Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 231: Foreshadowing VS Foreshadowing

"Brother Batu, did you change your mind about the backpack expansion stone we talked about this afternoon? Didn't you regret it? A gentleman can't chase after a word, Brother Batu." Rainy night came to Batu's side, respectfully Slightly bowed and asked, even for Batu's regret, rainy night blocked his way.

This matter is too important to him, otherwise it will not only pit his aunt, but also himself.

"Haha, Brother Sacred Dragon, what Batu said, one spit and one nail, will not change until I die. If I say ninety gold coins, it is ninety gold coins. Since you have a decision, brother, then we will Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other." Batu stood up and said loudly, with a sure face, not at all unhappy because of rainy night's suspicion.

"Okay, Big Brother Batu is outrageous." Rainy night slapped his thigh and turned over an extra purse in his hand, which contained 180,000 gold coins.

Ding, do you accept Batu's transaction?


Ding, congratulations on getting two hundred backpack expansion stones.

Whoosh, hearing this system prompt, the money bag in Rainy Night disappeared.

Looking at the two thousand backpack expansion stones lying quietly in the backpack, looking at the 10 million Chinese coins that disappeared, rainy night was filled with emotion!

Phew, I just bought the backpack expansion stone, and I have already made 7 million. If I sell it, even if it is only 500, it is 250 million. Wow, so much money, there is a kind of rainy night. The feeling of heavenly pie.

However, after thinking about it, my aunt should not sell all of them. After all, who has no selfishness, no relatives or friends, the actual number of hands should be much less than this number!

"Thank you, Brother Batu, this kind of grace was recorded on the rainy night." The rainy night bowed deeply to Batu, and he couldn't afford it for a long time.

Batu also understood that his body straightened unconsciously, he straightened his clothes, and received the gift!

"Brother Shengshenlong, the hour has passed, and the eldest brother is leaving, but don’t worry, although Big Brother Batu is no longer there, you can still treat him as your home in this blacksmith shop." Batu looked up to the sky and looked at the moonlight on the horizon. Said plainly.

"Yeah, send it to Big Brother Batu." Although Yuye was dismayed, she still chose to obey Batu's wishes and yearned for the world outside Xinshou Village in her heart.

Yuye suddenly understood something in her heart: Wouldn't Big Brother Batu keep dragging and want to hand over the backpack expansion stone to me?

After finishing speaking, Batu's figure smiled and turned into a bright light slowly disappearing, and at the same time a bright light emerged and came and went into Yuye’s body, “Brother Yuye, I’m waiting for you outside!” A voice sounded in Yuye’s ears. After that, the blacksmith shop became silent again, and Bath, who was hiding in the dark, slowly dripped a drop of tears.

Yuye didn't know what Brother Batu left for him? But I only feel the warmth in the body, there is a feeling that Big Brother Batu is still around and can still make him feel at ease.

He sent five hundred backpack expansion stones and thirty silver grade arctic bows in the backpack to Changjian Hengge, and then quit the game. He couldn't wait to pinch his gentle chubby face!

After receiving these materials, Changjian Hengge, who was far away, looked towards Yuye and showed a thick smile at the corner of his mouth, and thanked his little nephew very much for calling out Gemini.

"What's the matter, President? Calling us so urgently, that matter hasn't been done yet, can't you let it go?" A few minutes later, the two of Long Sword Breaking the Sky emerged from the shadows and couldn't help complaining.

"Yeah, President, didn't you say that that matter is the most important and most important thing? There is still a long way to go before it can be completed? It's okay, we will go back."

"It's here to call you specifically for that matter. Look, what is this?" As he said, Changjian Henge flipped his hand and took out the backpack expansion stone.

The two of them took one in their hands. After viewing the attributes, they suddenly jumped three feet high, and yelled indifferently: "Wow, the president, how did you get such an amazing thing? Hurry up. One hundred for each of our brothers."

"You dare to speak, and you have a hundred? One thousand gold coins, which is the lowest price of our friendship. If you pay, you can buy it. If you don't pay, you can't talk about it." Changjian Hengge snatched it back. The expansion stone in their hands said politely, speaking nonsense with their eyes open.

"President, you are so rich, you have to deduct our money and despise you."

"Despise you."



Although they said so, the two of them took out one hundred thousand gold coins and ten million Chinese coins to Changjian Hengge in an instant.

"Remember that matter must be kept secret, must be done as soon as possible, and must be completed before they get the news." Chang Jian Hengge exhorted.

"Don't worry, you will succeed in two days."



At the same time, in the illusory-real copy, the stone platform where Rainy Night stayed, the black air that slipped from Rainy Night, rose after hearing the wind, and in a blink of an eye became the plague magic **** I saw in Rainy Night. It looks like a black robe, a sickle for life, a cloud of black energy, and a pair of scarlet eyes.

Perceive the unusual movement in the copy, the faint breath of old friends pervades The owner of the ethereal voice in the sky slowly emerged, like the plague magic god, he did not The entity has only a faint wisp of gray smoke, as if it can be blown away with a single breath; green light radiates from the eyes, and the green light that permeates people is like an ancient beast that chooses people to eat.

"Old friend, big brother, for so many years, I can't remember your appearance. Is it really you?" The voice of gray smoke became very old in an instant, and said with emotion and excitement. He doesn't have a specific entity, otherwise his expression will be richer.

Uh, does the plague **** have a face? Open your eyes and talk nonsense!

Even so, the familiar scenes and black and white scrolls still tremble slightly, echoing his mood, as if this copy is like his body.

"It's me, but it's not me. My body has long gone. What is left at this moment is only a phantom, a phantom that is about to dissipate and linger. I didn't expect to see Brother Nightmare here. , I was very happy in my heart. I haven't seen it for hundreds of thousands of years. I don't know if Brother Nightmare is doing well!"

The plague magic god's old and hoarse voice came out, and there was no emotion in the tone, and some were just indifference, coldness, death, and blood.

"Hundreds of thousands of years, it has always been like this. You can only sink endlessly in this boundless sea of ​​bitterness, corrupt and degenerate in this emptiness, and life is fine."

"Almost, we are almost the same... our brothers should be the same, wait patiently, I have to plan to succeed soon, almost succeeded... this time... ...They will not be too stable.......nor will they be too stable and find the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the WeChat public account: Youdu Literature or suduwx I'll help you find a book! It's really not wrong to read a book!