thinner rice porridge in the pot, many soldiers lay listlessly on the ground, because only in this way will their growling stomachs feel better.

After learning that the soldiers in the enemy camp had obviously lost weight for several laps, Ning Yuan knew that it was time to end the war here.


After being patient and starving the enemy for five days, in the early morning of the sixth day, Ning Yuan asked the soldiers to set up countless large iron pots on the periphery of the enemy camp.

With a large amount of potatoes, dried vegetables and beef and mutton being put into the pot, the whole area is filled with tempting meaty aroma in no time.

After smelling the tempting aroma, there was a commotion in the camp of the Central Asian and Middle East coalition forces. Many soldiers followed the fragrance and came to the barracks facing the position of the Condor Army.

Smelling the seductive aroma from the enemy's position on the opposite side, the stomachs of many soldiers immediately screamed in disappointment.

The soldiers gathered together, swallowing their saliva in pain, while looking at each other eagerly.

Just as countless coalition soldiers looked at the position of the Condor Army with hope, a white and flawless somersault cloud slowly rose from the Condor Army's position. Yun then flew towards the coalition camp slowly.

When it flew fifty meters away from the coalition camp, the somersault cloud suddenly stopped, and then a distinguished human man slowly walked to the edge of the somersault cloud.

After glancing at the dense crowd below, the noble man said aloud: "God has the virtue of good life, and the goddess of nature has all things in mind.

Our Condor Empire respects the goddess of nature and is compatible with all religions in the world.

Against us, you were originally dead.

But last night the goddess of nature asked me to dream, and let me give you a chance to reform.

Although I am a powerful king of the Condor Empire, I cannot go against the wishes of the goddess of nature, so today I am willing to give you a chance to choose.

There are two paths before you now.

One is unconditional surrender by laying down arms.

One is to stay here and continue to die.

If you choose to lay down your weapons and surrender, now you can go to the position behind me with your weapons.

As long as you throw away your weapons at the place where the white chess pieces are inserted in front of the position, then you can safely pass through that line of defense and go to the heaven full of food.

There, there are not only delicious stews, but also a variety of thirst-quenching fruits.

As long as you surrender to the Condor Empire sincerely, then I will do my best to satisfy the wishes of the goddess of nature, so that you and your family have meat to eat every day, and you will have no worries in life.

If you choose to fight to the end, then after three days, everyone who remains in the siege will die, and we will not be accepting the surrender of anyone.

Well, the recruitment time is only three days, you can think about it now.

By the way, I advise you not to pretend to surrender, and then prepare to break through.

If someone takes the opportunity to sabotage, then the surrender action will stop immediately, until you find out and kill all the saboteurs yourself.

You must keep your eyes open, and don't walk with those who want to do damage, because those people want to kill you, and they don't want you to be reunited with your family.

Well, soldiers who want to surrender, soldiers who want to be reunited with their families, you can follow me now. "

After that, Ning Yuan motioned for the angel warrior who was driving somersault clouds to return to the position.

Looking at the somersault clouds that are gradually going away, the faces of many coalition soldiers are suddenly very nervous. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one has taken that step for a while.

"Third, you stay here to see who shoots a cold arrow at me, and I will personally go over to explore the way for everyone."

Just when everyone was hesitating, a rude voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked at the sound, only to see a tall tiger warrior has emerged more and more, and walked straight towards the position of the Condor Army.

"Whoever dares to let go of the cold arrow, I will strip him alive."

Seeing that someone was willing to explore the way, some orc warriors who were so hungry that their chests were pressed to their backs immediately walked out of the camp and formed a line, staring viciously at the dense crowd in the camp.

After about ten minutes, a tiger warrior turned back with a big pie in one hand and a bowl of steaming meat soup in the other.

After stopping 100 meters away from the camp, the tiger man immediately shouted towards the crowd: "It's true, there are big iron pots filled with stewed meat everywhere behind the position of the Condor Army, fragrant meat. The cakes are piled up like a mountain.”

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This time, Tang San's grasp of time, location, and distance was very precise.

He knew very well that even if he possessed the unique skills of the Tang Sect, he also possessed a third-order Xuan Tiangong cultivation. However, the wolf demon is talented and strong, and if he is facing the enemy, he may not be an opponent. Especially since he is young and lacks qi and blood, he will definitely not be able to fight for a long time. If it weren't for the transformation of a human to kill a wolf demon, he might not be able to take action in the face of two third-order wolf demons, and his own life is the most important thing.

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However, once he makes a move, he must hit it.

The wolf demon was in a state of extreme anger at this time, so he didn't realize it until Tang San's palm slapped the side of his eyes. Turning his head sharply, the wolf's mouth went straight to Tang San to bite.

Tang San's other hand grabbed his clothes at this moment, using the convenience of his small size, he pulled the wolf's fur and changed his direction. The position that was almost close to the third-order wolf demon's chest was flipped to the other side of the wolf demon.

The index finger and **** of the right hand were combined into sword fingers, and Xuanyu's hand urged, causing the **** to flash with a pure white jade color, piercing the eyes of the wolf demon who was turning back like lightning. 818 Novels

"Pfft!" The slender fingers were almost instantly warmed. In terms of physical strength, Tang San was definitely far inferior to this third-order wolf demon, but he was hit to the point, and with the same level of energy, he would never be able to do it again. There is no fluke.

Under the injection of Xuan Yu's hand, Xuan Tian Gong was almost spun into the wolf demon's brain. So that the other eye of the wolf demon also burst open in an instant, and the brain has been twisted into a mess. The roar came to an abrupt end as if the neck was stuck, and the strong body also fell to the ground.

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Tang San kicked his toes on him, turning over and landing in a far place.

This blow can have such a result, or the rich combat experience in the previous life helped him. The child's thin body and the dark night are the best cover. In addition, the third-order wolf demon is in a rage, and the perception is weakened.

In a head-to-head confrontation, Tang San's mysterious jade hand might not be able to break through the thick skin of the wolf demon. However, the eyes are the most vulnerable places. If the eyes are pierced and injected with Xuantian energy, the dead can no longer die.

Both feet landed, and the third-order wolf demon on the other side had also stopped moving. Tang San breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't rush to check the human, but quickly lay down on the ground put his ears close to the ground, listened to the surrounding movement, and saw if there were any chasing troops.

With his current strength, it is difficult to face the third-order wolf demon head-on. No matter how good his skills are, his young body is too weak. Once hit by a wolf demon, it is likely to be fatal. In the seemingly simple attack just now, he actually went all out to raise his spiritual will to the highest level.

There was no other movement around. Obviously, there were only two third-order wolf monsters who were chasing and killing those who could transform into humans. This also made Tang San heave a sigh of relief, otherwise, he would have to choose to escape.

Only then did he walk towards the human being, while remaining vigilant.

When he came to the man, he immediately found that the hair that had grown on the man had disappeared. Tang San's heartbeat couldn't help but increase a bit.

Given his childhood situation, and the fact that he was not related to the man who turned into a human, the safest way to do this was to wait for the wolf demon to leave. But he still chose to take action. One is that the people being hunted down are humans. Another important reason is his just transformation.

In Tang San's original Douluo Continent world, there was a kind of spirit master with a beast spirit, capable of possessing similar abilities. You can also grow and become stronger by cultivating the beast spirit.

If there is a similar ability in this world, for him, if he can learn it, it will naturally be of great benefit to his own strength improvement, and it will be easier to integrate into this world!

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