Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 224: "Cooking Skills"

After a long rainy night, he recovered from the dazzling white light. He felt a little pain in his eyes and couldn't open it. He squinted and yawned and forced a few drops of tears to be moistened before it eased. Hey, when he opened his eyes, he was shocked. .

At this moment, the place where the rainy night appeared was no longer a place he knew and remembered, but a large vegetable garden that was unfamiliar, covering hundreds of miles.

Uh, this explanation, the name seems a bit vulgar, oh, if there is, it is called Baicaoyuan.

In the Baicao Garden, it is no longer night, but day. A round of scorching sun is shining high on the earth, nurturing life and all things, and is a representative of kindness and care; drops of rain and dew fall gracefully like a light butterfly , Moisturizing countless plants, is the endorsement of beauty and softness.

A luxurious outdoor stove stands beside the thin rainy night. The height of the stove is higher than that of the rainy night, so a small bench is placed on the ground humanely, for fear that the rainy night will not be able to reach... With different cooking tools, all kinds of condiments, it can be said to be complete.

In front of Yuye’s eyes is a circular vegetable field surrounded by him, like concentric circles; the first circle should be the circle with the least planting and the least variety, but even for those vegetables. Most of the kinds of rainy nights have not been seen and can't be distinguished, let alone the taste.

The second lap and the third lap, not to mention, the rainy night gave up after a glance. One didn’t know it. As for the latter, it also gave up. I don’t know the taste or the type. How do I cook this?

Note: There is only one vegetable of the same kind in each circle.

This place shocked Yu Ye very much and made Yu Ye’s eyes bright. Although his heart was guilty, the corner of his mouth still showed a smile from the bottom of his heart. He had already guessed the purpose of coming here?

Ding, welcome the player "Sacred Dragon" to Unreal-True Dungeon. What you have to do next is to successfully promote to the apprenticeship of cooking in one day. If you succeed, you will solidify your rewards. If you fail, this instance will turn into Unreal.

Promoted to the apprenticeship within a day, uh, how do you advance? Is that a thousand cold dish platter? And what is a cold dish platter? Is there a recipe? Can I have a look first? Yuye's full stomach of complaints, how could he know this when he lived in the village since he was a child? Could this opportunity be wasted?

Uh, it's not a guilty conscience anymore, it's too weak, and it's incomparable with kidney deficiency.

Ding, the assessment begins.

Whoops, fuck, don't you really give a chance?

On the rainy night, watching the circle of vegetables gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, he leaned over and started collecting, saying it was a collection, rather than pulling it down. The collection was completed in one second, and the rainy night came to the chopping board with two red tomatoes Before starting to do it.

This is one of the few vegetables he has seen. He knows the taste and how to make it.

Ding, congratulations on collecting Tomato*2, gaining proficiency*2, and the distance to the lower level is still 584.

Note: Rainy Night has collected a lot before, such as Little Wild Boar, Wild Boar King, etc. They are all food ingredients and can be collected.

With nearly five years of knife work in the rainy night, naturally it will not be too ugly. After cutting one, quickly put it on the plate prepared next to it, and sprinkle large particles of raw sugar. In his heart, it is successful. Know how the system will evaluate.

Before Rainy Night waited long, a system prompt sounded in his mind almost the next moment:

Ding, congratulations on completing a cold dish platter and gaining proficiency 1. It is still 999 proficiency points from being promoted to an apprentice. I hope you can continue!

Ding, congratulations on creating a cold dish platter. Whether it’s named, you can view the properties after naming it.

Yes, named it cold tomatoes!

OK, the naming is successful, please check the properties.

Tomato salad:

Level: Apprentice cooking

Quality: Normal

Effect of use: producing body fluid to quench thirst

Uh, I saw this attribute on the rainy night when I was cutting another tomato. I almost didn’t cut my hand. I couldn’t help but laugh. It’s too bad, but I’m still free to pick up a piece of it in my mouth. Hmm, it's delicious.

Ding Ding Ding, a few seconds later, I succeeded again. After all, this thing really doesn't require much technology at all.

After the success, Yuye turned his head again, hey, the tomatoes have been refreshed, there is nothing to say, I pulled three of them, and started to fight.

Note: Each plant in the Unreal Dungeon can be collected without restriction.

Ding Ding Ding, the sound of the knife touching the chopping board seems to be more pleasing and pleasant than the sound of a forging hammer touching an iron block.

After Wufen was successfully forged, it was already a little bit on the stovetop. Whoever wanted to swish, those cold tomatoes disappeared slowly, like a caring baby. This time, the last worries in Yu Ye's heart were eliminated, and he was finally able to show his skills.

It takes about 20 seconds to make one copy from collection to success. You can make three copies per minute. One hour is 180 copies. After rainy night quickly modeled in his mind, he found that he had enough time to complete it, so he naturally No other time can be wasted.

I made two hundred tomato platter and gained 220 points of proficiency. The time just passed a little more than an maybe because ten of them were cut very beautifully, maybe because of the sky The bonus to the title of Dependent Chef gave Yuye the best cold spell.

Note: the emergence of extreme proficiency +2

Name: Tomato Salad

Level: Apprentice cooking

Quality: Supreme

Effect of use: strong * to produce body fluids to quench thirst-guarantee no thirst within one hour after taking.

Uh, such attributes and such superb quality make Yuye a little bit dumbfounded.

Yuye came to the first vegetable he didn't know, picked it, put it in his left hand, cut a piece with a knife, and put it in the mouth to taste. Oh, it turned out to be this kind of taste. Remember that rainy night came to the next plant, oh, this is cucumber. Grandpa Zhang has planted it, I know, it is crispy.

Came to the next plant and tasted one by one, it turned out to be this taste...

Next plant...

Next plant...

It took a full three hours before Yuye remembered all the vegetable flavors of the first five circles. Although the name is not yet known, it is enough for cooking.

Yu Ye's move directly caused the people who secretly observed him to make a soft huh. How could the chef pass on his cooking skills to a guy who doesn't even know how to cook? Is this too trivial? Didn’t the master chef give him "Cooking Skills"? What the **** is this old man doing? It's better to pass it on to me, no, no, then I became his apprentice, and I suffered too much!

But let's not say, the appearance of this little guy just now is really quite a bit of the appearance of a master chef back then.

Naturally, Yu Ye would not know, nor would he know that someone hiding in the dark would have such a high evaluation of him. At the moment, he just wants to make a difficult cold and find the latest updates by himself. chapter? You are OUT, follow the WeChat public account: Youdu Literature or Suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really not wrong to read and tease girls!