Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 993: , Orcs will never be slaves (8)

After returning to the camp, Bass immediately summoned all the foxmen and catmen on the grounds that they needed to perform a special task.

After casually saying that some bamboo was needed to send the foxes to collect bamboo, only the cats were left in the huge clearing.

Looking at the densely packed cats on the ground, Bass said very seriously, "Next, I will release you a very dangerous mission. If you are not careful, you will probably die immediately.

So if you want to survive, you must listen carefully to every word I say next, and then strictly follow what I say.

As long as you do what I say, I can guarantee your personal safety.

Okay, I will announce your mission next, and you must listen carefully.

From now on, all the cat people will stand in place and are not allowed to move. Those who disobey the order will be killed immediately. "

In the end, Bass's body suddenly became murderous.

All the cat people on the ground were shocked by Bass’s command. When they were a little overwhelmed, a black silver Pegasus rider suddenly appeared in the sky.

These silver pegasus knights flew in from all directions, but they surrounded all the cat people in the clearing in an instant.

"General, what are you doing?"

"General, why do we treat our cat people like this?"

After seeing the Silver Pegasus knights aiming at them with bows and arrows, many timid cats were suddenly frightened and crying, and several courageous cats held back their fear and questioned Buzz.

"Shut up all of you. You have already mixed in with the cat-man spies sent by Li Keji. If you don't want to die, stay where you are, otherwise you will kill them on the spot."

Looking at the trembling cat people on the ground, Buss didn't have any pity, because he knew that pity would only make things completely out of control.

"General, you can't treat us like that."

"Ouuuu, I'm quitting, I want to go home."

I don't know if it was really scared, or if the spies knew their identity was exposed and wanted to create chaos and took the opportunity to escape. Some cat people didn't follow Bass's advice at all. They separated the crowd and wanted to leave immediately.

As soon as the cats moved, the silver pegasus in the sky immediately released the bowstring in his hand.

With a burst of air breaking sound, there were several screams and a lot of exclamations on the ground.

Seeing more than a dozen cats die tragically under the sharp arrow of the Silver Pegasus Knight, some of the timid cats nearby were immediately frightened and started crying.

Looking at the panicked cat people on the ground, Bass said coldly again, "I repeat, until I find all the spies, everyone must stay where they are, and the offenders are there. Kill."

Every word Buzz uttered was full of murderous air, and coupled with the corpses of a dozen cat people on the ground, all the cat people in the clearing were shocked.

Many cat people were so scared that they were paralyzed on the ground, shaking constantly, and even some particularly timid cat people had been scared to incontinence.

However, under the threat of death, none of them dared to move, for fear that they would be killed by a sudden sharp arrow.

At this time, they seemed to have returned to the days when they were enslaved by those high-ranking orcs, and everyone became extremely obedient.

Taking a look at the cats who chose to cooperate, Buzz glanced back at the fox teenager who was riding with another silver pegasus, and said solemnly, "Qingshan, have you seen it?

Sometimes for the sake of the overall situation, we cannot have any kindness of women, because the kindness of women not only cannot save everyone, but it will harm more people.

It is not that we are cruel, but the enemy is too cunning.

Among the dozen cats who were shot just now may be enemy agents who wanted to take the opportunity to create chaos, but there must be some innocent people who were agitated.

In order to avoid this situation, I have warned them in advance, but unfortunately they refused to follow my advice, so no one can blame them for their deaths.

My child, if you really join the army in the future, you will probably also kill many innocent people with your own hands.

If you can't get rid of this hand, it is likely that many soldiers who follow you will be involved. So instead of regretting it later, it is better to get rid of this idea as soon as possible, to be an ordinary person, and to live your life in a dull life. "

Hu Qingshan was also shocked by the decisive killing of the Silver Pegasus Knight just now, because among the dozen cat people who were shot, there happened to be one cat person he knew.

He just wanted to help Buss and others find the enemy spies who had entered the camp. He never expected that the spies had not even begun to look for them, and some innocent people would have died as a result.

When he heard Buss' admonition, he immediately understood that his expression had been seen by Buss, otherwise Buss would not have said this to him.

Looking at the familiar figure lying in a pool of blood, Hu Qingshan suddenly remembered his father who died tragically that year.

As Bass said, the cat people who fell in a pool of blood are indeed innocent people. They died because their destiny is not in their control.

Not only the innocent cat people who died in vain, but the fate of all the cat people underneath is not in their own control. Their life and death depend on the face of the elven general in front of him.

At this moment, Hu Qingshan suddenly had a strong impulse in his heart. He didn't want to be like those poor cat people on the ground. UU Reading was controlled by others, and his destiny must be in his own hands. Hands.

After biting his lip hard, the young Foxman quickly dispelled the fear in his body. He said firmly to Buzz, "General, don't worry, I will never have any kind of womanhood in the future."

Looking at the fox boy who had just gone through a mental transformation, Buss nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Good job, it really didn't disappoint me.

Okay, later I will make all the cat people below look up. Go and recognize people! "

After giving some encouragement to the fox boy, Bass's face returned to coldness again. He looked at the crowd on the ground and said loudly, "Everyone is looking up, and the offender is killed on the spot."

After hearing the words "kill on the spot", those cats who had been frightened immediately raised their heads, for fear that they would be pierced by sharp arrows at a later time.

Then, accompanied by a silver pegasus knight, Hu Qingshan began to investigate the crowd one by one.

"He is a spy."

Soon, the fox boy pointed his finger at a cat man with a face of fear.

After the cat man with a look of fear suddenly noticed that the fox boy's finger was pointed at him, his eyes immediately burst out with cold killing intent.

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