Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 175: Propose to cooperate again

"Reported that a total of six pieces of equipment were picked up during this trip. They are Black Iron Grade Black Bear Leather Armor Top*2, Black Iron Grade Black Bear Leather Armor Belt*3, and Black Iron Grade Black Bear Leather Helmet*1. The attributes have not been viewed yet, please The president will decide." Just finished speaking, I didn't wait for Long Jianhen to reply.

Lao Li Tou and Lao Zhao Tou heard the equipment, like a shark smelling a fishy smell, and like a meteorite about to fall to the ground, they approached the Long Sword Hengge quickly, pinching their shoulders and thumping their legs. A flattering voice said: "Beautiful little girl, can you give us this equipment?"

Although Changjian Hengge's background is very extraordinary, it is really the first time to be complimented and served like this. A feeling of nausea arises spontaneously, and the leader and the team leader have to pass the equipment to them without hesitation, avoid They did something radical again.

The two old men who got the equipment immediately threw the Changjian Hengge aside with joy, and they were arguing about how to divide the equipment as they walked back, and the voices were still loud, these two old men!

Seeing this situation in Rainy Night and Qingrou, his small face was ashamed, and it was almost ashamed of neon lights.

"Yeah, stand by." After seeing them go, Long Jian Henge sighed and waved to the head of the group directly.

Turning her head and looking at the two elderly people who turned books faster than turned their faces, she shivered and got goosebumps all over her body. She was really scared, and looked at the old Zhang's head, Hu His body was shocked again, and his heart immediately separated the three of them, turning the old Zhangtou into a good rank.

Uh, all misunderstandings, all misunderstandings.

Fortunately, Lao Zhangtou has the equipment, otherwise, the previous scene will definitely be more exciting.

After receiving the instructions, the hundreds of people were expressionless and retreated like a machine, and stood upright and straight into the sky like the surrounding towering trees. No one was talking, and no one looked around. The momentum was as if they had been dormant for a long time. The dragon is like a poisonous snake that chooses people to eat.

At this time, Changjian Hengge came over, seeming to have forgotten the affairs of the two old men, and said with a little excitement in his bright eyes: "Xiaoye, I didn't expect that you are so good at attracting strange things, not bad, and Who learned it?"

The long sword hate song was originally a compliment, but it made Yu Ye blush. How can I learn it from someone? I was afraid of being stepped on by the wild boar, so I can naturally notice some details.

Gentle saw his brother's ugly and shriveled expression and laughed aside, and at the same time shared his brother's previous scandals with everyone, suddenly there was a high-pitched laughter in the jungle, resounding through the sky.

"Xiaoye, I didn't expect...haha...I didn't expect it." Changjian Henge had laughed for a full minute, and she was still continuing.

Several black lines appeared on Yu Ye's forehead, and she squeezed her small fist and gestured in a gentle direction, threatening. But Gentle shook his head and shook his head towards the rainy night, sticking out his tongue, two little braids flying around, instantly hiding behind Grandma Grandma and continuing to provoke.

"Xiao Ye, this is a total of sixty-six bottles of the blood you want. It's not bad. It's an auspicious number. The money for the black bear material will be paid to you by my aunt. It is too troublesome and inconvenient." After a long time, Changjian Henge withdrew his smile and regained seriousness and said to Yuye.

Yuye took the blood and said with a little excitement in her heart: "Thank you, auntie, you can do what you say." Although excited, Yuye still has a skeptical attitude towards this batch of blood. I wonder if the plague will affect Ji. Spiritualism?

"Aunt, that design drawing is really not discussed? Really don't cooperate again? Would you like to tell me what kind it is? What kind of grade is it? Let me think about it?" Rainy night sees Changjian Hengge very much. Happy, I want to cooperate again while the iron is hot.

"Xiao Ye, this is a secret of the guild. Auntie can't tell you. Unless you agree to join our guild, the conditions we negotiated will remain the same, and can even continue to increase." How can Changjian Hengge not understand Yuye's little Mind, deliberately whipped his appetite and continued, while giving Gemini a self-realizing look.

"Yes, Brother Yuye, join our guild. After the last war, you must have seen the strength of our guild, and our guild’s various configurations should be complete. Look at the life and professional group next to you. As long as you join, It will definitely be on call in the future."

The Long Sword Breaks the Sky for the first time realized the meaning in the eyes of Long Sword Hengge, and he hurried to Yu Ye’s side to persuade, and started from the aspect that Yu Ye needed most. Presumably he had just seen Yu Ye staring at the life group in his eyes. That touch of heat.

"That's right, Brother Rainy night, join us, our big family can be warm, and after you join, let alone a design drawing, I will find it for you too." The short sword breaks the sky. Slightly dulled, but still reacted quickly, and then said, "The long sword breaks the sky".

Yuye sighed again, it seemed that the talk was impossible. He did not explicitly refuse, but moved his gaze to the distance. But his action made everyone instantly understand what he meant.

Ten minutes later, the black bear group finally refreshed. The interval between the two dials is fifteen minutes, which means that four waves can be swiped in an hour.....all kinds of information are summarized in the rainy night's mind for modeling, and left for another. Will be used.

Rainy night’s delicate right hand touched the ground lightly, and his slender arm supported his body. As soon as he pushed hard, his waist moved, and the whole person sat up from the patted the dust and looked at Gemini casually. Xing said: "The work has started, are the two uncles still here this time?"

Originally, rainy night was just a very ordinary greeting, but this sentence was so harsh and provocative when it entered Gemini's ears. But even so, the two refused.

"No, no, let's sit here and watch your performance with peace of mind." The two seemed to have developed resistance to this matter, shaking their heads and forcibly rejecting them like a rattle.

Changjian Hengge felt a bit embarrassed to see this scene, raised his head and said domineeringly: "Xiaoye, I am with you, hey, I just praised some people for nothing."

Changjian Hengge's words were Hong Guoguo's irony, but the two still pretended not to hear them, and even turned their heads aside to talk.

The long sword hates the song hates iron and steel shook his head and rushed out first.

When Yu Ye saw his aunt taking the lead, he naturally couldn't fall behind, and with the first wave of handling experience, it seemed extremely simple to deal with the second wave of black bears. Yu Ye had blood rejuvenation medicine in his mouth, and the dragon jumped through the giant bears at his feet. This was what he had just realized. To the way:

As long as you are in a group of giant bears, then the giant bear will not release sonic attacks on you to avoid accidentally injuring the rest of the black bear members. It will only swing the bear's paw like a fool, and agility is just the strength of the rainy night. Pop, a bear paw hit the back of Rainy Night's head. Live lady online service, help you find a book to chat with you, please wait for you on Wei/xin/search/search or rdww444~Ps: Book friends, I’m Yansen Shangli, recommend a free novel App, supports downloading novels, listening to books, zero advertisements, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!