Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 250: Title: Warrior Slayer

Until they all died and none of them survived, there was still a thought and a thought floating in their minds: Why? Why doesn't the village chief come out to restrict? Why not come out to stop?

This problem is not only that they want to know, but countless Xiaobai in the village also want to know that if the Novice Village cannot get asylum, then some of them will be miserable.

Thirty seconds later, a system prompt sounded:

Ding, congratulations to the Dragon Touring Guild for successfully resisting the greetings from the demons and formally established.

Ding, congratulations to the Dragon Touring Guild...


The reward for establishing a guild has been issued in advance, so I won’t go into details at this moment.

Although the establishment of the Dragon Touring Guild has invested a lot in the early stage, it has received more rewards. Only the nearly 3,000 pieces of silver equipment can bring the overall strength of their guild to a higher level and take an important step forward. Not to mention other.

Starting today, the Dragon Tournament Guild deserves to become the overlord of Novice Village No. 990.

Seeing the establishment of the guild, the roaming dragon was full of joy and joy, and some people with fragile hearts left tears of excitement and held a group to celebrate.

Boom, boom, boom, the fireworks in the sky exploded, celebrating the dragon, so beautiful; two real dragons, one black and one white, wandering in the sky, cheering for the dragon, so shocking.

These are all the programs that You Long prepared in advance, waiting for this moment, there are many more to come.

Seeing them so happy, Yu Ye's mouth showed a smile, and he was happy for his aunt from the bottom of his heart. Although he didn't experience much in this battle, he definitely experienced a lot.

The aunt had already celebrated with the members of the guild. There is nothing wrong with him here. Rainy night chose to go offline to make breakfast. There are still adults at home who are waiting to be fed, and he has a plan in his heart to be implemented.

After the rainy night went offline, the village head of Xinshou Village personally appeared to congratulate Youlong, acknowledging the status of the Dragon Touring Guild, and at the same time granted a certain degree of privileges, such as red name removal, special purchases in Xinshou Village, etc., which are used in other online games. It is impossible to appear in the middle, but everything is possible in the final chapter.

At this point, the matter of the Dragon Touring Guild came to an end.

The thunder was heavy and the rain was small. Guild Dragons didn’t receive the slightest punishment or even the slightest warning. Seeing this situation, everyone couldn’t help but slap Xiao Niu in their hearts. Ten minutes later, someone could not hold back and tried the law and beheaded in Novice Village. His enemy.

As you can imagine, he was directly expelled from the country and was not allowed to enter the Novice Village for life. Without the supplies and rest of the Novice Village, this means that he has been half-worn, and his future is completely destroyed and left the first echelon. The rest of Xiaobai shivered, and hurriedly left, suddenly understanding that the rules cannot be broken and cannot be provocative.

"Uh, thank this elder brother for trying the law, let us know, thank you, thank you."

"Why? Why is You Long not punished?"

"It's not fair, it's not fair."



The village chief is the number one person in the village, the spiritual pillar is Yuye’s master, the blacksmith is the number two person in the village, and the important financial income is Yuye’s brother. He made a mistake and killed someone in Xinshou Village. Naturally, no one would stop him. .

As for the members of the Dragon Wandering Guild, they fought against the demons last night, and everyone had a title on their heads: Demon Slayer Warrior, this title was enough to withstand this punishment.

But of course these novices would not know. One by one, they regarded this as the biggest bug, and even some people complained about the final chapter. Forums, post rooms, and live broadcast rooms were surging and discussed.

There are different opinions, and I don't know what to say, and I am not close to the truth of the matter. The person who was expelled couldn't bear it and dialed the complaint line directly.

Beep, the complaint call is being connected, please wait patiently.

"Ding, hello, what can I do for you?" An elegant and sweet female voice came from inside, very sunny and warm.

"Grass, what a broken game? It turns out to be a bug every day. Why are they okay in a team battle with thousands of people in Xinshou Village, and I was expelled after killing one person? I am not convinced. I hope the final chapter can give me an explanation and an explanation. Otherwise, I will continue to appeal, there is someone above me."

This person directly yelled at him and threatened him, and he didn't know whether it was true or not. It's no wonder that being in a good mood after encountering such a thing is strange.

"Hello, I can understand your mood, please provide your district clothes and your role name, I will help you inquire it." The elegant and sweet female voice continued, without a trace of impatientness.

"Hmm..." The man's anger seemed to be dissipated a little by the sweet voice, and he calmed down to describe the cause and effect of the incident.

After a few seconds...

"Hello, we have checked it for you. Your account is indeed suspected of breaking the rules and desecrating the village chief. The punishment for you cannot be revoked. Please understand."

"What? I admit it for breaking the rules, but I don't recognize it for blaspheming the village chief, so ugly old man, I can't speak, pooh, what do you say, show me why the long sword hate song is not punished, she is The culprit this time."

"Hello, according to our data feedback, Changjian Henge did not do anything."

Puff, a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Oh, then let me find out why the'Holy Dragon' was not punished? He can do it, and he participates in killing everyone."

"Hello, according to the data feedback, the "Holy Dragon" has the qualifications to do it in the Novice Village, and there is a place for killing."

"Grass, what? Why can he be like this? Is he the son of the system?" This person is very sad ~ He feels that his head has been smashed, a chaotic, staring Venus can not accept this fact completely .

"Hello, there is no comment on confidentiality, what else can I do for you?"

Puff, another mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Check, keep checking, why..."

"Hello, according to the data feedback, the player "Long Sword Breaks the Sky" is also eligible for hands-on in the Novice Village and has a place to kill."

"Grass, why?"

"It's confidential. No comment."

Another mouthful of old blood spurted out, and the player who complained felt that his IQ had been insulted ten thousand points.

"Check, keep checking, I still don't believe it." He gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"No comment."

"No comment."



Within an hour, he inquired about nearly 500 players in the Dragon Tournament Association, but the results were all without comment.

Hey, can't you tell him it is because of the title? I'm so anxious.

Puff, another bit of old blood.

"I don't ask any more, just tell me, can my problem be solved? Is there any way to solve it?" The man's violent temper was aroused again, and he asked cursingly. He didn't ask any more, no matter how many questions he asked No comment.

"Hello, due to my lack of authority, I have no comment. You can call this number to appeal. I wish you a happy game." The sweet voice was a bit hoarse. After all, he spoke for an hour, but he explained patiently.

"Grass, wasting Lao Tzu's time." This person hung up the phone angrily, and screamed in secret: You can't solve it by riding a horse. You still compare with lz, zz. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~