Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 207: Road to Forging

Hearing the gentle urging words, seeing the gentle and urgent eyes, the eager expression and the appearance of a piglet with a soft pink tongue licking his lips, the rainy night instantly recovered from his thinking, pampered and looked at the gentle, holding the gentle hand.

Suddenly, eight big characters emerged in my mind for no apparent reason: take the essence and remove the dross. The rainy night stayed in place as if by an electric shock.

Softly speaking, forging is not the same as others. Where is the difference between right and wrong, where is the test, your opponent is always only you. If you don’t even believe in yourself, then who can I believe you.

If everyone's forging technology is the same and there is no mistake, then what forging is forging?

Uh, is it too forward? After all, Rainy Night is only forging for the second time. No, not at all, the sooner you recognize this kind of thing, the more you can determine your future growth height.

Fortunately, there is a gentle remark. Otherwise, the forging of the rainy night will obviously be influenced by Batu. Due to the limitation of Batu's thinking, it will be difficult to step into the path that truly belongs to and suits you in the future.

Yuye understood that from this moment on, he would not deliberately imitate anyone! He won't imitate someone like a machine, he will be himself, forging whatever he thinks in his mind, everything from his heart.

After understanding this, Yu Ye returned to his mind and threw it aside. He still felt that a gentle belly was more important than forging him. Gently touched the soft little nose, and said with eyes full of petting: "You little can eat pigs, let's go, go home for dinner.

Batu remained silent like an eternal statue, and still thinking like a wise man. He roared loudly on the rainy night without responding for several times. In desperation, he had no choice but to take the meal off the assembly line gently, not to make his grandparents wait in a hurry.

After the rainy night and the gentle figure quietly disappeared for an hour, Batu finally recovered, his eyes returned to focus, and his body shivered unconsciously. Looking at the empty hands, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He strengthened his previous thoughts: he was right, and his forging road was not wrong.

Strictly speaking, there is no right or wrong for forging, just like there are no two identical leaves in the world. There is no strength or weakness in forging, only order. The expert is the teacher, and the three-person group must have my teacher. After figuring this out, Batu walked towards the studio without hesitation, and a little purple appeared in the tall figure. Light.

The light is different from the light of purple gold, and it is slightly weaker than the rich purple light. If a higher-level blacksmith sees Batu's situation at this moment, he will be surprised. It is the light of epiphany, and it is about to enter. The brilliant light of an epic.

Batu, who had only advanced to Zijin a few days ago, had signs of another advancement at this moment, which was not unbelievable.

After a soft curse, instead of affecting Batu's future and destroying his forging heart, it allowed him to give initiation and go further.

Note: Batu is just a sign of advancement, but it does not mean that it will be 100% advanced.

However, when he reacted, he immediately realized that his previous words were wrong. Why did he ask for rainy night in his own way, and also reward and tempt him? Isn't this ruining the foundation of others' forging? Isn't this cutting off others' forging prospects? His heart is very tangled, very self-blaming.

The teacher of the rainy night, Wu Tian, ​​is not there, otherwise he would definitely slap Batu to death, without the slightest discussion.

Turning around to see where there is a rainy night figure, Batu’s expressions are more abundant: self-blame, worry, resentment, regret, etc., standing still on the ground like dead ashes ready to die in the rainy night, telling him: Big Brother Batu is wrong Up!

The original joy and happiness were wiped out, leaving only the boundless sea of ​​suffering.

Ding, in reality.

The two snacks Yuye and Qingrou just smelled the scent and looked at each other, and they rushed downstairs like crazy and quickly washed their hands and sat at the table to prepare for dinner.

"Xiao Ye, Gentle, this table is cooked by Miss Li herself, will you taste it soon?" Lao Zhangtou took the lead in picking up a piece of meat and putting it in his mouth while eating.

"Yeah." Seeing that the grandpas started to move the chopsticks, only then did the rainy night gently pick up dishes and start eating.

"Wow, it's delicious, Sister Xiao Li, you're so amazing, second only to brother's, haha." Gentle said after taking a big bite, “Brother, I want that. Gentle wants meat, Gentle wants Grow taller."

Haha, a table of dishes was quickly processed amidst the laughter of everyone.

After a short rest, Xiao Li took a group of six people to the police station to apply for a certificate and account.

It took an afternoon to explain things clearly with the police, but the lack of such materials, such materials, such proofs, and such proofs made it impossible to process. I was busy until six o’clock in the evening after everyone had a meal outside. , Just dragged his tired body back.

But this afternoon was not without gain, at least I knew that so much preparation was needed, so that I wouldn't be buzzing around like a headless fly. At the same time, the rainy night and gentle things were filed with the Ministry of Public Security. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com conducts a systematic check in order to find rainy night and gentle parents.

It takes two or three days to prepare the materials, and it takes at least 20 days to handle the account. After such a long time, everyone decided to prepare with two hands, and the soldiers were divided into two ways:

Tomorrow, Grandpa Li and Grandpa Zhao will stay at the house and handle the materials at the same time; while Yuye, Grandpa Zhang and others will follow Xiao Li to check in the city first, if not, fly directly to the provincial hospital and ask for expert consultation.

After returning to the room to make an appointment with Xiao Li, Xiao Li consciously left, leaving a family of six sitting at the dining table to discuss matters.

"Lao Zhangtou, everything is as we discussed in the afternoon. We will leave on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. It may be a little tired these few days, but for the sake of Xiaoye's body and our common dream, I think it is worth it." As if mobilized before the war, I said a lot with a straight face.

"Yeah, I know, but now we are facing a problem. What should I do if I need a guardian to register Xiaoye? Otherwise, Xiaoye and Qingrou can only enter the orphanage." They only learned about this in the afternoon and broke. Their original idea.

"Xiao Ye, what do you think? If we disagree, we can discuss it." The last four people still focused on Yu Ye, looking forward to his answer.

In the afternoon, the rainy night was surprisingly calm, holding a soft hand tightly without saying a word, without expressing any opinions, this was not like him, it was not like the rainy night in their memory.

Until this moment, Yuye still maintained a contemplative appearance, a lifeless expression, as if he hadn't heard the words of his grandparents, his eyes were fixed on one spot without moving. Need to find the latest chapters for reading? You are OUT, follow the WeChat public account: Youdu Literature or Suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really not wrong to read and tease girls!