Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 114: Illiterate misunderstanding

"Fatty, your taste is so heavy, I am ashamed to be with you, you are simply a scum of my generation, and a shame of my generation. You should be cruelly nailed to death." The thin man pointed to the fat man's nose and said. After speaking, he left the fat man one meter away in disgust and waved his hand.

   The distance of one meter is said to be not close, or not to be short. This is the distance they trust, and this is the maximum distance when they counterattack.

"Oh, skinny, you don't have to take a **** and take a picture of yourself. Idiots can be your teacher, and mentally retarded can teach you how to talk. They also say me, believe it or not, I will teach you how to be a man every minute." With an angry expression on the skinny man, he raised his thick, fat arms that were as thick as a tree trunk, and waved straight down.

   The thin man dodged dexterously, dodge the attack, and attacked again.

   The two seem to be arguing, but in fact they are delaying time, thereby reducing the doubts of Changjian Hengge.

   just because of this system prompt:

   Ding, the arena is under construction and the countdown is one minute, please be patient!

   Long Sword Hate Song can be a long time. At this moment, looking at their expressions, you can naturally see a strange clue and smell a strange smell, even though they have already pretended to be perfect.

   Although Changjian Hengge knows something, there is no trace on the surface. Instead, he squeezed Yuye's little hand secretly and drew the previous words several times again to signal him to start moving.

   Yuye suddenly understood, and also squeezed the long sword Hengge's hand and then released it. Then a strange picture appeared, a funny picture:

Long sword Hengge instantly retracted the two swords in his hands, and stepped horizontally under his feet, slammed back on the ground. The explosive power that instantly expanded, the impact that was ready to go, suddenly rushed out a **** path. Keep a certain distance from the rainy night.

   The people watching the battle in this area were dumbfounded, unable to control their body, letting Changjian Henge knocked down and rushed ten meters away.

   The person who was knocked down has no place to reason, after all, the strength in the game is respected.

On the other hand, Yuye’s side, concentrating, tightly holding the unyielding giant sickle in his hand, and using the same force to kill the two fat and thin fairy boys, the murderous look on his face is shocking, The fighting spirit went straight to Dou Xiao.

There are two figures, one in front and one in the back. The two choose between the left and the right. Not only are the onlookers confused, but even the fat and thin fairy boy who is opening the arena is not clear. Therefore, the two looked at each other. Both saw the doubt in the eyes of both parties.

   "Fat man, do you know what this is like? Is this their trick? Or is this their conspiracy?"

   "Thin, don't take it lightly and deal with it carefully. Since the other party chooses this strategy, they must have their plans, and we will wait and see the changes."


   The expressions of the two became very serious as the rainy night followed, and the figure that left with the sword and hate became deep and abnormal.

  Look at the reactions of passers-by at this moment:

   "Hey, what strategy did the two of them use? Could it be that there is a deep meaning behind this?"

   "Yeah, what are they doing? Is it a trick to move the tiger away from the mountain, and it doesn't look like it?"

   "Oh, I understand, Changjian Hengge is a great trick." One of the onlookers slapped his head on the spot and said excitedly. The expression didn't seem to be fake, as if he had really seen the plan of Changjian Hengge.

   For a time, all eyes were concentrated on him, even the fat and thin fairy boy.

   "Brother, what did you find, tell me quickly."

   "That's right, if it's a man, don't ink it, just say it quickly."


   The urging voices one after another, but the other person is calm and relaxed, like a world-famous person, enjoying the eyes of everyone with his eyes closed, enjoying the urging sounds of others, but he said nothing.

   The crowd was a bit turbulent, and the scene was a bit chaotic.

Long Sword Hengge gave a light sound, feeling wrong, turned her head back in doubt, and saw a scene that surprised her through the heavy crowd. The rainy night had already jumped up while holding the sharp sickle tightly, and waved forward vigorously. He wanted to bombard the fat and thin fairy boy.

   Seeing this situation, Changjian Henge quickly shouted: "Rainy night, no."

  Qijindan two grocery stores are forbidden to fight. She doesn't dare to think about the consequences and the price if the rainy night breaks this precedent, so she can only take preventive measures.

Then he turned around abruptly, two long swords appeared in his hands, tearing and pulling two marks on the ground, ignoring the damage that this forced twisting would cause to himself, his steps changed, his figure swayed, and he was facing the rainy night. The direction is galloping.

   This kid, didn’t you understand what I meant just now? Why did such a thing happen? Hey, silly boy, you don't have to do that even if it's for your aunt. Changjian Hengge fell into deep self-blame and felt regretful in her heart.

   But what she would not have thought is that Yu Ye didn’t understand it from the beginning, Yu Ye didn’t know how to read, she thought too much...

   Seeing this situation, the doubts in their hearts became even greater. Are the two of them sick? What are you doing? Do you play a sitcom?

Turning his head to look at the person who had previously said that he had broken the secret, he found that his face should have been such an expression, as expected, and no one felt like the palm of my hand, and everyone present immediately regarded him as a god. A series of speculations arose.

   Wow, this person is too strong, all the movements of Changjian Hengge are under his control, is he a legendary fortune teller?

  What kind of divine fortune teller, it is weak, people should be called half immortal, half immortal, please accept me as a disciple, I also want to see you through everything in the world like this!

   cut, ignorance, ignorance.

   There are believers and unbelievers. Even so, everyone's eyes are still focused on Changjian Henge, waiting for her next move, and guessing her next plan.

   At the same time, I heard the roar of Longjian Hengge on the rainy night. Although I was unwilling, the smashed sickle still shifted to the left and slammed on the ground with a bang, tightly inlaid on it.

  Yuye had an attacking action, but there was no actual attack. Er Shao had no choice but to attack in the opposite direction. After all, the previous warning was vivid, and the arena would be opened in ten seconds, they could bear it.

It took three seconds for Changjian Hengge to finally rush over, stand with Yuye and prepare to fight side by side, looking at Ersha coldly, and saying loudly: "It seems that today's battle cannot be avoided. In that case, Fight over there."

   She did not ask about the reason for the rainy night, nor did she blame it, but instead went with the rainy night and prepared to fight.