Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 199: explain the reason

After returning to reality and regaining consciousness, Yuye and Gentle lay on a big bed. Gentle turned over for no apparent reason, and asked Yuye incomprehensibly: "Brother, why are you forcing the cute little bear? Why can I make Little Bear my pet?"

The soft and round face was full of doubts, and he stretched out his little hand to find his brother's position, uh, this room, turning off the lights and pulling the curtains, is really dark! No trace of light can penetrate.

Although Yu Ye could not see the gentle expression with the naked eye, his heart already showed a gentle appearance based on the gentle words. He hurriedly moved his head over, let Gentle touch himself, and said, “Gentle, although on the surface you were playing with Little Bear Very happy, but brother will not put a time bomb by your side, do you understand?"

Nodded softly and continued listening.

"As for why I can control the giant silver bear, I have to talk about it after you leave..."

Rainy night omitted those **** pictures and slowly finished talking about the fat and thin two silly layouts, and a gentle gasp came from my ears. Hey, I don’t know how much this little Nizi listened, and the corners of her mouth showed a hint of helplessness. With a chuckle, he knew that his little princess was asleep, and quickly stopped her voice, staring at the ceiling as if

In fact, the moment Fat Sha Ersha took out the black substance, he had already established the ending at this moment!

After repeated rainy nights, the black substance was determined to be the same substance as the black eggs on the roof of the arena! But the effects are different: the black giant egg can strengthen the rainy night skills, and the black powder can weaken any creature, while allowing it to establish a connection with the plague magic god.

Note: The effect is only the speculation of rainy night and does not represent the actual effect.

Hey, thinking of this, the rainy night stopped for a while, did you ignore something? Different individuals enter, will black powder enter my body as an enhanced skill? But does the black egg weaken when it enters someone else's body? Xu is quiet and relieved, Yuye suddenly thought of a place that she had previously ignored.

After thinking for a while, I couldn't reach a conclusion, so I had to give up.

But now the plague magic **** is missing, wandering around the immortal, there is no connection at all, but the silver light giant bear is surrounded by the inheritor of the plague magic god, so the black powder will retreat to establish a connection with the rainy night.

People who have not been in contact with the plague can never understand the horror of the plague, understand the power of the plague; creatures who have not dealt with the plague magic **** can not understand the terrible plague magic god; the hegemony of the plague magic **** is not one day or two days, skillful Being rude and unreasonable is not a year or two.

These were only realized by Yuye at the last moment, but he still didn't know the origin and origin of the black giant egg and black powder.

After the black powder entered the silver giant bear, it only planted a seed. The real activation is the flesh and blood of the wild boar king. The wild boar king has withstood the scourge of the rainy night and the flu, and the flesh has already carried a little plague. Characteristics.

However, these are just fur, and what really makes the wild boar king mutate is the plague bomb, which is exclusive to the plague magic god.

It is this little aura that makes the giant silver bear rush, and let the giant silver bear succeed. The attraction of the divine aura to it is self-evident. When the wild boar king's skin is draped on the giant silver bear, The aura exploded in an instant, and the giant silver bear was also resisting. It was precisely because of this that the giant silver bear stopped.

Some things that you think are tempting fruits are actually deadly poisons. This is the true portrayal of the giant silver bear.

In the beginning, the aura of the Plague Mage on Rainy Night was not very obvious, and the giant silver bear could still support it, but when the Rainy Night Evil Mode was turned on, all the aura of Plague Mage on the body emerged and became the last straw that crushed the camel. The silver light completely surrendered to the power of the plague god.

After that, you all understand!

Black powder, the flesh and blood of the wild boar king, the evil mode of rainy night! These three are indispensable.

After Yu Ye finished all these things in her mind, she was thinking about gains and losses, thinking about right and wrong, and at the same time wondering what she seemed to be missing? As I was planning, a tiredness swept over and plunged into a deep sleep.

Yuye Monologue: Oh, yes, did you not say how I recovered in the ward? Want to know? I won’t tell you, sleep to sleep!

Speechless night

This system update does not seem to arouse more enthusiasm and complaints from everyone, but there is a strong thank you.

Note: Maybe it’s because there are too many updates.

The low- and middle-end players don't know about this at all. When they wake up in the morning, the update has been completed; for the high-end players, although a little uncomfortable being pitted by the rainy night lingers in their hearts, they can finally take a rest and fall into a deep sleep.

However, relative to the calmness of the players, there are slight disturbances within the final chapter company.

"Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, how did I feel that the data was wrong? Come and take a look." A top domestic programmer stared at the current screen and suddenly noticed something was wrong and pushed the person next to Their current location is the most secure, safest, and absolutely core database of the company. At the same time, they are also the most boring. Their daily work is extremely simple. They watch the data and report any conflicts immediately.

Although the job is simple, the people who can come here are not easy. After all, programmers who are too low-end can't understand whether the data is beating.

"Nothing is wrong, you are dazzled, don't bother me, I'm about to crack this code, pay five million, wait a while, or be careful that I fight you hard." The programmer who was pushed did not look up. Said in a bad tone.

"No, Xiao Li, it's really wrong. Just now the data was only slightly beating, now you see? A big beating!" The previous programmer really thought it was dazzling, but after he rubbed his eyes vigorously, he showed Even more panicked, he hurriedly pressed the emergency button, and at the same time pushed the person beside him vigorously.

The programmer who was committed to earning extra money suddenly closed his computer without hesitation, stood up and started to watch the screen, while typing on the keyboard to find the problem. After all, extra money is only extra money. If you lose this job, it is really a small loss!

A piercing scream sounded from inside the company, directly in everyone's ears, and everyone was instantly refreshed. Noting the situation here, the advanced technology just announced by Tao Yuan must be put into use first!

The technical department has always been working in three shifts to ensure that there are people all the time around the clock. At this moment, this special situation immediately brings them together to deal with this situation together! At the same time, in a mansion in the magic city, do you want to find the latest chapters yourself? You are OUT, follow the WeChat public account: Youdu Literature or Suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really not wrong to read and tease girls!