Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 206: Gentle madness

The fourth, the four-dimensional additions are getting less and less, the fifth, sixth, and seventh, watching rainy nights repeatedly, wondering in mind? He can't figure it out? Don't even understand? Why, shouldn't the more attributes be appended, the better? Multi-angle development in all aspects? He modeled all the attributes of the silver bow in his mind, and compared the gap.

Uh, rainy night is still very cultural.

Half an hour later, when the time was approaching twelve o'clock, a dark black hole suddenly appeared in the sky. At first glance, there was nothing in it, as if it had absorbed all the light; a thin and slender but elegant and noble The figure fell from it, and fell to the ground lightly, just softly.

But the gentleness at this moment is completely different from before.

At this moment, Yu Ye focused all his attention on these ten arctic bows, without the slightest distraction, so he did not notice the situation on the soft side.

Gentle’s face was filled with a happy smile, exuding innocent mood, I must have benefited a lot from entering the fifth level dungeon this time. She found the rainy night and ran and wanted to share it with her brother for the first time, but saw her brother’s seriousness, Looking distressed, Gentle had to stop and stomped aside lightly.

"Huh, Brother Batu, I still don't understand, I gave up." Yu Yeshou's hair was almost white, and the sweat on his forehead was unstoppable. There was no forging on the rainy night, but he came to him for half an hour. It's more tiring than forging. After giving up, Yuye's whole person suddenly became clear, not obsessed with analysis.

Finally, he breathed out a suffocating breath in his chest and said the true thoughts in his mind. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person was much easier.

"Hey, Gentle, you're back, do you miss your brother? Let your brother hug you, haha." Rainy night did not wait for the reply from Big Brother Batu, and for the first time saw Gentle's slightly pouting mouth, she opened her mouth and stretched out her hands. Hug gently, comfort her, and don't care about the eyes of others.

Nestled softly and happily in the arms of Rainy Night, whispering something, but Rainy Night did not listen at all.

After listening to the words of the rainy night, Batu did not speak but stood still quietly. With a big hand, he retracted the ten arctic bows on the ground one by one and placed them on a free table in the smithy. Putting the bow together is the gold-class arctic bow and a design drawing.

"Brother Yuye, I will put these things here, you can take them if you need them." Batu's tone was very flat, but Yuye heard a little disappointment and depression from it.

The corner of Yu Ye's mouth showed a bit of bitterness. He knew that he had disappointed Big Brother Batu, and he lowered his head softly, silent for a long time.

It is the first time for so many young Rou to see her brother depressed, decadent, and suspicious of her appearance. In her mind, her brother has always been a perfect brother with stalwart, optimistic, positive and other benefits. What happened today?

The smile on Gentle's face stopped abruptly. Under half-force, Yuye finally said the previous thing.

This immediately angered our Xiao Qingrou. He shook off his brother's hand, strode forward and took the silver bows and arrows in his hands to watch. Three seconds later, a soft and tender voice came: "Huh, What? I thought it was such a high-level equipment, a few silver-level equipment to show off? Shameful old man.

I know what you want to say? Isn't it just showing off your forging progress? From the very beginning, the attributes are mixed until the tenth handle is still mixed. I have no idea what you are showing off? You don't know what you despise at all? But I know your inner thoughts: you want to be pure, you only want to attach a single attribute, but I tell you that your path is wrong.

This is the equipment my teacher gave me. Can you take a look? Is there very little attached to this staff? Is the master blacksmith who built this staff lower than you? Let me tell you, my brother will definitely surpass you in the future, a shameful old man at the Purple Gold rank, who looks down on my brother.

And don't use your frame to restrain my brother, which hinders my brother's development, otherwise, be careful and let my master hit you hard. "The soft little face flushed, very angry, and the more he spoke, he took the **** directly, and finally threw the staff in his hand to Batu mercilessly, wanting to see how he reacted to the artifact. .

Rainy night deliberately stopped but it was too late, so I could only let it be gentle.

Batu subconsciously took the staff in Gentle's hand to observe the attributes. After listening to these words, he was completely confused. The body of such a small girl contained so much energy, and her understanding of forging why So deep? Has she really never learned forging? All kinds of doubts surfaced in Batu's mind.

After he carefully read this god-level staff, he stood there, with only one thought in his mind: Am I really wrong? Is my path really wrong? Isn't my understanding of forging better than a little girl who is inexperienced?

Seeing that Gentle still wanted to continue speaking, Yu Ye quickly pulled her gentle hand to signal her not to speak any more, and after gentle dialling, Yu Ye understood what Big Brother Batu thought, and finally solved the problem she had been confused before.

In fact, Yu Ye had noticed this before but it was different from what he thought, so he didn't care.

The properties of the tenth piece of silver equipment could not help appearing in my mind: The Arctic Bow only has power and agility properties, and the ice slowing property is added to 3%, which can be regarded as making the properties of this equipment to the extreme. There is no extra, no extra burden.

Not only Batu is thinking, but rainy night is also thinking, is this forging method correct? Is this forging method suitable for them?

Gentle's angry words and insights actually affected two people, uh, does Gentle know about forging? The answer is naturally there. Otherwise, didn't you watch it for half an hour for nothing?

Almost all of the equipment was touched gently, and the attributes of each piece of equipment passed through her hands and passed her eyes. It is no exaggeration to say that the understanding of equipment is gentler than rainy night, than rainy night. But also deep.

And some things are talented. How can it be so simple that Batu and Buss can focus on their talents.

The scene couldn't help but fell into silence, jingle bells, jingle bells, a call rang, softly seeing Grandma Sun quickly put on a smile and said: "Grandma Sun, are you going to eat?"

"Well, hurry up and eat off the assembly line, a table of delicious food is waiting for you." Grandma Sun's gentle words came out, and it was very tempting.

"Yeah, let's get off the assembly line immediately." Gentle heard the delicious food, and he quickly agreed, with a hint of excitement in his urgent tone.

After hanging up, she gently hurried over and shook Yuye’s arm and said, “Brother, I’m gone. Grandma Sun said that there is something delicious, something delicious, hurry I have to find it myself. The latest chapter? You are OUT, WeChat pays attention to the public account: Youdu Literature or Suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! Really read the book and tease girls!