Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 152: Help Changjian Hate Song

The fat captain took the money from Grandpa Zhao ruthlessly, turned and left silently, without saying a word or showing them a good face.

After walking out, he turned his head and glanced again, sighed and said to the young jc beside him: "Xiao Wang, go and buy a meal for each of them, and at the same time ask where they are from and what are they going to do at home? How many people are still waiting?"

After listening to the captain's instructions, the young jc looked incredulous, but immediately responded with a standard salute and smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Yes, I promise to complete the task."

Hey, the captain is still very sympathetic, but why doesn't he want to show it? The rest of the jc wondered.

In fact, it was not that the captain had no sympathy, but that he had already seen the final game login ring on the fingers of these six people, one for a thousand Chinese coins, and they had six in total. These were enough to prove that they were lying, acting, and able to People who spend 6,000 Huaxia coins just to enter the game for entertainment, will they have no money?

That's why the attitude towards them is very bad, even bad, uh, a beautiful misunderstanding.

In the lounge, rainy night looked at the frowning grandparents, and carefully handed over the cakes, fearing to make the grandparents unhappy and sensible said: "Grandparents, we have eaten, wait until we are full and think of a solution."

Grandpa Zhang took it and said with a slight smile towards Yuye: "Xiaoye, don't be afraid, as long as you are safe, everything will be fine. The big deal is that I will ask my son to come over and pay the money, haha, these are all small things."

After finishing speaking, he touched Yuye's hair, smirked, and at the same time fed the hard stone cake in his hand into the mouth and chewed hard.

At this age, Grandpa Zhang's teeth were almost lost, but he was still eating.

"Xiaoye, I'm sorry. Grandpa's mood isn't very good in the morning. Don't worry about you and Gentle. Just like the old man Zhang said, it's okay to ask his son to pay for it. It's okay, you go to dinner too, haha. "Old man Zhao seems to have recovered, and said with a smile.

"Haha, that's right, don't be afraid, Xiaoye, hurry up to eat, we will find a way after dinner," Grandpa Li also said.

Hearing this, Old Man Zhang didn't feel annoyed at all, but he was still silly and happy, and the atmosphere in the lounge instantly became harmonious.

Yuye replied with a wry smile, "I see." After speaking, she turned her back and stuffed a small piece of cake into her mouth.

Seeing the expressions of his grandparents, he immediately understood that this matter had become a big issue. Moreover, Grandpa Zhang said that it was easy, but the trouble he caused uncle Zhang to pay for himself, the rainy night was troubled, and more than 20,000 yuan. Uncle Zhang's financial situation.....

There seems to be only one way now, ask aunt for help.

He glanced at Gentle, who was staring at him at the moment, with a smile on his mouth, came to comfort Gentle, and fell into contemplation.

He still thinks everything is too simple and simple. He simply thinks that game currency is the currency circulating outside. He has money and he is not afraid, but the reality has taught him a vivid lesson. The game is completely different from the three places in the village.

People always pay for their recklessness and thus pay for it.

After eating on the rainy night, he quietly snuggled on the bench, feeling the severe pain that is about to impact in his body, and hurriedly pretended to sleep, avoiding gentleness to see the clues, but actually twisted the ring and entered the game.

Ding, welcome back.

Hey, how could the prompt sound this time be so short? Did he notice something urgent on a rainy night?

The figure of Yu Ye quietly appeared beside the forging table of the blacksmith shop. At this moment, the two eldest brothers, Bath and Batu, were waving sledgehammers in the yard to build equipment. Seeing the rainy night came, the two suddenly stopped their work and came over. Greeting him.

For a blacksmith, there are only two possibilities for stopping and putting down the forged object in the forging process: one is that the person who comes is important to them, but the weapon is very **** and makes them uninterested.

Obviously, the two at the moment have both.

"Brother Saint Dragon, are you here, do you want to forge another day today? Do you need me to prepare materials for you? Oh, that little day, go to the warehouse to prepare a thousand..." Before the rainy night responds, Ba Si has already asked people to prepare materials, which is really enthusiastic.

It was a bit embarrassing for the rainy night to be so, he bowed slightly to pay respect to the two of them, and said with embarrassment: "Two big brothers, I am not here to forge today, and there are still important things to do. Thank you two big brothers for their kindness. I will definitely come in a few days."

After speaking, Yu Ye bowed slightly again and exited the smithy.

Buss and Batu looked at the figure leaving Yuye quickly, looked at each other and laughed openly and said, "This kid must have been tired from forging yesterday and wanted to be lazy."

"Brother, I think so too, in this world, who has two of me are diligent, go, continue to forge." Bass said boldly.

Boom boom boom, there was a sweet voice in the blacksmith shop again, but Buss never saw the hope for rainy night in his brother's eyes.

After Yu Ye walked out quickly, he hurriedly dialed the voice of Changjian Hengge, and it was not connected until a long time later. There seemed to be something on Changjian Hengge, but the voice of blame still came: "What's wrong, Xiaoye, not let Are you going to rest? Why are you on the line again so quickly, do you really want your aunt to beat you up?"

At the moment, Yu Ye said with a little hesitation and trembling: " I want to ask you one thing, how can the money in this game be transferred to reality? I have an urgent need now."

Long Jian Heng Ge heard Yu Ye's words, and she was taken aback. She really didn't expect Yu Ye to ask such a question. Ah, a muffled hum came, and a sound of tearing skin sounded, not waiting for Long Jian Hen. As the song spoke, Yuye asked nervously first: "Aunty, are you injured? Are you fighting?"

Changjian Hengge gave a soft hmm, which was a promise. She thought about it for a while and continued: "Xiaoye, as long as the gold coins in the game are bound to your bank card, they can be successfully withdrawn. Oh, yes, you No...ah, bank card, now..."

While speaking, the hurt sound of Changjian Hengge's muffled humming came again, and Yuye quickly said, "Aunt, I know, I know, I will go over and help you."

Hearing Yuye's words, Changjian Hengge did not refuse. After sending Yuye the coordinates, he said out of breath: "Alright, Xiaoye, come over, let's find a way together."

Before the words were over, an injured muffled hum continued to come. Yuye hung up the phone hurriedly and asked his aunt to concentrate on fighting, while he hurried along the coordinates quickly.

I haven't finished my affairs yet, so I want to help my aunt as soon as possible. This is rainy night. Live lady online service, help you find a book to chat with you, please wait for you on Wei/xin/search/search or rdww444~Ps: Book friends, I’m Yansen Shangli, recommend a free novel App, supports downloading novels, listening to books, zero advertisements, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!