Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 205: Forging endless

In the rainy night, I stopped forging, put down the materials in my hands, and came to the best angle to start learning and observing the forging method of Brother Batu, tapping the number of beats one by one, and observing the technique again and again, setting a high standard for oneself. A majestic example.

Big Brother Batu seemed to notice that the rainy night was observing himself, and he quickly ended the piece in his hand and started a new forging.

what? Am I wrong? Why did Brother Batu come up with fifteen times the material? What does he want? Forge fifteen at the same time? ...

Boom, sparks flew everywhere, Batu still began to forge seriously and focused.

With one hammer, ten hammers, a hundred hammers, a thousand hammers, ten thousand hammers, ten thousand hammers, Big Brother Batu has made ten thousand hammers, and he only used his speed to forge thousand hammers. This is incredible, this is true. Is it something humans can do?

The first step is over.

The second step was still Yu Ye dumbfounded. In the third and fourth steps, he finally understood what a forge of the Purple Gold rank was, and understood how far he was from Big Brother Batu, just like the sky.

Although this was not the first time that Yuye saw Batu Forge, it was the forging that surprised him most and surprised him the most, perhaps because his vision grew and his understanding after becoming a forger.

He doesn't know what Big Brother Batu is doing? He didn't have any clues, but he knew in his heart that everything that Big Brother Batu is doing now is for him and for his future, sending him a message and an idea.

And this kind of thing seems not to be famous, but can only be passed on.

He understood a little bit, but it was still a little vague and hazy, as if separated by a layer of yarn, and like a mountain.

After successfully forging, he threw it aside and didn't even look at it. Batu once again picked up twenty times the material without hesitation and started forging.

In the first step and the second step, Batu seemed to be struggling, with a little sweat on his forehead, and his purple-gold master actually felt strenuous. God knows what he is going through?

Twenty parts of materials are compressed into one part and turned into a weapon. This skill...

After the failure, Batu was not affected at all and picked up twenty copies again and started forging.

Second attempt, failed

Third attempt, success

For the fourth time, twenty-five times the material.

Boom, the last hammer fell, and suddenly a faint golden light flashed, there was no dazzling luster, no glare, some just that moment of brilliance, that moment of beauty, wait for that piece of equipment to be successfully forged. Tu finally stopped the forging, put down the forging hammer, and wiped the sweat on his forehead with a smile and looked at the rainy night.

Walking down the forging platform, you can see that Batu’s sturdy arm muscles trembled a little, but he didn’t care that he took the extremely cold bow that had just been forged and came to Yuye’s side and patted Yuye hard. On the shoulder of the teacher and friend asked: "Brother Yuye, do you understand? Tell me about your feelings and your opinions."

Yuye lowered his head to reminisce about all the forging process that belonged to Batu before, and then raised his head and revealed a rigorous expression in his eyes: "Brother Batu, you are telling me that forging requires patience and requires constant attempts. Make forging the ultimate? Right?

I think I understand, Brother Batu, from the beginning you used three materials to start forging. You should just want to try this new idea and see what the result will be. I didn’t expect it to be very successful. This is to tell I must be creative in forging.

The second time you choose Wufen Forging, you should see the dawn of this road and see the success or failure of this road, so you decided to challenge your own limits and challenge the ultimate forging.

After the tenth and twentieth forging failures, you did not receive any interference at all and continue forging. This should tell me that forging failure is normal, but you must adjust your mentality and continue forging. Failure is the mother of success.

After the twenty-fifth copy, you finally feel that you have reached your limit, and successfully broke through, using bronze-grade materials to create gold-grade equipment. This should tell me that there are no shortcuts to forging. success. "

Yuye said a lot in one breath, and he barely caught his breath. After speaking, he bent down exaggeratedly and took a deep breath, looking at Batu with scorching eyes, hoping to get his affirmation, but Batu's next sentence Words made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar in the winter.

"Brother Rainy night, what's wrong with you, what are you talking about? Didn't you find that I'm so cool? Am I handsome? Come on, praise me." Batu looked at Yuye and raised his hand. The facial expression was extremely exaggerated.

Uh, after hearing such words, Yu Ye's heart shattered directly, and his mind was like a nuclear bomb exploding. For a while, he stayed in place and didn't know what to do.

Ah, oh, ah, a few syllables spit out from my throat, and I didn’t know what to do for a while. I looked at Batu dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe that Big Brother Batu said this. Just kidding, haha, in fact, you were right just now, but the most important point of forging I want to tell you is attitude. Do you really love forging attitude? Do you want the attitude of forging to the extreme? Do you regard forging as an attitude of life?

This is the most important. This is what I want to tell you the most, and what I want to share with you the most, be firm in my heart, never forget the original intention, pursue the ultimate, seek purity, and forge endless. "

Yuye nodded, and kept the words of Big Brother Batu firmly in his heart. Looking at Yuye’s expression, Batu immediately continued: "Brother Rainy Night, have you found another problem? Every one of my The attributes of the Arctic Bow are different?"

At this time, Yu Ye recovered and put two different Arctic Bows in his hands and looked at it carefully. Ten seconds later, Yu Ye shook his head. He really couldn't see any problems.

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Batu’s mouth. Instead of saying it, he continued to let Yuye observe, and threw out the temptation: "Brother Yuye, if your guess is successful, I will give this golden bow to you and at the same time. A design drawing counts as your gift."

Wow, this gift can be regarded as a heavy reward. The rainy night is determined to gather all the cold light on the ground to check the attributes one by one. Time is slowly passing by, Batu is not anxious and continues to wait. Some things he found are more useful than others told. !

The first one, the additional four-dimensional, health, etc., is very good, very comprehensive, the second additional four-dimensional, crit rate, etc. are also very good, the third, hey, the additional four-dimensional lack of physical fitness, health value Also Want to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the WeChat public account: Youdu Literature or Suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really not wrong to read and tease girls!