Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 103: 2 difficult choices

   Yes, strenuous exercise can really help him relieve his pain, and constant sweating can make him forget everything. After an hour of exercise, his pain index has dropped from 6 to 3, which is completely acceptable.

When Gentle heard this, a smile appeared on her pink and somewhat dirty face, cheering for her brother; the two ponytails swayed freely with the laughter, congratulating on the rainy night, Gentle heart The heavy worry was finally put down, patted the undeveloped little chest, and said softly: "As long as the brother is fine, it's fine..."

On the rainy night, seeing the gentle and unharmed return, although the little face was flushed with tan and accompanied by a little dust, the forehead was full of fine sweat beads, and the small cherry-like mouth was slightly cracked, which was very distressing. Even so, the heart he was holding was finally let go.

   It’s okay, it’s okay... Rainy Night’s voice.

The grandparents in the distance saw the two villains standing unscathed at the entrance of the village. Although they were a little dull, a little nervous, and the scene was a bit unreasonable, fortunately, nothing happened. The heart that had been hanging was finally let go, messy. The pace became orderly and slow, and the anxious mood returned to calm and peaceful.

   Fortunately, nothing happened, fortunately... the voices of grandparents.

   It is no exaggeration to say that the hearts of the six of them are already connected, the lives of the six of them have been connected, and the souls of the six of them are even more connected.

   The axe does not smash, and the sword slashes continuously. Except for the continual rushing and cruel time that can decay everything, except for the cruel messenger from **** that can take everything away, no power can dismantle them.

Yu Ye’s face bloomed with a smile, as long as he saw the softness, Yu Ye’s face would always be a smile, always sunny, and he would throw two hard rocks weighing ten kilograms at random, even if he didn’t care about it, just because of him. Thinking of a better way to exercise, she skillfully took the back basket from her sister and entered the village with her soft pink hand.

"Hey, what a coincidence, grandpa and grandma, are you guys coming out too?" As soon as Yu Ye turned her head, she saw four old faces that were only 30 centimeters away from her. It was not terrifying, and the four pairs of godly eyes were straight up. Staring at him, his eyes were full of doubts, presumably he had seen Yuye's previous movements, and was a little puzzled.

   Although they have a faint answer in their hearts, no one wants to believe it.

As the representative of the four, Grandpa Zhao bent down at the moment to get close to the rainy night again, only ten centimeters away from the small face of the rainy night. The eyes that watched the rainy night were motionless, and there was no expression on his face. The cold eyes looked at the rainy night. The bottom of my heart is straight and hairy, with a hint of knowing in the turbidity, and a hint of light in the old.

   Looking at them on the rainy night, with some guilty conscience, he secretly said: No.

But I still endured the pain, pretending to be nonchalant, as usual, padded the bamboo basket behind the cushion, and said with slightly moving lips: "Grandpa and grandma, I'm fine, just waiting at the entrance of the village is gentle and boring, just exercise casually. work out."

   said a touch of sweat on his forehead. This time it was neither a sun burn nor a natural sweat from exercise, but a sweat with a guilty conscience and a lie.

   But even under the sun's exposure, it can conceal the past perfectly, don't worry about grandparents see through.

Grandpa Zhao nodded thoughtfully. Just about to say something, he didn't expect the gentle preemptive action on the side to relieve his brother, and asked loudly: "Grandpa Zhao, Grandpa Li, you said, when did you sleep last night? Why doesn't anyone get up in the morning?"

   The gentle and gentle appearance is extremely cute, with a jade lotus-like arm raised and pointed at Grandpa Zhao, then he looked around and asked with a small mouth.

Old man Zhang reacted the fastest. He raised his head at a forty-five degree angle and looked up at the sky. He looked at the white cloud on the horizon and hurriedly said haha, "Hey, today’s weather is so good. Let’s get some sun exposure, otherwise it’s wasted. ."

   "Well, well, Mr. Zhang, you are right. The weather today is really rare. Let's walk and walk together." Grandpa Zhao hurriedly followed up with a booze, and looked at the sky like Mr. Zhang.

"Yes, right, right, walk around." Grandpa Li also hurriedly followed and turned and turned away. Looking at these legs and feet, the three of them are not like old people in their sixties, and they are not more than the 20 or 30-year-old guys. , So only the rainy night and grandmother grandmother remained at the scene, and the three walked side by side.

   Grandma Sun didn't say much. She is the person who knows Yuye best. From the time Yuye was two years old, she knew what each of his actions meant and what his next step would be. Grandma Sun knew everything well.

   She knew that Yu Ye’s body had a problem, but she really couldn’t help it.

   If he doesn't want to say it, then don't say it; if you don't want to say it, I won't ask.

   You must know that destroying a person is very simple in this era, and it is even easier to bring down a grandma wants to save Yuye, but what about her own son and daughter? What about her family? In the past six months, it was not just her, Old Man Zhang and Old Man Zhao were not in a state of collapse, in a dilemma.

  Save or not? They are totally undecided. On the one hand, it is condemnation of conscience, and on the other hand it is a reminder of reason. It is no exaggeration to say that each of them has made decisions and choices that they think is right, but always gives up at the last minute and withdraws at the last minute.

   They cannot, and they dare not! It's been a long time and there is no solution at all. Don't they love rainy night? Don't they hurt rainy night? Don't they want to see if Yuye is sick? Think, think, think, but the poor life and the downfall of the village can only make them give up this idea.

   Tick tick tick, time passed, Grandma Sun was walking under the scorching sun, watching the face of the rainy night and laughing from time to time, and she felt like a knife cut in her heart, like boiling water. She was so painful that she could not breathe.

   came to the center of the village and looked at the figure of Yu Ye leaving. Grandma Sun understood: This matter can only be stranded again, and Yu Ye’s illness can only be resigned.

   Gentle and gentle brother went to the kitchen for lunch together. Although the grandparents ate a little morning porridge, they were still empty and hungry.

Yu Ye no longer pampered with Gentleness, and did not allow Gentleness to fight on the sidelines. Instead, she forced her to start making a fire by herself, choose her own dishes, and cook by herself. Just like when her grandparents forced Yu Ye to learn to cook, this scene is so unified, but But revealed inexplicable bitterness.

   The grandparents forced Yuye to cook because they knew that they were running out of time, and taught Yuye as much as possible so that he and Gentle could live. And rainy night, the same thought at the moment.