Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 244: Blood failure

"Gentle, you write and draw on the ground according to the font, I will recognize it, try to write better, my brother has limited ability and be considerate." Yuye said confidently and calmly, with a tone in his tone. A little ridicule, a little ridicule.

Rainy night knows that my sister's soft words are ugly, which is extremely inconsistent with her appearance, and some people think their words are pretty.

After listening softly, he nodded with a reddish face, dipped in the water in the pool next to him, and began to copy according to the text on the character panel.

Gentle monologue: This time you must write something nice, but don't be ashamed, otherwise, the bad brother will laugh at others again.

Uh, it failed completely for the first time... not a word at all.

The second failure...

The third failure...

It wasn't until the tenth time that Yuye was able to vaguely recognize the words on it, and patiently spit out: the soul of the artifact!

After listening to my brother read it, Gentle was finally relieved, writing these four words was terrible, with tight muscles, a high concentration of energy, and continuous defeat.

Although he doesn't know what these four words represent? But he was extremely sure in his heart, one hundred thousand points of confirmation, this was the culprit affecting Gentleness.

"Gentle and not afraid, the artifact will come back soon, it just went to rest." Yuye began to compose white lies and began to shape a perfect story.

After the story was told, the gentle bluffs on the side froze for a while, and finally completely believed in the rainy night. In fact, even if my brother didn't make up the story, Gentle didn't plan to ask anymore. What if I need to continue writing? Hey, gentle and afraid...

"Yeah, brother, I know." He said with a soft nose, watching the rainy night happily.

"Xiao Ye, I have all the things for you. We are going out to kill the monsters. Are you going?" The old Zhang headed in a hurry, seeing that everything was done and couldn't help asking.

"Grandpa wait a while, we still have things to do." Yu Ye's mouth showed a subtle smile, as if something bad was brewing, turned and said softly: "Gentle, summon Xiao Bai, I am useful."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone instantly understood the meaning of Yuye. Oh, it turned out to be to unlock grandma grandmother's spoils. Their spirits were raised in an instant, surrounding the rainy night and wanted to know what would happen next?

With a scream, Xiaobai’s huge body emerged, watching Gentle, watching the rainy night, and hurriedly ran behind Gentle to act as a thug. After the last five-level dungeon, he went through the scene of life and death with Gentle. Xiao Bai's heart is tightly connected with the gentle heart, and is no longer separated, and at the same time the resentment in his heart disappears.

Rainy night put the bottle of ancient medicine in the backpack into his hand, facing Xiaobai's huge body, with black air in his eyes, threatening unceremoniously: "Stupid bear, squeeze a hundred drops of blood out."

The little white man showed aggrieved color, looking pitifully soft, hoping that she could beg for her own plea, but you must know that Gentle is definitely on his brother's side. At this moment, instead of helping Xiaobai plead, instead he said: "Xiao Bai, hurry up, brother is waiting."

Uh, Xiaobai was completely disappointed. He looked at the rainy night and looked softly. He raised the bear's head and looked at the moonlight with grief and angrily. He pierced the bear's fingers with a sharp golden claw. A drop of silver blood dripped down. The bottle is placed under it.

The blood dripping did not have the scene that everyone imagined to absorb, but dripped down the pill bottle to the ground.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded:

Ding, the blood type does not match and cannot be absorbed. Please change it. Number of times to open this ancient medicine: 2

What, it’s not a match, why is there a limit of times? The rainy night was trapped in an instant, but I had to accept this reality.

And Xiao Bai's original intention to cut through the bear's finger was to force it out drop by drop. At this moment, the bear's face showing the invalidity showed a surprise color, and he quickly put the bear's finger in his mouth to suck, the action, the look and the real person were undoubtedly.

The curiosity aroused by several grandparents suddenly went down, their faces full of disappointment, and they wanted to leave, especially the three old men who were unprofitable and couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Xiaoye, let's go. Now, are you with us."

"Grandpa Zhao, go with gentleness. I still have things to do. After I'm done, I will go to you. Pay attention to safety along the way. Call me when you are in danger, and remember , Not a word about the fifth-level dungeon should be revealed to others, otherwise, the six of us would have become targets of public criticism.

And you are gentle, don't summon Xiaobai in unfamiliar situations, unless you encounter a fatal danger, or you will definitely hurt your grandparents, well, take Xiaobai back. "

Yuye watched the five people eagerly exhorting, clarifying the stakes and the horror between Dao Ming.

"Yeah, don't worry, Xiaoye, Grandpa Zhao will take care of them, and if you don't offend me, I won't offend people." Old Zhao first made a strong guarantee.

Yuye nodded and sent them to the door of the blacksmith shop, UU reading www. looked at their distant figures and felt heart palpitations for no reason, and the right eyelid was throbbing wildly. He always felt what would happen this time? And it is no small thing.

There shouldn’t be a problem with Xiaobai’s safety in the five people. Thinking of going back to the blacksmith shop on a rainy night, Buzz, Brother Bass is still in the forging place, and seems to want to improve his skills as quickly as possible in order to catch up with him. Figure in the footsteps.

Seeing Yuye coming in alone, he gave him a smile, took a sip of salt water, and then fell into the forging again.

Yuye came to the exclusive forging table that almost belonged to him, snorted, took a deep breath, took up the forging hammer; bang, began to forge the cold bow.

As time passed slowly and the blood of the boss gradually decreased, a silver-level arctic bow appeared under the hammer of the rainy night and was thrown aside indiscriminately by him. Uh, this bad habit is definitely learned from Batu.

Note: The special effects of different boss blood are different.

After more than twenty handles were forged, more than two hours have passed. I have to say that the forging speed of Yuye has been getting faster and faster. The boss blood has all been exhausted, and there is not a drop left. There is no way, Yuye has to continue to ask for help from Changjian Hengge. Can't let him hunt a boss right now.

His heart is very restless tonight, he always feels that something is going to happen, he wants to improve his strength as quickly as possible, and forge as many silver-level arctic bows as possible.

Toot, connecting, please wait...

"Hey, what's wrong with Xiaoye? Is there something to do?" Changjian Henge is very noisy. Hearing no less than hundreds of people, he seems to be preparing something? I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, chat about life, and find friends~