Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 145: Blood volume surge

Hearing this softly, he pursed his lips again and said with seriousness in the corners of his eyes: "Brother, I want to take away all these toys, because my brother made them for me by himself, so I must keep them. The clothes are fine. , I want my brother to buy me new ones, the best looking ones, haha."

The soft silver bell-like sound came into Yu Ye's mind, making his heart tremble, holding his soft arms tighter.

After a long time, the soft and crisp words said with a hint of pain: "Brother, you hurt me."

Rainy night with a dry cough and quickly let go, a pair of slightly tired eyes and soft, watery eyes look at each other, two hands on the soft shoulders pretending to say casually: "Gentle, if one day my brother leaves you , Promised brother, you must live strong..."

"Bad brother, you are not allowed to talk nonsense, I don't want you to leave me, don't want you to leave me, hum, if you dare to leave me, I will pinch you, see if you dare?" Gentle hand quickly blocked Yuye’s mouth He said threateningly, his other hand was also unambiguous, and he had run to the armpit of the rainy night, ready to attack at all times.

Seeing the appearance of Gentle, Yuye smiled bitterly in his heart, sighed sadly, and quickly begged for mercy: "Gentle, gentle, brother is wrong, brother promised not to leave you in the future." As she said, she embraced Gentle again. In the arms.

After hearing my brother's personal assurance, Gentle felt relieved, and said while packing up, "Brother, go and pack up, I have to get up early tomorrow."

Yuye nodded and said, "Yeah, I'll make dry food from our stock and take it on the road tomorrow. What do you want to eat, little princess, my brother will make it for you."

Gently and happily kissed on the forehead of the rainy night, and said: "Brother, I want to eat stone cakes."

"Okay, I'll do it now, the little princess will wait." As he said, he touched the soft black hair, turned and left. What he didn't see was the worry and distress in Qingrou's eyes.

The six are busy, cooking on rainy nights, grandparents play games, gently pack things, and perform their duties.

When everything was busy, the time had come to eleven o'clock. When the rainy night finally put the gentle to sleep, the severe pain on his body appeared again, like a flood that impacted his nerves, and the body began to unconsciously. Twitching, he hurried into the game and continued to use non-stop forging to ease the pain.

Ignore Buzz, ignore the news from Longjian Hengge, ignore everything around him, and immerse himself wholeheartedly in the forging.

Ding, dong, ding, dong, rainy night forging is getting faster and faster, and the probability of success is getting higher and higher. The time of the night is slowly passing by, and at five o'clock in the morning, the materials around him are completely empty, and he himself has been forged Recovered in the middle.

Ding, congratulations on your successful forging of a bronze weapon: Warrior Epee. Note, because you succeeded in forging a higher level, you are hereby rewarded with a proficiency increase of two, and the distance to the next level: Bronze Forge, there is still 501 pieces of equipment. Hope make persistent efforts.

Ding, congratulations on gaining experience points +2

Ding, congratulations on your health +2

The last one was also successfully forged, Yu Ye let out a sigh of relief.

Feeling carefully, the pain on his body has been reduced to the point where he can bear it. Forging is really useful. He stretched back lazily, stretched his muscles, and turned his head to look. Ah, he was taken aback. Unconsciously spit out a note.

Phew, Big Brother Batu’s bald head and big face were only one centimeter away from the rainy night, and the rainy night almost didn’t hit him. Seeing that the rainy night turned his head, Batu retracted his shiny head, coughed slightly in a daze, and put the two together. Putting his big hand like a fan behind him, he straightened his waist.

The head turned left and right as if he didn’t want Rainy Night to notice anything. The erratic eyes seemed to hide something, and then he looked at Rainy Night without a trace of embarrassment and smiled and said: "Brother Saint Dragon, it’s a coincidence. I didn’t expect to see you here. To you, what are you doing here? Haha, haha."

Two slightly awkward smiles exposed Batu's mood at a glance.

After Rainy Night was startled, he quickly moved a long distance away from Big Brother Batu, and looked at Big Brother Batu’s awkward smile. A trace of coldness appeared in his heart, and the goose bumps on his arms rose and became knotted. He stuttered: "Batu...Big brother..., is there something...? Always...looking, most of the Don't...sleep...sleep."

Batu’s three steps changed into two steps and he leaned over, the smile on his face became thicker, and he took back the embarrassment and cover up before, patted Yuye’s little shoulder boldly and said loudly: “Brother Holy Dragon, I’m not listening. It's hard to bear until someone is forging, so come out and have a look. Did you scare you? Brother, sorry, sorry."

Listening to the words of Big Brother Batu, the rainy night gave a light sigh to express understanding. Seeing the guilt on Batu’s face, he quickly apologized and said: "Brother Batu, I'm sorry, I disturbed you and disturbed your rest. Okay. Now, I have finished forging, you go and rest soon."

After Yu Ye finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Batu and apologized. Then Yu Ye didn't see Batu, and started to pack the equipment on the ground by himself. Wow, it was really spectacular. The warrior epee on the ground was piled up into a hill. Rainy night randomly selects a handful to watch its attributes.

Ding, congratulations on getting the equipment: Warrior Epee

Introduction: Forging the new star "Holy Dragon" to create an epee dedicated to warriors.

Note: Due to the different forging methods, the attributes of forging will increase accordingly.

Suitable for wear occupation: Warrior

Equipment level: Level 5

Equipment grade: bronze

Equipment quality: normal

Durability: 50

Attack speed: slow

Strength +5

Constitution +2

Physical Attack +10

Additional special effects: surge in blood volume-after wearing it, blood volume increases by 5%.

Current status: tradable

Generally speaking, it is okay. Rainy night picked up one again: Congratulations on getting the equipment: Warrior Epee

Additional special effects: surge in blood volume-after wearing it, blood volume increases by 5%.

Current status: tradable

Hey, these two pieces of equipment are actually ninety-nine percent similar, even the special effects are the same. What's the matter? Yuye unconsciously picked up the third one, which was still the same, with similar attributes and identical special effects.

On the fourth and fifth, the doubts on Yu Ye’s face became more serious. He scratched his head and wanted to stand up and rest. Who ever wanted to bang, his head seemed to hit a hard city wall, dizzy I felt that I was born spontaneously, and my feet were a little unstable, and then I thought about it, hey, there was no wall behind me before.

Rainy night hunched forward two steps and pulled a certain distance from the wall behind him, and turned around to check the situation. You can’t suffer twice from the same mistake. Hey, I saw that Big Brother Batu still did not go, but bent over. The waist is behind the rainy night, watching the rainy night to check the attributes.

"Hey, Big Brother Batu, why haven't you left yet, and what are you doing?" Yuye asked Big Brother Batu while wondering about the weapon.