Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 237: Intention to study medicine!

In internal medicine, surgery, neurology, etc., there are definitely a lot of experts who come to the field, and the level is absolutely not low. Even the top leader of the city hospital was alarmed and stood up to greet him personally. After that, just when the rainy night arrived, the two teams entered the city hospital one after another.

I have to say that county-level hospitals and city-level hospitals are completely incomparable, and they are not at the same level. Xiao Li seems to be familiar with the map of the city hospital. He is still familiar with the road first to start the registration, while Grandma Sun directly forces Xiao Ye and Gentle to stay. By your side, avoid them seeing things they shouldn't.

There will be various injuries in the hospital. If two villains see a **** scene, it is inevitable that they will not leave scars on the mind and body; there will be all kinds of people, good and bad. , Words and deeds are bad for a gentle rainy night.

Yuye kept putting her left hand in her pocket all the way, and so far she hasn't revealed any flaws or let them find any problems.

"Brother, brother, do you want to play with Gentle? If you know that brother is stupid, I will let you come, come on, haha." Gentle and beautiful voice came, like a magpie's cheerful laughter, Yu Yegang He wanted to agree, but he just stretched out his left hand, but he forcibly refused, forcibly suppressed his restless left hand.

"Hmph, bad brother, I won't play with you anymore, grandma grandma, let's play." Seeing my brother refused himself with a look of embarrassment, he gently moved the object directly. Regarding the gentle request, Grandma Sun has no reason to refuse, smiling and playing gently.

Rainy night here is the waiting area for internal medicine registration. Today their task is to check, starting from the inside out; waiting in rows, sitting on the waiting seats are all patients with earth-colored faces, full of worries, and anxious waiting. With them, Yu Ye's heart could not help but directly resonate with bursts of resonance, and could not help but directly bring into thinking.

Gentle and gentle, grandma, their mood is not like this, and their hearts are not uncomfortable or suffering.

After a while, Xiao Li came over with the list and waited with everyone. Which one is not more urgent than rainy night? Which one is not raised by the mother? It is impossible to do things like jump in the queue on rainy nights, and it is impossible to do it. It goes against his original intention and violates his rules.

"My wife, I'm so scared, I'm afraid I will leave you....... Uu, I'm afraid I will leave our Boa..."

At this time, a middle-aged man behind the rainy night suddenly cried and choked for no apparent reason. He fell into the arms of the woman next to him, crying like a child; he had endured it for so long, and it seemed that he had reached a critical point. .

Judging from his appearance, he should be a white-collar worker in his dress, and he is paid a white-collar worker throughout the month...

"It's okay, don't be afraid. Let the doctor check the specific disease in a while. If it is a serious illness, I will cure you even if the family bankrupts. You are the hope of the whole family. There must be no accident." Although the wife's face Full of worry, but since her husband is in chaos, she naturally becomes the backbone of the family.

Listening to his wife's assurance, the man's cry seemed to be a little lower.

"Don't worry, you are just eating too much and nothing will happen. If you don't believe me, you can go and take a film, or let Director Liu of the department show it to you." At this time, from far to near There was an old and powerful voice that sounded like a strong pine in a mountainous mountain, like a majestic mountain, and it was a tough old doctor.

" do you know?" After the woman and the man raised their heads to see the situation in front of them, they quickly added honorifics. Although they didn't know who these people in front of them were, a group of them wore white coats. The old man always feels at ease.

What appeared in front of them at this moment was a group of experts led by the dean. The previous voice was made by one of the oldest people. He was the dean of this hospital: Chen Jianguo, also an expert in gastroenterology. One can draw conclusions by looking at the position of the man's hand, his face, expression, and physical condition.

After some greetings, based on the principle that experts should not waste, the dean wanted them to quickly help perform a few operations, quickly use their own residual heat, quickly save the world and save people, and take advantage of the trend to let them spread out to various departments. Take a look, leave footprints, leave pen and ink.

They are here for this purpose, there is no reason to refuse at this moment.

Coincidentally, as soon as the group came out of the office, they heard someone crying in a low voice. They stood there and listened for a while, diagnosed in their minds, and the dean gave the most pertinent opinion.

"Yeah, thank you, but we still want to wait for Director Liu's judgment." His wife seemed to be a poem-reader, and at this moment she stood up politely and bowed to the dean.

"Yeah, it's okay, if that's the case, let's go. I remember there is an operation in the Interventional Department, and you will have to help when that happens." The dean said vigorously with a smile on his mouth.

"Yeah." A group of people nodded and said and followed the dean to leave, but their eyes seemed to be glancing in the direction of the rainy night either intentionally or unintentionally.

Watching them leave, Yu Ye's eyes are full of yearning and longing, and he suddenly feels like he wants to be a doctor.

"Grandpa Zhang, what do you think of the doctor industry? Is there a future? When Yu Ye grows up, you want to be a doctor. Do you think it is okay?" Yu Ye turned his head with surprise in his eyes and asked Lao Zhang's head.

I thought to myself: If you are a doctor, can you treat yourself? If so...

Uh, rainy night, this is illiterate, how can a doctor save himself?

The old head Zhang was still very serious in the hospital, especially beside the beautiful girl Xiao Li. He heard Xiao Ye's question at this moment, and after touching his beard for a while, he said: "Yes, anyway, Xiao Ye is the smartest, but , All this will have to wait for the head of old Zhao to settle your account."

"Yeah, okay." Yu Ye laughed happily, but after a while, his face drooped and fell into depression.

Then I thought: I don’t seem to be taking it for granted. Judging from the change in the left hand, I don’t know how long I can live..., where does he have a future? Where is there tomorrow?

"Brother, Gentle also wants to be a doctor, and also a doctor." Seeing Yuye Absolute, the moment of gentle jumping and jumping followed the trend, causing everyone to laugh, and the others waiting on the bench couldn't help but show a smile.

After half an hour, it was finally Rainy Night and came to Director Liu’s office. After Rainy Night explained his condition in detail, Director Liu pushed his glasses and pretended to get his pulse, and dangled his eyes with the lamp. , Looked at the tongue. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~