Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 101: Follow-up rewards

  Ding, congratulations to your team for getting gold coins: 10, and you personally getting gold coins: 2.

   The Wild Boar King is really poor. He only contributed 10 gold coins, which is not enough for the medicine money spent on rainy nights, not to mention the consumption of plague bombs. But it’s right to think about it carefully, how much money can it have as a pig?

  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the skill book: Great Fireball*1

   Skill introduction: Fire, born in the sky, but permanent in the earth, she is a symbol of pride and a representative of unruly.

   Reading a spell, the fireball is condensed at the front of the staff, following the player’s mind to launch an attack. This is a directional skill that causes fixed damage 100 + 60% of the wearer’s magic attack power after hitting, and triggers a burning effect for five seconds.

   I have to say that compared to the small fireball technique, the big fireball technique has improved in all aspects by not a little bit.

  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the skill book: Basic Swordsmanship...

  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the skill book: Elementary Healing...

  Please see below for details...

  Ding, congratulations on getting all kinds of first-class gems*4, total: 4

  Ding, congratulations on getting 500 team reputation and 100 personal reputation.

   All the rewards finally returned, and the annoying system sound finally stopped.

   A group of people gathered around in an instant, admiring the gentle red hands, but their eyes drifted to the thing in gentle hands:

Xiao Qingrou, you have nothing to say about this hand, it is too red, this is a nine-piece suit, can you show me, my brother will cook for you in a while, it is very delicious Yo——from The wretched grandpa Li, with a wretched smile on his face, stretched out a wretched arc in his hand, and took wretched steps under his feet.

  Uh, Old Man Li is an insignificant endorsement.

  Note: Old man Li didn't know the value of the nine-piece suit, he simply wanted to own it.

   Old Li Tau, you are too much. You can’t be a thief depending on the attributes of the equipment. While playing, I haven’t touched the equipment yet! Gentle and let me touch it quickly and see what it feels like. Besides, Xiao Gentle, you may not know that this is the suit that belongs to your brother Zhao - Grandpa Zhao even cheated.

   Those eyes that show no real emotion in acting do not know, I really thought it was so! The unpretentious and awe-inspiring voice is even more confusing.

   Uh, these two shameless, they want to rub when they see good things.

   The grandmother grandmother, Qingrou Yuye and others on the side were silent, watching them carefully pinch each other here. The two of them didn't even bother to despise this time, it was ashamed and ashamed.

   Zhao Gangzi, do you think you can wear leather armor as a Paladin? It's just unreasonable to make trouble, go away, don't affect my IQ.

  Well, Li Heitan, it also affects your IQ. Do you have IQ? I'm not rare to talk about you, you talk about me first, do you have the skills? Is there any magic damage? Really shameless.

   Whoops, did you say the same? Show it to me? ..

   I have it, I have it, but I won’t show it to you. I want to see you begging me, begging me, just slightly, **** you off, **** you off


  咚茶茶, sparks are flying everywhere!

   Two people, who are close to 150 years old in total, have been arguing for a few minutes in order to equip them like two young children. They spit the stars flying around, still unable to argue. Finally, they looked towards Gentle together, hoping that she could choose someone from them.

Gentle knew that they would be like this. She was stared at by two gazes, her little face could not help showing a blush, and behind her hands, she smiled like a wise man and said: "Two brothers, you don't have to fight, I have already given the equipment to Brother Yuye Now, if you want it, find him."

   After finishing speaking, he smiled and looked at the rainy night with a triumphant expression.

   Yu Ye shook his head helplessly, Old Man Li and Old Man Zhao shook their heads helplessly, the scene was deserted for a time, Yu Ye did not speak, and the two grandfathers did not speak, they knew that this equipment fell in Yu Ye’s hands and could not be taken back.

   For a while, the two blamed each other again, do you want to say that their relationship is not good? The answer is definitely good, and the louder the better, otherwise the rainy night has already stepped forward to persuade.

   After a few minutes of cultivation, the rainy night has recovered a lot, the pain is quietly diminishing, and the pale is gradually turning red. The Boar King is full of treasures, and he can't waste a bit of it.

   Under the strong support of Grandpa Zhao, he came to the wild boar king to start the collection technique:

  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the Silver Grade material: Wild Boar King Fang.

  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the Silver Grade material: Wild Boar King Skin.

  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the silver grade material: Meteor Hammer.

  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the silver grade material: wild boar's feet.


  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the silver-level material: Wild Boar King Blood.

   is another endless beep. After two full minutes of busying, I finally collected everything. The rainy night collection technique has also been greatly improved.

  Note: The higher the level of material collected, the more the experience of the collection technique increases.

  Ding, you have successfully collected a silver-level material: the blood of the wild boar king, and gained 3 experience points.

  Ding, you have successfully collected a silver-level material: Wild Boar King Skin, and gained 3 experience points.

   Looking at the other five hundred wild boars about to be Rainy night's heart is slowly crying blood, and the rainy night's **** is secretly sad. This is all money, and it will be gone for nothing. No, I have to stay as long as possible.

Thinking of this, the rainy night gets busy again. His goal is the five elite wild boars. After collecting two of them quickly, with a ding sound, the scene is restored to its original state. All the wild boar corpses on the scene disappeared without a trace, as if they had never been Never been here in general.

   Seeing this situation on the rainy night, his expression was depressed and a little bit eager to cry without tears, his dark eyes looked a little dim, and it was shameful to waste, especially to waste so much, and he secretly blamed himself in his heart.

   After a long rainy night, it took a long time to recover. The first thing was to notify the grandparents to go offline. It's late today, and everything has to wait until tomorrow.

  All the trophies are piled up in his backpack, waiting for tomorrow's distribution.

   Mu'er stayed in place by himself. Rainy night naturally felt uneasy. After he forced Mu'er to go offline, his figure slowly disappeared in the final chapter continent.

   Two days, two BOSS, two relatives, rainy night felt very fulfilling.

   Ding, return to reality.

   As soon as he came back, a severe pain swept up like a counterattack, sprinting the rainy night's nerves, torturing the rainy night's body, and devouring the rainy night's spirit.

   His thin and slender body curled up like a spring under the force of a spring, holding his head like a frightened rabbit, and the scene suddenly frightened the gentleman lying aside.

   A look of worries appeared on the soft pink face, the original good mood was now wiped out, and my heart was full of worries for my brother and endless worries. By the way, there was a flash of light in Xiao Qingrou's mind, and she hurriedly got up and came to the bed.