Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 909: Battle of Darjeeling (11)

Latest website: Irfan asked the owl army to use the stone rain tactics, just want to use the human way to heal his body, and disgust the Chinese player coalition forces in the city. He never expected that it was just a few rounds of stone rain. Let the defenders in the city abandon the defense wall.

When he learned that all the defenders on the wall had retreated into the city, he was immediately ecstatic.

He immediately ordered the ape-man legion and the elven ranger legion to directly occupy the city wall, and let the owl legion stop the stone rain tactics.

At this time, all the defenders in the city have already hid in the various buildings in the city, and Stone Rain can no longer play any role. If you want to completely occupy Darjeeling City, you must send infantry to capture every city in the city one by one. A building.

When he came to the city wall and looked at the Indian-style buildings in the city, Irfan couldn't help but feel a bit of toothache.

The buildings in Darjeeling City are all stone buildings, and the biggest feature is sturdiness, sturdiness and fire resistance.

In order to allow the city to accommodate more people, the layout of the buildings in the city is very dense, and all of them have basements.

Now hundreds of thousands of Chinese Allied Forces players are hiding in these buildings. It will be an extremely troublesome process to completely remove them.

But Darjeeling is the territory of India, even if it is troublesome, Irfan must take it back.

After observing the situation in the city in detail for a while, Irfan asked: "Where is the follow-up army?"

"President, the follow-up army is still 20 kilometers away from Darjeeling City, and it is expected to be able to reach the city within two hours."

Hearing that the follow-up legion was about to arrive, Irfan raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then immediately ordered: "After the follow-up legion arrived under the city, let them rest for two hours before going into battle.

We passed the order to keep a certain number of elven rangers on the city wall for defense. Other ground troops immediately entered the city through the city gate and started to clean up the buildings in the city one by one, giving me all the enemies hiding inside. Kill all.

Go and inform Sonu that his owl legion will occupy the roofs of all the buildings and block every street in the city.

I can allow the enemy to hide in the building, but I will never allow the enemy to appear under the sun. "

Originally, Irfan planned to launch a formal attack on Darjeeling City after the follow-up army arrived.

However, as the defenders in the city contracted strategically and took the initiative to abandon the city wall, he quickly changed his mind. He planned to complete all the occupation of Darjeeling City before it got dark today.

As countless ape-man warriors and elven rangers poured into the city from the opened gates, various curses and shouts of killing came from the buildings in the city.

Huaxia players have always looked down on Indian players who still retain all kinds of bad habits. Today they were driven into desperation by the guys they looked down on. This is simply a shame for them.

If it were not for the sake of the overall situation, they would rather die outside than to hide in the house and steal their lives.

Now everyone is suffocating, waiting for the Indian players to take the initiative to attack, and then take a good vent.

So when the Indian players broke into the house, they immediately spread all the anger on the opponent, cursing all kinds of nasty swear words, and constantly attacking the opponent.

Faced with the Chinese players who cursed all kinds of nasty swear words, the Indian players who broke into the house were also unwilling to show weakness, and immediately fought back with more nasty swear words.

So with the official start of hand-to-hand combat in the city, various classic national curses echoed over the city from time to time.

Standing on the wall, Irfan couldn't help shook his head helplessly when he heard all kinds of terrible swear words coming from the city.

In order to avoid further bombardment of his ears by those foul language, he directly blocked his ears with earplugs, and then leaned against the crenellation for false sleep.


When the hand-to-hand combat in Darjeeling city was in full swing, a black silver Pegasus knight suddenly appeared between Darjeeling and Siliguri.

Those silver Pegasus knights came from the east and west sides, and flew directly towards the passage connecting Darjeeling and Siliguri.

When they flew near the passage, they immediately launched a surprise attack on the Indian Allied Ground Corps and transportation convoys that were rushing to Darjeeling.

Facing the attack of the Silver Pegasus knights, the Indian players on the ground had no resistance. They could only flee, looking for places to hide.

Under the attack of the Silver Pegasus knights, the Indian allied forces on the ground quickly collapsed completely.

After defeating the enemy, without taking care of the scattered enemies, the Silver Pegasus knights immediately began to march in the direction of Darjeeling City along the passage on the ground. While marching, they shot and killed the Indian coalition forces in front.

When the subsequent ground army of the Indian coalition was attacked by the Knights of the Silver Pegasus, the Blue Ling Peacock of the Indian coalition was also attacked by the Condor Army.

Irfan gave the Blue Ling Peacock Corps a day off and asked Amir to take them out for food and relax.

After receiving the order, Amir led the Blue Ling Peacock Legion to fly out of the Darjeeling Valley and went to the alpine meadows to the north for food.

Because the terrain where Amir went was extremely steep and inaccessible, it was difficult for anyone to get there except those flying in the sky.

So when he got to the place, Amir let the blue peacocks move freely, and he and his owl warriors sat on the grass and drank a little wine comfortably.

Just when Amir and his party were drinking, the owl soldier in charge of defense suddenly issued a stern warning After hearing the warning sound, Amir and others immediately threw down the wine glasses in their hands. , Have lifted off to observe the situation.

It didn't matter if they looked at it, they were immediately shocked by their spirits, who were already drunk.

I saw a large number of flying units suddenly appeared in the northern sky, including silver pegasus knights, dragon eagle knights, angel warriors and some half-human eagles.

Those flying units were flying towards them in a very strange formation, and they couldn't see the sky in a dark glance.

Silver Pegasus knights have long been a symbol of the Condor Empire. Although the number of Silver Pegasus knights in the mixed flying legion opposite is not very large, this flying legion is definitely an army of the Condor Empire.

When I thought that the blue peacocks under my hand had already emitted all the peacock feathers, cold sweat began to flow down Amer's forehead.

"All owl trainers immediately began to gather their blue peacocks, ready to fight, Nuzha, go back and move reinforcements."