Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 991: , Orcs are never slaves (6) 2 in 1,

Flying around Pu'er city three times in a row, facing the city where needles could be dropped, Bass almost couldn't help leading the Silver Pegasus riders to rush down several times.

If it weren't for the seraphim scouts overhead telling them that there were tens of thousands of tiger warriors in the city, and those tiger warriors were still in the city and had not left, Bass would think that the enemy had abandoned the city and fled.

Pu'er City is too quiet, as quiet as an empty city.

Looking at the seemingly empty city of Pu'er, but actually full of murderous intent, Bass sighed helplessly, and then led the Silver Pegasus Knights to the next goal.

There are 300,000 troops under Li Keji and others, but not all of these troops are stationed near Pu'er City.

In addition to the 50,000 owl army in Pingdingshan, Ning'er County, the northern gate of the Pu'er area, has 100,000 troops stationed, Zhendong in the west has 30,000 troops, and Nanping in the south has 40,000 troops. They are stationed in Pu'er City, Bliss Mountain Villa and some places on the outskirts of the city.

Tonight, the defenders in Nanping, Zhendong, and Pu'er who are most likely to rush to the gathering place to attack Basi and them, so the focus of Basi’s plan to suppress the enemy is these three places.

After discovering that he could not deal with the hidden enemies in Pu'er City, Bass immediately led the Silver Pegasus Knights to Nanping Town.

However, after arriving in Nanping Town, Bass and others rushed to the air again. They didn't know how the enemy got the news. The defenders of Nanping Town had already hid in the mountain before they arrived.

Facing Nanping Town where only some vulnerable orcs were active, Bass and others could only turn around and rush to the next target Zhendong Town.

On the way to Zhendong Town, Bass and others had a strong hunch that this time they would probably be empty again.

Facts have proved that their premonition is still very accurate. Before they arrived, the defenders of Zhendong Town had also entered the mountain and hid, leaving them an empty town.

After rushing into the air twice, Buzz knew that the enemy had a special means of information transmission, otherwise, under the tight seal of the Seraphim scouts, it would be impossible for them to know what happened in Pu'er City so quickly.

Failing to kill as many enemies as possible before it gets dark, they will be under greater pressure at night.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Bass once again led the Silver Pegasus Knights to the sky above the Bliss Mountain Villa.

Seeing Bass and others flying over, Hull, who was in charge of monitoring the Elysium Villa, greeted him immediately.

"General, why are you here?"

Seeing Hull approaching, Bass immediately asked: "Hull, after I leave, what is unusual about the villa?"

Hull shook his head and replied: "General Qi, after you left, there is nothing unusual in the villa, and also in the periphery of the villa, and no trace of the upper orc tribe has been found."

Hearing Hull’s answer, Bass keenly felt an abnormality, and he immediately asked: “Have there been traces of other orcs near the villa?”

Although I don’t know why Bass had this question, Hull answered honestly: “Our patrol once saw a few sneaky cat people in the jungle on the back of the villa, but they have not waited for us. As the patrol approached, the cats immediately hid."

Hearing that cat people had appeared on the back mountain of Elysium Villa, Bass immediately figured out the problems that had puzzled him before.

No wonder the enemies in Nanping Town and Zhendong Town all hid in the jungle before they arrived. It turned out that someone really told them about it!

As for the reporters, there is no need to continue guessing. They must be the cat people who have appeared in the forests of the back mountains of the Elysium Villa. They are the only ones who will not arouse the alertness of the Seraphim scouts. After all, they are also a weak orc family and are oppressed. Object.

Looking at the still quiet Elysium Villa in the distance, Bass sighed and said: "Hull, immediately inform you that all the Silver Pegasus knights under your team will return to the team, and we will go to defend the newly built temporary camp."

"General, don't we continue to monitor the enemy hiding in the secret passage?" Helton was a little puzzled when he heard that all his staff were to evacuate.

Shaking his head gently, Buzz said helplessly: "The enemy is more difficult to deal with than we thought, we still despise them!

Now that the enemy has transmitted the information, it is estimated that by night, they will launch a full-scale attack on our temporary camp.

They won't come out until night, and we don't know where the specific exit of the secret road is, and it doesn't make much sense to continue monitoring.

So instead of wasting time here, it is better to go back and recharge your energy and prepare to meet the enemy's counterattack at night. "

"General, you mean those cat people are messengers sent by the enemy?"

Hull quickly reacted, but he couldn't believe that there would still be cat people serving Li Keji and others. After all, their cat people were also one of the targets of oppression.

When they searched the secret passage in the room, they found a lot of cat girls' bodies in many rooms, so even if they had guessed it, he still couldn't believe it completely.

Looking at the young elf officer with indignation, Bass smiled bitterly: "Perhaps those cat people have never regarded themselves as ordinary cat people, do they think they are more noble than ordinary cat people?

The world is so big, there are no surprises, every race has good people, and every race has bad people.

In the eyes of bad people, there are only benefits and no race, so it is not surprising that those cat people can be bought by Li Keji and others. "


After a helpless sigh, Hull could only summon his men to retreat with Bass.

Just as Bass analyzed, the cat people that appeared in the jungle of the back mountain of Elysium Villa were indeed cat scouts trained by Li Keji and others. The orc defenders in Nanping Town and Zhendong Town were able to evacuate first, thanks to it. Those cat-men scouts to report the letter.

Although Lee Keji and others were brutal and unkind in the game, they are players after all, with many advanced experiences that the ancients did not possess.

In the era of cold weapons, the army is the first weapon to save lives.

Like Li Keji and others, who hate thousands of people, only with a sufficient number of elite troops in their hands can they continue to live smartly.

In order to preserve their position and prevent them from being killed by the factions in the League of Thousand Beasts that are jealous of them, Li Keji and others have taken great pains.

Not only did they expend massive resources to win over those powerful orcs and give them superhuman status, they also secretly raised a group of cat assassins.

Those cat people assassins are all ignorant young children they plundered from the cat people.

Don't look at Lee Keji's brutal treatment of the weaker orcs outside, but he treats the cat-man assassins he has personally cultivated since he was a child.

No matter what those baby cats need, Li Keji will get them all unconditionally, just to raise them directly as sons.

Under Li Keji’s brainwashing education, those cat-man assassins who were raised by Li Keji were all loyal to Li Keji and regarded him as a god-like figure.

Although both belong to the cat people, those cat people assassins do not identify with the same people who have been bullied. They think they are the noble golden family, with the blood of the animal **** flowing in their bodies, and the ordinary cat people are just low-blooded. slave.

Those cat people assassins often use the cat people's disguise to do some ugly things for Li Keji, because few people know their existence, so many people are defenseless against them.

When the Elysium Villa was attacked by the Silver Pegasus Knights this time, Lee Keji was not afraid of danger. In addition to the secret fortress hidden in the mountainside in the Elysium Villa, these cat-man assassins were also an important bargaining chip in his hands.

After discovering that the main force of the Silver Pegasus Knights who had raided the Elysium Villa had left, Li Keji sent the cat assassins to the wooded back mountain through a secret passage.

The Cat Assassins are petite, and they are already very good at hiding. In addition, the Silver Pegasus riders led by Hull have spent their main energy on guarding against those high-ranking orcs. Therefore, the Cat Assassins rely on the dense forest. The cover successfully broke through the blockade of the Silver Pegasus knights.

After Bath led the Knights of the Silver Pegasus to leave, the orcs in the gathering place began to work in full swing.

With the concerted efforts of the orcs of all races, wooden houses soon appeared near the granary, and at the same time, two-meter-high wooden fences had also been erected.

According to the current speed, it is estimated that this wooden fence that encloses the entire gathering place can be completed before dark.

Just as the orcs got more and more vigorous, Bass led the Knights of the Silver Pegasus and flew back.

Looking at the temporary camp that was gradually taking shape and the energetic orcs below, there was no joy on Buzz's face.

He kept circling over the camp by patrolling the construction progress of the camp.

When he saw the cat people all over the camp, the expression on his face became heavier.

Although Bass hadn't completely determined that the cat people that the Silver Pegasus Knight saw in the back mountain of Bliss Villa were Li Keji and others' subordinates, he still had a very bad premonition in his heart.

After hearing that the sneaky cat people were found in the back mountain of Elysium Villa, Bass always had a feeling that if they underestimated the suspicious cat people, they were likely to pay a huge price for it.

Elysium Villa is the base camp of Li Keji and others. With the brutality of Li Keji and others, apart from those upper orcs, there should not be other orcs near the villa, so Bass has every reason to believe that the suspicious cat people are. Sent by Li Keji and others.

There are also many cat people in the Condor Empire, and they generally work as scouts in the army.

For the cat people, Bass’s biggest impression is that he is petite, agile, good at climbing and hiding, patient, and good at launching surprise attacks against lax single targets at night.

Although the cat people are not suitable for fighting on the frontal battlefield, they are the perfect candidates for assassins. If they are underestimated, they are likely to pay the price of their lives.

After suspecting that there were cat assassins in the Elysium Villa, Bass had every reason to suspect that the cat assassins who sneaked out of the villa had mixed into the camp.

Because if he were Lee Keji, if he had the cat assassin card in his hand, he would definitely not just let them be responsible for telling the news to the orc defenders in other places.

The cat people are all born assassins. After special training, they will become even more terrifying.

If the target person is unprepared against them, then once they are suddenly attacked, except for those naturally rough-skinned races, other races are basically hard to escape.

Tonight, Li Keji and others will definitely lead those hiding orc troops to attack their temporary camp.

Those high-ranking orcs had the advantage of vision at night. If the cat-man assassins lurking in the camp suddenly launch when the battle is anxious, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Although the number of cat-man assassins in Elysium Villa is not too large, when everyone is defenseless against them at night, once they are activated, they will surely cause huge chaos in the camp.

The reason why these weak orcs in the camp are able to unite together is entirely because they have a common enemy.

When they find that their companions would swing a butcher knife at their own people, they will definitely lose their trust in others.

Their strength is not strong, if they can't unite anymore, then this camp guarding battle tonight might be more difficult.

Because the silver Pegasus knights in Bath will give a big discount to their strength at night, UU Reading, without the help of those orcs, only relying on the silver Pegasus knights, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist at night. An army composed of high-ranking orcs.

So in any case, before dark, they must pick out the cat assassins who have mixed into the camp.

"General, general, I am Hu Qingshan, I am here."

Just as Bass hovered over the camp, while thinking about how to spot the cat-man assassins who had entered the camp, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Following the direction of the voice, Buzz saw the fox boy who was beckoning to him at a glance.

Seeing the anxiety on the young man's face, Buss urged the Silver Pegasus under his hips to fly directly.

When he approached the fox boy, Bass asked concerned: "Qingshan, are you better? You have suffered an internal injury. It is best not to exercise vigorously in recent days."

"I'm much better, thank you General for your concern."

While expressing gratitude to Bass, Hu Qingshan walked to Bass's side. After getting close to the silver flying horse under Bass's crotch, the boy pretended to stroke the silver flying horse's mane and whispered to Bass:

"General, can you take me to the sky with me? I found something very important and want to report to you."

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