Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 115: end

   Er silly looked at them with helpless and warlike expressions, and felt their previous actions that had no meaning or any meaning. They were still puzzled, doubts still unclear. They couldn't understand why, what on earth was Changjian Hengge thinking? What on earth does the Long Sword Hate Song do?

   Just as everyone was stunned, under the unknown reason, the sound of the system sound like a natural sound finally sounded in the eager expectation of the two fools:

  Ding, the arena has been built, and the terrain of the arena has been randomly formed. Please ‘thin, I’m the thinnest’ player to designate the player who will PK.

The thin man's eyes condensed, and the corners of his mouth showed a smile like nothing. The awkward acting for such a long time finally came to an end. Finally, when he waited for this exciting moment, he raised his fingers with a crazy face and pointed at the two people in front of him. Order in your heart.

   After the selection is completed, the players "Long Sword Hate Song" and "Holy Dragon", do you change?


   is sending, please wait patiently.

   As soon as the voice fell, a yellow halo appeared under the feet of the four people, like annual rings; the surrounding air fluctuated more and more like a magnetic field; the body formed by the data was slowly dissipating and heading to an unknown place.

Er silly saw this situation without a trace of panic, some were just premeditated anticipation, a wretched smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, a cruel expression appeared in his eyes, and said faintly: "Long sword hate song, we are waiting This is the moment."

   Changjian Henge and Yuye still don’t know the current situation very well, and they don’t even know what happened. But looking at Ersha's proud expression and listening to Ersha's unscrupulous words, they knew they had been fooled.

However, the more you are at this time, the more you have to be calm. Panic and panic will only make you more frantic. Soldiers will block the water and cover the earth, and the sword and hate will give Yuye a firm look, a calm look, a look With calm eyes, calmly facing everything in front of him.

In the previous words, she was still a little unsure and timid, but for some reason, standing with Yuye at this moment, her two hands clenched together, her heart calmed down and settled down, fear, anxiety and other negative emotions. One passed away.

   is replaced by a strong fighting spirit, the final chapter game, a big deal, what's terrible.

   Her state of mind is sublimating, her mind is pure, and she understands this. She feels that she has touched the threshold of the top 50 Hall of Fame and the bottleneck of the top 50.

   The gorgeous scenes around are constantly changing, and the fixed environment around me is fading rapidly. This feeling is like accepting two inheritance moments on a rainy night. At the same time, a crisp system prompt sounds:

   Ding, the player "Long Sword Hate Song" and the player "Holy Dragon" are forcibly called into the arena of life and death. They cannot resist or break free.

   A flood of memories about the arena of life and death rushed into the two people's minds. After they understood the cause and effect, the two people looked at Ersha in their eyes full of resentment, full of murderous intent, two despicable villains.

   All the actions and all the words of the previous two have been perfectly explained. It turns out that their plot is so huge, and their ambitions are even more so.

With a scream, the data streamed into white lines, and the four of them plunged into endless darkness at the same time. After a few seconds, an emerald green light flashed, and the four appeared in the arena of life and death, and came to an unfamiliar environment. , The first thing is definitely to look around to ensure your own safety.

  What will the arena look like? What kind of appearance will it appear? Please wait and see.

   Within the entire range of the final chapter game, No. 999 Novice Village, there was a bang, thunder bursting from the ground, and an incomparable giant screen appeared in the sky.

At this moment, whether it is the crowd fighting monsters, the gathering crowd, or the crowd setting up stalls, they are all attracted by this vision. They all looked up and watched the scene in the sky. The sword was playing on the sky. The battle of Hate Song and others!

Ding, the player'thin I am the thinnest' triggers the hidden program, opens the arena of life and death, and compulsively selects the "Long Sword Hate Song" and "Holy Dragon" to join the battle, so the whole village is announced and the battle scene is made public. Please everyone Appreciate slowly.

  Ding, in order to let everyone have a better viewing experience, all the data of No. 999 Novice Village is archived at this stage. After the battle is over, please read the file yourself.

  Note: The unfair treatment received by both parties in the battle has not been disclosed. After the battle, the punishment and losses of both parties have not been disclosed. Everything is waiting for the players to explore.


   Three consecutive system prompts sounded, explaining to the player the reasons for the various abnormalities.

Ding, time seems to be stationary. The player who is attacking the wild boar suddenly finds that the wild monsters have been fixed in place, and their sharp fangs are still exposed to declare their and profitability. The claws still dance to show their domineering.

   The hunter was overjoyed, waving the short stick in his hand to use his skills: sap, oops, all of a sudden, and flashed his waist.

   These monsters are just mere appearances, as if they are in another space. They cannot be attacked or touched. Almost everyone in the game gave up after experimenting.

  The player who was collecting medicine suddenly discovered that his collection strip was in a static state and was not moving forward.

  The players who set up the stall are even cheating. The equipment and minerals sold are all blocked by the system at the moment, as if they never belonged to him.

   It is no exaggeration to say that everything except players, including NPCs, is now sealed.

And perhaps there are only two NPCs who have not been sealed, one is Batu and the other is God Chef. Their expressions are very strange at the moment, they are expecting, yearning, unwilling, and regretful. They can’t tell what they are. Up? Don't understand what their true situation is?

   This forced players to re-recognize the final chapter of the game, allowing players to understand more secrets of the final chapter, and also have more enthusiasm for the final chapter.

   The whole continent of the final chapter was boiling instantly, and everyone was discussing, shouting, and discussing loudly.

   "This game is too horrible? It can stop everything, otherwise I have to go to Baidu. What kind of technology is so attractive." From a very curious science and technology house.

   For him, this battle is nothing at all, and figuring out this technique is the key.

  嚯嚯嚯, it's terrible, it scares me to death, can it be said that the current online game technology has developed to this point? The final chapter is mighty and the final chapter is domineering.