Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 890: , The weakness of the treasure kingdom

Latest website: The ground army in the Kingdom of the Elephants is extremely powerful, and the lack of air force is their only weakness.

In the past, when the Baoxiang Kingdom and the Peacock Kingdom were in battle, facing the powerful air force of the Peacock Kingdom, they all relied on the powerful Elf Ranger army to fight against it.

In addition to the large number of war elephants in the Kingdom of Elephants, they also have an extremely large army of elven rangers.

With excellent archery skills, it can be said that the Elf Ranger Legion is the nemesis of all air forces, but the Silver Pegasus Knights are the exception, so it is no wonder that the Indian players in Held Niwa city will face black.

If the treasure elephant kingdom and the peacock kingdom can be combined into one, the advantages of the two kingdoms will be brought together, then the military strength of the entire India will immediately rise to a big step, and they will have no shortcomings.

All Indian players know this very well, so they have been working hard in this direction.

But it is a pity that the aboriginal royal clans of these two kingdoms are in equal power.

Even though the Eight Heavenly Dragon Guilds used Yin Yang Locking Love Pills to control some of the high-levels of the two kingdoms, they still could not eliminate the barrier between the two kingdoms and let them truly come together.

In fact, the orcs are not unable to live in harmony with humans, elves and other races. The Condor Empire is a good example. Within the Condor Empire, everyone is equal and there is no so-called racial conflict.

The reason why the Baoxiang Kingdom and the Peacock Kingdom cannot coexist peacefully is actually very simple. The kings of the two kingdoms are very ambitious. They both want to destroy their opponents and build a unified empire.

As long as Indian players help one kingdom to destroy another, then India can basically achieve unification.

Indian players also understand this truth, but because the strengths between the two kingdoms are equal, the complete elimination of anyone will seriously damage the military strength of the entire India, so they will choose a more gentle way to achieve unification.

But unfortunately, although the medicinal effect of Yin Yang Locking Love Pill is very overbearing, it cannot directly influence people's thoughts. Therefore, Indian players need a lot of time to subtly influence the high-levels of the two countries.

In order to avoid a large-scale civil war between the two kingdoms, it is understandable that Indian players will make this choice. As long as they are given enough time, they will be able to complete the two kingdoms into one.

It's just that before the complete unification is completed, their weakness will be infinitely magnified once they are caught by the enemy.

The reason why Ning Yuan once again chose the Heldwani area as a breakthrough was precisely because he took a fancy to the obvious weakness of the Baoxiang Kingdom’s lack of an air force.

Facing the Silver Pegasus Knights of the Condor Empire, all the armies of the Baoxiang Kingdom will have no use.

As long as the Silver Pegasus Knights do not make some stupid mistakes themselves, then they can walk sideways on the land of the Baoxiang Kingdom.


After the Condor Army appeared in the Heldwani area, the Indian players in the city immediately relayed the news, and then they began to pray silently on the top of the city, hoping that the shameless Condor Empire The Knights of the Silver Pegasus do not appear.

It is a pity that their prayers quickly failed. After the mixed legionaries of the Tamron Army approached the city, their most feared Knights of the Silver Pegasus quickly appeared in the distant sky.

After seeing the knights of the Silver Pegasus, the Indian commander Aksha Kumar of Hardwani City immediately gave a loud order: "All the defenders immediately enter the houses in the city and prepare to defend themselves against the enemy. Fight a hand-to-hand fight."

It was not that the Indian garrison of Hardwani was afraid of death, but that they could only be attacked by the shameless Silver Pegasus Knights who were guarding the city.

After discovering that the invading troops were from the Condor Empire, they already knew that Heldwani City would definitely not be able to keep it.

Facing the enemy from the Huaxia District, it is impossible to retreat without fighting, so they are preparing to engage in a **** battle with the enemy in the city.

Even if they could not hold the city of Heldwani in the end, they would still bite a piece of flesh from the Condor Army.

After the defenders on the front of the city were almost gone, Akshay Kumar told Tony Kuermar next to him: "Tony, you lead a team of people to guard the granary. Once the enemy attacks the granary, you will immediately Set fire to the warehouse."

"If there is an enemy attack, burn the granary? No matter whether it can be defended?" Tony Kuerma asked suspiciously.

Aksha resolutely said: "Yes, as long as there is an enemy attack, immediately fire the fire, don't have any chance of luck.

The enemy came prepared this time, and the city of Heldwani was impossible to defend.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the city of Heldwani can be defended. What I am most worried about now is how to resist the attack of the Condor Army in those areas behind us.

You also know that the air power of our Treasure Elephant Kingdom is a weak link. In the past, when dealing with the Peacock Kingdom, all we could rely on was the Elf Ranger Legion.

The Silver Pegasus of the Condor Empire is the nemesis of all long-range armies.

Now we have not been able to complete the integration of the Baoxiang Kingdom and the Peacock Kingdom. Without the air force, we have nothing to do with the enemy's Silver Pegasus Knights! "

Because the weakness of the Baoxiang Kingdom was just infinitely magnified by the Condor Empire, Aksha was full of worries about the next war.

"Why don't we ask for help from the orc branch of the Peacock Kingdom, let them send an owl legion and a blue ling peacock legion to contain the Silver Pegasus Knights of the Condor Empire."

As long as the Silver Pegasus Knights are restrained, UU reading www. The Ground Legion of the Condor Empire is nothing to be afraid of. After all, the most powerful army in our Baoxiang Kingdom is the army. "Tony gave his own advice.

Aksha shook his head and said, "It's not a big problem to ask for help from the Orc Division. Our Orc Division has already cultivated a Blue Ling Peacock Legion. As long as we need them, they can come to support it immediately.

But the biggest problem now is if our stubborn king disagrees, how can they cross the border between the two kingdoms?

You don’t know how much our stubborn king hates the Peacock Kingdom. I guess he would rather give up the large tract of land north of the Ganges than let the Peacock Kingdom’s army come to help. "

The current king of the Baoxiang Kingdom is Shabak II. His father Shabak I tragically died in a war with the Peacock Kingdom.

For this reason, Shabak II hated the Peacock Kingdom. When he inherited the throne, he made a heavy oath to kill all the royal families of the Peacock Kingdom and avenge his father.

So Aksha's worry is not unreasonable.