Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 208: Left hand mutation

"Brother, brother, what's wrong with you." Gentlely put down the snacks in her hand and gently pulled Brother's hand, trying to bring the rainy night back to reality, but her eyes did not shift from the TV screen.

Since Xiao Li gave Qingrou as if using the TV in the morning, it has opened the door to a new world for Qingrou, deeply attracting her eyes.

"Oh." Yuye gave a soft voice, like a frightened rabbit, subconsciously retracted his hand, especially the left hand from the hidden table into a more invisible pocket, eyebrows raised, pupils still Keep shrinking and looking away, "Ah, what, what are you talking about?"

Grandpa Zhao realized that it was wrong, but had to continue repeating the previous words.

"Ah, that's it, it's okay, everything is up to Grandpa Zhao, I don't object." After Yuye finished speaking, he kept his previous appearance and went straight to the bathroom without giving them any chance to inquire.

The four old people and Qingrou were slightly worried, wondering what happened to the rainy night? Staring in the direction of Yuye’s departure, his mouth opened and closed slightly. He wanted to say something to Yuye, but he didn’t know what to say? Where do you start? They don't even understand what happened to the rainy night?

Seeing that his brother looked like this, Qingrou felt uneasy, and quickly shifted his gaze away from the TV, and followed him closely to find out what happened to him.

He clicked, twisted the bathroom door twice, locked it from the inside, patted the doors and windows softly and hard, and asked anxiously: "Brother, brother, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Answer me."

Hearing the soft words, Yuye didn't react at all, as if he hadn't heard it. Turn on the shower head in the bathroom, walk over with empty eyes like a puppet and let the cold liquid pour down from his head.

When Gentle heard the sound of water in the bathroom, but couldn't hear anything about his brother, "Brother, brother, brother." Gentle's heart was full of anxiety, feeling that something was wrong, and she stood at the door and kept knocking. Keep shouting.

After a while, Grandpa Zhang couldn't help but come over to hold Gentle, jokingly and comfortingly said: "It's okay, it's okay, Gentle, what are you doing? Xiaoye is just taking a shower, you don't want to go in and have a look, right? Shame, gentle, haha."

"Really, Grandpa Zhang." Hearing the ridiculous laugh of Old Zhang, he gently wiped his tears with one hand and covered the blush on his face with one hand, and asked with his small shiny eyes.

"Yes, gentle, don't worry, come to my side and we watch TV together while waiting for the night, grandma won't lie to you." Grandma Sun quickly relieved and stretched out her arms to gently invite and say kindly.

"Brother smelly, taking a bath is so mysterious and so worrying, so I will come out to see how I punish him. Humph." Softly pursed his mouth and started a small grumble. Qingrou had been completely deceived, and she didn't even realize it.

After holding Gentle in their arms, the five people watched the TV intently. Although it was a comedy show, because everyone had different thoughts in their hearts, they didn’t make any laughs. Everyone thought a lot. But the most important thing is that they have no idea what happened on the rainy night?

Old Zhao’s monologue: “Don’t Xiao Ye like the feeling of being arranged by us? Don’t like the feeling of being dominated by us? This is a silent protest? Hey, am I too harsh these days? Too unkind?”

Old Li Tou’s monologue: "Is Xiao Ye seeing too many strangers today? Too many new things? Some fear? I have not reacted now? Or are there too many roads today? Too much information? It’s not very wise to leave the village."

Old Zhang's monologue: "What's wrong with Xiao Ye? This is, what's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong, whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops." Uh, the unscrupulous old Zhang head hummed unconsciously, and seemed completely Don't care about Xiaoye.

Grandma Sun's monologue: "Is Xiao Ye's illness relapsed again, and I don't want us to know? How can this child bear so much? Tomorrow must go to a big hospital, and the cause must be found..."

Gentle monologue: "Wow, the people on this TV are so beautiful, wow, their clothes are so beautiful, wow, so many tall houses, hey, why can't my brother come out yet?"



At this moment, in the quiet bathroom, under the shower of wanton spray, the rainy night stood blankly in the cold water, with his head held high and his eyes open, letting the cold water wash inside, the eyes were already a little red. Silk lingers on it, and the inside of the nasal cavity is choked and unable to breathe.

The damp hair sticks to the forehead one by one, the clothes on the body are all wet, and the two hands are still inserted in the pockets as they are. Seeing that the raised appearance seems to be clenched fists, I don’t know if the rainy night is tangled. What are you holding?

After five minutes, ten minutes, and fifteen minutes later, the rainy night finally recovered. He lowered his head, bent down, supported his hands on his knees, and began to breathe, as if he had come back to life again.

The picture and eyes shifted to Yuye's left His entire left little finger suddenly showed an imprint like an inscription, like a tattoo.

The sight was drawn closer again, and the appearance of those imprints and branding was exposed to everyone in a deeper level: the patterns were extremely irregular, and there was no rule at all; the patterns were extremely complicated and had reached a dazzling degree. Even the fingernail was not let go, there was no trace of blood on it, only black lingering.

The whole little finger is no exaggeration to say that it is like a stone pillar carved with a complicated pattern, but it still has the sensation that it should be, and it can move at will, as if there is no other difference except a little black.

Time returned to two o'clock in the afternoon, that was the moment they had just arrived at the police station. Rainy night only felt the needle-stick pain in his left little finger. When he lowered his head to look subconsciously, he was surprised to find that the whole little finger was slowly darkening. , Cumbersome patterns are slowly appearing.

He was already standing there, as if stupid, not knowing what to do. It was the police station that the old Zhang head came over and pulled him into.

After entering it, Yu Ye's whole person was already lost, thinking only about the blackened little finger, while his grandparents were not paying attention, he even kept holding the little finger in the same place with his left thumb, wanting Deducting the black, the intensity and cruelty seemed to deduct a piece of flesh and blood.

The ten fingers connected to the heart, the sharp pain in the heart hit the soul, but the rainy night did not give up, did not stop, but became even more severe, kept clasping, one hand was not good, then two hands, hum, a muffled sound, rainy night I feel like I’m Want to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the WeChat public account: Youdu Literature or Suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really not wrong to read and tease girls!