Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 116: *** ground

"Wow, the game has changed so much now. I vaguely remember the online games of the past few years. The special effects were so rubbish, and the picture quality was simply unsightly. It was completely incomparable with the final chapter. How did the game design team manage to Such a big leap in the middle of the year?"

   "Big brother, don't make trouble, it used to be domestically produced, but now it is a product of all countries. Can it be the same? Don't spray, you have to admit your country's shortcomings before you can forge ahead."

"Okay, don't discuss the final chapter. Anyway, it's a game. Let's have fun and watch the game with peace of mind. This game can cause such a sensation. There must be his deep meaning and his meaning. "

   "Yes, yeah, let me watch the game with peace of mind, I will lie down for respect first! Hey, it's better to lie down? It’s been a long time since I feel so comfortable."

"The game, the game, yes, if I put this game online, will it cause a sensation? No, I have to start the live broadcast first." An unknown little anchor sniffed The precursor of the business opportunity, smelled the taste of money, and decisively seized the opportunity to put it into practice.


   In the mighty Bear Ridge, beside the violent grizzly bear.

"Grandpa Zhao, look, are they two brothers and aunts? Why do they appear there? Are those two people not bad guys?" Gently raised his head and looked at the giant screen in the sky, pulling Grandpa Zhao's A hurried and nervous voice came from the trousers.

   Although the words of the arena appeared in her mind, she couldn't understand it with her current level of knowledge.

   Several grandparents have already been surprised by the system prompt in their minds, Arena? In the place of competition, could it be said that this is what Xiao Ye said before leaving? Or it was another matter, this time it was an accident.

   Hundreds of possibilities emerged in their minds one by one, and hundreds of results appeared in their minds without exception. Uh, they seem to be overly nervous. They didn't even hear the gentle voice of the question, they mentioned that their throats were quietly looking at the giant screen in the sky.

   But it is also because they are not nervous. After just having a gentle and understanding conversation, they already know that the rainy night's symptoms have relapsed. Although it can be suppressed for a short time, they don't know how long it can last. Fighting with people at this time, isn't that looking for death?

   talked to the grandparents softly and nervously. After a long time, seeing no one cared about him, he had to put his hands together and prayed for his brother. Although Grandpa Zhao clearly said that these are all feudal superstitions, or something else, Gentle can only think of, or say, only this way can help her brother.

   She wants to contribute, she doesn't want to watch her brother fight alone in obscurity.

   In the voices of one after another, the battle between Changjian Henge, Yuye and Ersha also slowly began. The venue they are currently in is: *land.

The three characters in front of    are very vague. I can’t see clearly. I can only see the last character ‘地’. Where is this place?

A tattered and uninhabited ruin stood quietly at their feet, and a mottled blue light emitting a dim light was suspended in the air to illuminate the surrounding environment. The quiet air revealed a trace of silence, and it appeared under the sinister light. Debut face.

   is so weird.

  What is this place? Is this really an arena?

   At this time, not only Rainy Night and Longjian Henge are in a daze, even Ersha is no exception. Although they are the openers of the arena, they still don't know anything about this place.

The rainy night suddenly looked up at the sky for the first time, wanting to get some information from it. Who knows that there is no light in the sky, it is gloomy, and the faint light accompanied by the swaying blue light can see that the sky is full of dark clouds and black Clouds have different shapes, no piece is repeated, no piece is the same.

   What seems to be hiding behind the deep dark clouds? It seems that these secrets are buried in total darkness and nothing can be detected. The luster of moonlight, starlight, and sunlight that can bring hope to the world does not appear, but the negative luster of darkness, horror, and fright.

   is like the chaos that formed when the world first opened, and the wailing that erupted when the world was destroyed.

After looking at the dead sky, the rainy night turned his eyes back to the quiet ground. The quietly standing ruins on the ground were invisible at a glance. You can't see the architecture of the building by what age, or the age. building.

   Rainy Night’s little head has only one idea: it’s not the buildings in the village.

   Uh, isn’t this nonsense?

   Combining the trailer of the final chapter I watched earlier, after careful scrutiny, I still have no clue.

   The building here looks very tall ~ very fine, very luxurious, even if it has collapsed and decayed, but it is vaguely able to see the glory of this building that year, the brilliance of this building.

   A thick layer of dust fell on the ground covered with gullies, and between the crevices of the rubble and the bricks lurked vicissitudes and weathered bones.

   There is no trace of life here, there is no trace of vitality here.

   Ding, the arena is open and all participants are ready. Ten seconds later, the battle will begin. Please prepare.


   Three consecutive system prompts sounded both inside and outside the arena, and all players inside and outside shut their breath and watched the battle intently.

   At the same time, a transparent mask fell from the sky, covering all the four people within a range of forty by forty meters. Everything outside the mask was blurred first, then disappeared, leaving only this area in the center of the battlefield at this moment.

After everything from the outside world has disappeared, the light from the blue light is as hot as the eruption of magma in the internal environment shrouded by the light at this moment, and it is as bright as a golden crow, shining the entire battlefield like daylight, making the viewing vision change To be more clear.

   What is this place, I won’t mention it for now, but please remember this place.

   After this system reminder sounded, Ersha's side sounded different system reminders one after another:

  Ding, because you two are the openers of the Arena of Life and Death, the character attributes remain the same, and the character status remains the same.

Ding, because you two are the openers of the arena of life and death, after victory, you will get all the equipment of the loser (except the bound equipment), plus one level, and you will also get the honor of the arena. The honor of the arena includes: resources, equipment, gold coins , Drawings and so on.