Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 112: Probe failed

   Wow, this skill looks very cruel, and it is quite cruel. If the opponent is crispy, one skill can make him return to the Yin Cao, and one skill can teach him to be a good person. The most important thing is that he is not afraid of siege and attack four at once. This skill is invincible and can definitely be used in battle. People are refreshing.

   The only shortcoming is: the cooling time is too long, I wonder if I can find a way to solve the problem in the future. Or can you comprehend other skills again?

   After watching the skill of ‘Fatty, I’m the Fattest’, Yu Ye had a vague guess in her heart, but it could only be a guess, which can only be left for future verification.

  Passive Skill: Warrior's Blood

   Lucky Value: 2

  咦, he actually has two lucky points, but I don’t know where it came from?

   But thinking about it, it is normal. If the blood wolf king's horror equipment is very low and unbearable, how can it burst?

   After reading my fattest introduction to Fatty, Yu Ye's figure trembled slightly, and the cold air rushed into the sky. He wanted to make a stagger under his feet. Fortunately, Changjian Henge discovered Yu Ye's embarrassment in time and helped him.

After Yuye blinked his eyes vigorously, the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes appeared one after another to swear their existence. A ten-year-old child actually had crow's feet. This is really.... This shows how much the vibrations in Yuye’s heart are. As if overwhelming.

   After the rainy night, he swallowed hard and suppressed his unspeakable mood.

what? Is there really such a perverted person at this stage? And just appeared in front of oneself, still against oneself? All this is so untrue, all this is so false? At this time, a word suddenly popped out of Yuye's not-rich vocabulary: horror.

   Next, I need to experiment to see if the disaster of a single body will affect him. If he can reduce his attributes by half, then this battle is not impossible, because the consciousness is not enough, the attributes are collected!

   After reading it, Yu Ye breathed out a sigh of relief, and immediately after Yu Ye moved her gaze to ‘Skinny I’m Leanest’, and activated the skill Wisdom Eye:

  Ding, the scouting technique failed to detect you, and the subject has already sensed you. Do you want to continue the investigation?

When Yuye heard such system prompts, doubts arose in his heart. He raised his head and looked at the thin man with a deep anxiety. When the thin man heard the prompt sound in his mind, he also noticed the rainy night, and raised a pair of sparkles. , Looked at him with piercing eyes.

   This time, there is no insignificance in the eyes of the thin man, no contempt at all, and some are just fancy and appreciation of rainy night, as if a person has changed, as if everything before was disguised.

   The two eyes met in the air, a series of sparks burst out, and a fierce fighting spirit burst out. The expressions of the two sides were in a glance, and the opponents had a panoramic view, and then inferred something deeper.

   The thin man looked up and down at the rainy night, and then whispered a few words to the fat man after a while, seeming to be discussing about the rainy night.

   And rainy night, he also shared the fat man’s personal information with his aunt for emergency. At the same time, since it has been discovered, Yuye will naturally not give up the investigation and choose to continue:

   Ding, the eye sight technique failed to check, and the investigator perceives you. Do you want to continue the investigation?


   After dozens of consecutive times, finally succeeded:

  Ding, the smart eye technique has been successfully detected, and the personal information of the player "I am the thinnest" appears on your panel, please check:

   As rainy night was checking, the thin and the fat continued to whisper:

"Fatty, the child behind Changjian Hengge is not easy! It is definitely not easy. If we fight for a while, we will set the fire to kill him in an instant. He gives me a very uncomfortable feeling!" There are slight changes underneath, but not much. He is still restraining and hiding as much as possible.

   The fat man did not choose to stare at the thin man, but moved to one side, not knowing where he was looking, and waved the long knife in his hand and said faintly: "S thin man, what did you notice?"

   "No, but he can check my personal information, so I don't think he is easy!"

   "What, are you sure? Then did he succeed in the investigation?" There was a hint of rush in the fat man's words, a hint of disbelief.

The thin face calmly said: "Fatty, you also know that I have that treasure, and the reason why he was able to detect it is that he has treasures of the same rank as me or higher than mine, and the other is that He has probing skills, and possessing either of these two can prove that he is not easy!

   According to my estimation, he got the news he wanted out of all likelihood. Because of the failure, I would have a sound on my side, but now the system sound no longer reminds me. "

   After listening to the skinny's serious analysis, the fat man nodded slightly in agreement with him if nothing happened, and continued: "Well, let's focus on him first.

   The two people have been together for so long, knowing each other well, and the convergence of their eyes will understand the other's thoughts.

   Ding, the arena failed to open, will UU reading continue to open?

   failed for the fifth time, 10 million Chinese currency was lost! The thin man’s heart was bleeding, but the fat man looked indifferent, as if ten million was nothing to him?

   Where is the local tyrant from? Where is this rich boy from? The thin man was already thinking: no matter how rich the client is, he is a fool, and he will probably not pay this ten million. He must find a way to reduce the loss as much as possible and stop the fat man as much as possible.

   And these people on the field also remembered the whispers:

"Hey, brother, do you know what is going on now? Why are they both staring at nothing but doing nothing? Is this the momentum between the masters duel? And why should we be like fools and not be casual Move?"

As soon as    said this, a series of player responses were immediately aroused:

   "Yes, I also want to know? Why don't we leave? I still have things to do. Isn't it a problem to keep spending so much time?"

   "That is, everyone has two shoulders against one head. What are you afraid of?"


   There were more than a dozen people who echoed, most of them were young men with a strong spirit. They were exposed to online games for the first time, and soon someone told them why:

   "Brothers, are you new here? Haven't you heard of "Fat and Thin Fairy Boy"? They are talking about them. As long as these two people show up, they will cause trouble..."

   One sentence caught everyone's appetite, and they asked one after another: "What is it off? You said it."

   "Yes, you said it."

   saw him smile mysteriously and said: "As long as they appear, there will be a good show, whether it is from sight or hearing: