Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 102: The experiment was successful

   anxiously searched for his shoes, put on his clothes indiscriminately, and ran out in a panic.

Rainy night resisted the pain, the big beads of sweat on the top of his head fell one after another, and the blue veins on his face and neck were violent. It was not terrifying, but even so, he still hurriedly stretched out a hand and held it softly, working hard. Shaking his head, motioned her to sit down.

He wants to talk, but the pain makes him unable to speak, he wants to make more movements, but his limbs are already a little unwilling at the moment, he wants to pretend to be peaceful and let his sister rest assured, but this pain, this pain is really painful Unbearable.

Rainy night raised his head and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he stretched out a finger to point to the direction of the cabinet with difficulty, and softly understood that he ran over in a panic, ding-dong, the pink feet were like carved jade feet on the table. Without knowing it.

   I took a closer look and realized that she only wore one shoe, the other was missing, and there was a faint blood leak in the cracked area.

   came to the cabinet, gently turned on the hound mode, and began to search through the cabinets. After working for a long time, he finally saw the bottle with snake gall, soaked in spirits, without worrying about the deterioration.

  Note: Since learning about Yu Ye’s condition, Grandpa Zhang gave Yu Ye the wine that his son had brought during the New Year, and made him drink two sips to relieve the pain forcibly.

   Some people may not understand, but some people really feel the same way.

   There is a kind of pain, it doesn't work at all to drink medicine, there is a kind of pain, and tranquilizers are useless. Only strong alcohol can relieve it, only alcohol can paralyze.

   The soft and clear eyes stared at the snake gall wine without turning, the movements of his hands were cautious and extremely careful, for fear that he would cause irreparable loss by accident.

   Yuye took the snake gall wine, first signaled his sister to go to bed, telling her not to run around, and then closed her eyes, with the determination of the warrior to die, arms raised, and the swordsman with the sword. Raising his head, a bottle of 300 grams of spirits went down his stomach.

   The feeling of burning from the inside out spontaneously, the sun-like heat bursts out of the mouth, intestines, and stomach, and pain, cough, comfort, etc. feel like ice and snow melted inadvertently.

   Yu Ye’s body pain weakened a little, and the chaos in his mind strengthened. The whole person was suddenly in a state of confusion, holding her soft little hand tightly to relieve her, and then pretending to be in a deep sleep.

   Can I fall asleep on rainy night? The answer is of course impossible. He did this just to make Gentle feel relieved and let Gentle sleep.

The gentle pink and dirty little hands held the brother back, and the two people interlocked their fingers, conveying mutual attachment, feeling the pain that the brother was enduring, and the body trembled slightly, heavy breathing one after another, and gentleness could not sleep. .

   The two of them just said nothing in silence, their minds were full of thoughts.

   And the old men on the other side didn't notice the situation on the rainy night at all, instead they chose to log in to the game unanimously, and reappeared in the final chapter continent and began to struggle.

   If Yuye knew that the result would be like this, how could he stop Qingrou.

   There was no word for a night, Xu Shi snake gall had a role. When the sky was about to dawn, the rainy night finally fell asleep in the perverted pain.

In the early morning, the first ray of sunshine rose slowly with the slight snoring sound of rainy night. Xiao soft and quietly got up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for six people. She yawned and lighted the fire. Needless to say, she did not sleep well last night. .

   The strange thing is that after Xiao Qingrou made the rice and brought it out, no one got up. There was no movement in the village. This time, Xiao Qingrou was out of anger. What happened today? All of them are lazy, even if the older brothers, but the grandparents do too.

So softly pursing his mouth and sticking in his waist, he began to yell one by one. When he came to Grandpa Li's side, the snoring sound sounded. Seeing that Grandpa Li was sleeping soundly, he waved his hand gently. Forget it, so he came to Zhao. Grandpa's house.

   Grandpa Zhao recovered from a serious illness, and the snoring sound was even louder than Grandpa Li. Xiao Qingrou sighed and went to Grandpa Zhang’s room. Similarly, the snoring sound shook the sky. Gentle gave up. After he finished eating, he went out of the village with a small bamboo basket on his back to search for available ingredients.

  Everything seems to be familiar with the road, so calm, so natural. In the past six months, such movements have been gentle and proficient many times, and I have long been familiar with the road.

  Three poles on the day, waking up from a deep sleep in the rainy night, and when he touched the bedside and found that Gentle was not there, he was awake all at once, turned over and sat up and looked around. Ah, the pain swept through again, stimulating the nerves of the rainy night.

   But he still resisted walking out of the house looking for a gentle trail, and at the same time he sighed in his heart: It seems that the plan should be implemented as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, the interval between onsets this time was only a short day and a half. Is this a sign of death? Is it the last call of heaven?

Staggered out, looking at the breakfast on the table, and coming to the room of the grandparents, the rainy night understood something, and sat quietly in the sunshine at the entrance of the village and waited Soon he seemed to think of something and started crazy To exercise.

  Without equipment, he can only run, and without sandbags, he holds two stones in his hand, and under the scorching sun and rainy night, he jumps up and down like a monkey, like a convulsion.

The painful drops of sweat mixed with the sweat drops of exercise fused together and fell quickly. In just ten minutes, the vest of the rainy night was completely soaked, but he was still insisting, and the aerobic exercise was really effective, which could relieve his pain. .

After gaining a little bit of sweetness and understanding the situation, the rainy night will stop and become even crazier. His madness is not only for the cruel boar, not only for the cruel enemy, but also for himself, and even more for himself. Ruthless, even more fierce.

He exercised frantically on rainy nights for an hour, and he was so singular. He was running and beating on the spot while holding a rock. He didn't know whether his face was sun-dried or a sports factor. The red was black and white stains appeared on his clothes. , It was left by his sweat.

   The entire trouser leg fits his legs perfectly, breathing, breathing, heavy gasps, and firm eyes stating: He will not stop, he will continue.

   "Xiaoye, Gentle, where are you? Xiaoye..." There were several anxious shouts from the village, the voice was very old and very close.

"Brother, what are you doing?" This voice was very close to Yuye. A childlike voice appeared before Yuye's eyes. Xiao Gentle tilted his head, put his hand on his lips and looked at his brother in doubt, two ponytails in front of him. After that, it was extremely festive.

   stopped on a rainy night, a smile appeared on his sweaty face, and said as he ran: "Gentle, I have found a way to restrain the pain."

   When he said this, he felt happiness from the bottom of his heart, from the bottom of his heart to the ease, and from the bottom of his heart, feeling relieved.