Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 410: Greet

In June of the 13th year of the barbaric year, Ning Yuan led the welcoming team out of Shanhaiguan. Under the envoy sent by the Silver Star Empire, the team went straight to the Elf City.

As the king of a country, Ning Yuan marrying the other's princess is an act of surrender.

Although he had already planned to shame him for the huge benefits behind him, in order not to make the other party look down upon himself and the Condor Empire, he still carefully formed a "honour guard" to welcome his relatives.

At the forefront of the team were a hundred barbarian warriors wearing mithril armor. In order to demonstrate the bravery of the barbarian warriors, Ning Yuan specially selected one hundred strongest warriors from the army.

These one hundred barbarian warriors are not only sturdy, they are more than two meters tall, and standing there can put a lot of pressure on people.

Behind the barbarian warriors are a hundred dwarf bear knights.

Although the dwarves are not tall, they can't hold the big brown bear under their crotch.

If the barbarian warriors look scared, then these big guys can feel scared just by looking at them.

Behind the dwarf bear rider are a hundred wolf riders.

Although these wolf knights looked a lot worse than the dwarf bear knights, no one dared to despise them, because these are two completely different arms, and the wolf knight's super high mobility still made many people afraid.

Behind the wolf knight is a hundred orc mixed infantry unit.

The team consists of Lion Warriors, Tiger Warriors, Ursa Warriors, Wild Boar Warriors and Tauren Warriors. These orc warriors are all wearing heavy armor. They represent the Orc Heavy Infantry Corps of the Condor Empire.

Behind the orc warriors are a hundred armored cavalry, a hundred clan light cavalry, and a hundred elf archer.

These cavalry are all riding tall white horses on the prairie, full of murderous air.

Above them are a hundred battle angels in silver armor.

This battle angel team is full of ten-winged angels. The transparent silver wings are shining with holy light under the sunlight. After watching them, people can't help but have the urge to worship.

Because Ning Yuan was here to welcome his relatives, he could not bring too many troops into the opposing royal city, he did not dare to bring too many troops, and he wanted to show the opponent the strength of the Condor Empire, so he was careful Eight hundred elites were selected as the guard of honor for this wedding.

Although it was a guard of honor in name, a discerning person could tell at a glance that Ning Yuan was here to demonstrate.

However, considering that Ning Yuan was willing to take the initiative to welcome his relatives, he was already surrendering his status, so the monarchs of the Silver Star Empire didn't see Quan Quan, and no one jumped out to accuse Ning Yuan's bravado.

In their view, Ning Yuan had already been the son-in-law of Elf King Cameron from the moment he stepped into the Silver Star Empire.

Although both were the kings of a country, as the son-in-law of Elf King Cameron, Ning Yuan was no different from the emperor.

Perhaps the only difference from the ancient emperors who lost their power and humiliated the country was that the Condor Empire did not claim to the Silver Star Empire, but these details are no longer important, anyway, Emperor Ning Yuan'er's hat must not be removed.

Although the player forces of the Silver Star Empire tried their best to prevent this marriage, when Cameron Fanxing insisted on going his own way, they had no choice but to silently accept it.

Although Ning Yuan was very reluctant to come in and get a share of the pie now, at this time no player was so stupid that he dared to jump out and destroy the marriage.

Although Cameron can't know their true identity, as a hero, he is not so foolish.

The last time that Tang Yu was assassinated had already aroused Cameron's vigilance. He had nowhere to spread the fire. If anyone jumped out to make trouble now, he would definitely die miserably.

So although everyone wanted to destroy this marriage, no one dared to take action. Everyone could only send blessings against their will.

As the messenger of this marriage, Tang Yu is still here to welcome Ning Yuan into the Elven City.

In order to avoid suspicion, he just nodded to Ning Yuan, and then guided the welcoming team to the Elf City.

Because Princess Venus is the only daughter of the Elf King Cameron, the entire Silver Star Empire celebrates the whole country for the marriage of the Elf King.

In order to let the people of the Silver Star Empire see what Lord Ma's looks like, Cameron did not let Ning Yuan directly teleport to the Elf City through the teleportation array, but let Tang Yu guide him all the way through.

So wherever the welcoming team went, there were people from the Silver Star Empire who came to see the excitement. Ning Yuan was like a monkey in a circus. Every day, he was pointed and commented.

Regarding Cameron’s dismissal of the horse, Ning Yuan was furious, but he was already embarrassed anyway, and it is not bad anymore, so he forced himself to smile every day and try his best to be kind and close to the people.

In this way, after walking for more than a month, the welcoming team finally arrived at the Elf City.

After arriving at the Elf City, Cameron didn't have any trouble for Ning Yuan. He led the Silver Pegasus Knights to greet him personally.

After the two sides nodded to each other, they rode their horses together and entered the Elven City.

Although he has already carried the title of Emperor, Ning Yuan is the king of a country after all, and his status is equal to Cameron, so after a series of intrigues, everything is back on track.

In order to show respect for Ning Yuan, Cameron specially asked people to rebuild a wedding hall. After the two parties were seated, Ning Yuan asked people to present his bride price, and then Cameron asked people to carry out their ~After fixing some red tapes of marriage, the two kings had a long talk separately.

Although no one knows what they were talking about, it is not difficult to tell from the expressions on the two of them that they should still talk quite happily.

After spending a month with Princess Venus in the City of Elves, the welcoming team officially embarked on their way home. In September of the 13th year of the Savage, they officially returned to Condor City.

After returning to Condor City, Ning Yuan and Princess Venus held a grand wedding. He canonized Venus Silver Star as the Queen of Pearls, on the same level as Queen Huixian Christine Hellscream.

After marrying Venus, Ning Yuan stayed in Condor City for a month, accompanied the concubines in the harem, and then returned to the front line again.

Now that the threat of the Silver Star Empire has been lifted, with no worries in the back, it is time to continue the previous orc strategy, otherwise, once the orcs are relieved, I am afraid it will be more difficult to deal with in the future.

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