Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 234: , Gnaw hard bones

Because Ning Yuan went to hunt down the player lord in the Palace of the King of Gods, the messenger sent by Shen Wanli searched for a long time before finding Ning Yuan who had just returned.

When Ning Yuan learned that the enemy's light cavalry legion would collectively surrender to him, he immediately greeted him with joy, and then directly led a team of cavalry over.

After a brief exchange with the four of Bai Yutang, Ning Yuan assigned them a task on the spot, which was to assist the army led by the Shenying to completely clear the battlefield and capture all the soldiers who escaped.

Although the two million troops in the Palace of the King of Gods were completely defeated, only a small part of them were killed on the spot, and the rest, except for some who surrendered with their weapons, escaped.

Ning Yuan can rely on an army of less than 600,000 to defeat the enemy, but he cannot rely on these people to capture all the enemies.

Therefore, the surrender of the four Bai Yutangs was a timely rain. With their 200,000 cavalry, Ning Yuan was sure to capture all the enemies who had escaped.

If this war were to happen on a normal planet, then Ning Yuan wouldn't have to worry about the soldiers who escaped, because even if the coach died, they would still be able to find a way home.

But now it is a plane war mode. With the death of the player lord, these soldiers will always stay on his plane of condor. In desperation, they are likely to become bandits and bandits.

Although bandits and robbers still can't affect Ning Yuan's dominance, they can bring great destructive effects to the development of the Condor collar. Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, Ning Yuan needs to take them all.

Moreover, these soldiers are all elite soldiers carefully selected by the player lords from their own territories. As long as Ning Yuan can successfully assimilate them into the Eagle Neck, then the strength of the Eagle Neck will be greatly improved.

So no matter what the purpose is, Ning Yuan needs to take them all. Even if they are temporarily assigned to the mining area for mining, it is a good choice. After all, no matter what time, labor resources are not too much.

Ning Yuan might not be so anxious if he were to change in normal times, but now the Condor Plane is in the cold winter. After losing all of their luggage, these deserters will find it difficult to see the sun the next day alive, probably more than half. Of people will be frozen to death.

It was for this reason that Ning Yuan seemed so eager that he even sent out Bai Yutang and others who had just surrendered.

"Your lord has died in battle. You can never return to your hometown. The night here is extremely cold. If you don't want to be frozen to death in the night, surrender is your only choice.

His Majesty the Condor King is willing to treat every surrendered soldier equally. If you do not want to freeze to death or starve to death, surrender to His Majesty the Condor King is your only choice. "

"Your lord has died in battle. You can never return to your hometown. The night here is extremely cold. If you don't want to be frozen to death in the night, surrender is your only choice.

His Majesty the Condor King is willing to treat every surrendered soldier equally. If you do not want to freeze to death or starve to death, surrender to His Majesty the Condor King is your only choice. "


Attacking the heart is the top, and the city is the bottom.

Now these collapsed soldiers can no longer cause any trouble to the army led by the Condor, and what Ning Yuan wants is to capture as many of these soldiers as possible, so this time he directly chose the mind-attack tactics to completely destroy these deserters. The last psychological line of defense.

Teams of condor cavalry galloped and shouted loudly. Suddenly, the slogan of surrender was flooded everywhere within a radius of a hundred miles.

In order to show his sincerity to the greatest extent, Ning Yuan also let people set up a huge iron pot on the battlefield.

All kinds of animal meat and all kinds of dried wild vegetables are stewed in the pot. As long as the soldiers surrender with their weapons, they can receive a large bowl of rice and a large bowl of fragrant stew.

After a high-intensity battle, the soldiers on both sides of the enemy were already hungry. With the fragrance of food in the air and the cavalry's constant propaganda, more and more enemy soldiers returned.

They lined up in a long line, placed their weapons on the square in front of the camp, and then entered the camp one by one to receive their own dinner.

Because too many enemy soldiers surrendered, there was no time to bring them all back into the Great Wall before dark. So as a last resort, Ning Yuan had to let people set up huge camps outside to temporarily save those prisoners of war. They are all placed in the camp.

In order to avoid freezing death and frostbite at night, Ning Yuan not only took out all the hides and quilts seized in the enemy camp, but also transferred a large number of hides and quilts from Condor City. And lumber, he wants to make sure everyone can spend this cold night safely.

The next morning, just after dawn, Ning Yuan asked people to start cooking rice. Considering that this has to be a whole day, the next meal is likely to be supper, so this breakfast is still rice and stew. meat.

After everyone had a full meal, Ning Yuan sent all these prisoners to the camp on the west side of Shenying City.

This tossing was another whole day, and until the evening, all the prisoners of war were finally escorted to the camp.

I don't know if it was because I learned that the East Route Army had been destroyed, or because the Griffin Beast Legion had been completely lost. On this day, there was no too bad news from the other three theaters.

On the third day, the other armies of the Palace of the King of Gods still launched a fierce attack on the city led by the Eagle, but they were all beaten back by the defenders in the city without exception.

Although in order to repel the enemy, the defenders in the city paid a considerable price, but as long as the city did not fall, everything was acceptable.

After annihilating the East Route Army, Ning Yuan was finally able to free his hands to support other theaters.

At this moment, he was combining the intelligence brought back by the Swan Man Scouts, analyzing which theater he should support first.

In the western theater, Bai Ze, Solok, Torres and others are sitting in town, and the enemies there did not take any advantage.

Moreover, there is Lake Victoria between the Western Theater and the Eastern Theater. If you want to go to the Western Theater, you must first pass through the Northern Theater and the Southern Theater. Therefore, the Western Theater may not be considered for the time being.

In the southern theater, although two cities have been lost in succession, the enemy's Griffin Beast army has been lost, and the remaining cities have received a lot of defeated soldiers, so in the next period of time it should be Worry-free temporarily.

The situation in the northern theater is more complicated.

According to the reports from the Swan Scouts, it was an orc army that had breached Haotian City.

Ning Yuan compared the list of invading player lords and found that this powerful orc army should be the army of Qin Lang, one of the 16 player lords who entered the Empire Age.

Although Ning Yuan didn't know what Qin Lang's natural race was, he knew that the special orc army that broke Haotian City was a mixed army composed of apes and tigers.

It is said that this army rushed up to the city wall in an instant through a specially-made siege ladder, and then, with the strong physique of the orcs, it literally took a shelter on the wall.

With these strong orcs gaining a foothold on the, more and more orc warriors climbed up the wall from behind them, and finally this section of the wall was completely lost.

Although the Palace of the King of Gods now has nearly two to three million troops in these three battle zones, the most threatening to the Lords of the Eagles is undoubtedly the orc army of Qin Lang.

As long as Ning Yuan can eliminate this powerful orc army, there will be basically no suspense in this war.

Because the remaining troops in the Palace of the King of Gods are all conventional arms, it is impossible for them to be opponents of the main army under Ning Yuan in the field.

Although this is a hard bone, in order to seize the strategic initiative, Ning Yuan finally decided to attack Qin Lang first.


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