Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 141: Secondary accident

Grandma Sun, as the most delicate person in the village and the person who knows Yuye best, can tell from Yuye’s expression that he did not lie. She was happy for him for a while, but she still worriedly said: "Xiaoye, although you have a way, but I think it’s still necessary to go to the hospital for an examination, you say, old Zhao."

"Yeah, I agree with your grandmother Sun, Xiaoye, the hospital must go to the hospital, this matter is set, after we go out, we will take Xiaoye to the big hospital for a checkup, and then find a place to stay. Let’s prepare first, and get familiar with the various materials.

I haven't been out of the village for so many years, and I don't know what the outside world has developed into. Are you really looking forward to it? "

When everyone heard this statement, everyone agreed. Everyone’s expressions were filled with joy. Grandpa Li seemed to be a thief playing too much. At this moment, he still said coolly: "You can't delay the treatment of Xiaoye, old man Zhao, you can make a decision. We will leave as soon as possible."

"Then tomorrow morning, everyone knows that Xiao Ye's illness can't be delayed. Now go back and start cleaning up immediately. You will leave on time at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. Xiao Ye, do you think there is a problem?" Grandpa Zhao set the date with a wave of his hand.

Yu Ye was a little excited and happy. He didn't expect that the result would turn out to be like this. It was too sudden, so he smiled and said with a little happiness: "Okay, everything depends on Grandpa."

"Gentle, do you have any questions? Can the little lazy pig get up on time at six tomorrow?" Grandpa Zhang teased.

"Hmph, badass Grandpa Zhang, and laughed at them again, so that your brother will definitely get up tomorrow, wait and see." Xiao Qingrou took her brother's hand and pouted towards Grandpa Zhang's direction. Said drummed.

Hahahaha, seeing the soft and cute expression suddenly came a few cheerful smiles in the village, they hadn't laughed so cheerfully for a long time.

"Okay, okay, everyone will go back and prepare, and we will leave on time at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning." Grandpa Zhao said with a serious expression after he finished laughing. He took the lead and walked back to the room.

"Brother, what does the outside world look like? Is there such a high tree like ours? Are there so many houses like ours? Are there so many small animals like ours?"

Gently pulling Yuye’s hand, walking forward and jumping around, like a cute little rabbit, two little braids swinging back and forth freely, like two bright ribbons, innocence and yearning appear on the face Looking at his brother seriously and asked.

"Gentle, my brother doesn't know, but don't worry, we will go out tomorrow. Then we will be able to see the outside world. Then we will know. Now that I think about it, I still feel a little excited. Gentle, you are happy. ?"

The yearning in Yu Ye's eyes is more than Gentle, and he is even more curious about everything in the outside world, and the corners of his mouth can't help but rise, like eating honey.

"Brother, brother, you said..."

The soft and tender voice came like a lark, bringing all the thoughts of the rainy night out of the clouds.

The picture gradually zoomed out, the figures of the six people gradually moved away, and the village fell into tranquility again.

At this time, Huaxia Zhongzhang’s company headquarters, Tao Yuan’s office:

Tao Yuan’s face was exhausted at this moment. Today’s things left him tossing hard, gently rubbing his temples with his hands to try to relieve him, his eyes were bloodshot, but still deep, still focused, and the copywriting on the table was released. A lot awaiting his handling.

After a brief rest, bang bang bang, three knocks on the door sounded, Tao Yuan said naturally: Come in.

After speaking, the office door of the black numbered musical notation was gently pushed open, and Yu'er, dressed in professional professional attire, walked in with a bunch of documents. She had a good grasp of the work and life, and she came forward to report with a serious face. Said: "General Manager, this is the material about this arena, please take a look."

After finishing speaking, put the materials there, walked behind Tao Yuan for himself, squeezed his shoulders, pounded his back, pressed his temples, and quietly waited for Tao Yuan's approval.

Tao Yuan stretched out his hand to pick up the pile of documents, sighed, turned page by page, and a trace of unwillingness appeared on his face and said: "Do you have a clue about this matter, Yuer? This is the second accident in our Huaxia District. This time I can't suppress it anymore."

Yu'er gently rubbed absent-mindedly behind her, with many thoughts in her mind. After a long time, she calmly said, "Tao Yuan, this time things are very strange. The system is not abnormal and the machine is not malfunctioning. It is completely different from the last time. If someone is really responsible, then get me out."

"Xiaoyu, what are you talking about? I tell you, this time the matter is an internal problem in the system. It is a scene that the system will trigger under special circumstances. It has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with you. Don't worry, it's the point. If you leave work, I will go home after dealing with some problems. Don't be too surprised when I am on the road for a while."

Tao Yuan threw aside the documents about this arena in his hand, closed his eyes and said flatly, with a trace of mystery in his words.

This time, Xiaoyu, as the chief planner and chief designer, should be to blame, but Tao Yuan wanted to suppress it for her again, wrong, not thinking, but he had already done this, but the price of doing so ....

Note: The opening of the arena is a special scene triggered by special conditions, and when the time is suspended for all people to watch, it has nothing to do with the system, so Tao Yuan said it was the second accident.

"Yeah, I'm all up to you, but since the general manager is off work for me, then I will be my wife to relax for you, and your little tricks, I already know, why don't you let people Write it on your face."

Xiaoyu put down her temperament as a strong woman for a, like a lady next door, serving Tao Yuan in a gentle and pleasant manner, with an expression that I know everything.

She knew in her heart that the man in front of her once again carried a piece of sky for her, but she couldn't always let the man she liked stand in front of her, she also had her own ideas.

Squeezing the shoulders and beating the back, no one would have thought that the strong women who stood upright like the sky would have such a side.

After relaxing for Tao Yuan for a while, Xiaoyu bent down and gently blew Tao Yuan’s ears, rubbing against him with a flushed little face, and her little hands wandered like a snake like a snake, tempted by the opening and closing of her lips. Said: "Husband, what do you want for dinner? I'll go home and make it for you."

Tao Yuan was hot in Xiaoyu's heart, turned his head and slapped her cheek with a blissful expression: "As long as it is made by Yuer, I like to eat it."

Xiaoyu turned into a fierce tiger and kissed Tao Yuan's lips strongly...Tao Yuan picked up the remote control beside him and tapped it to avoid being disturbed.

The following content is a little uncomfortable, please make up for it yourself.