Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 251: 1st level 10 player

An hour was wasted, no useful information was obtained, and no solution to the problem was found, so I could only take a deep breath and calm down and continue to petition.

md, zz, s, why should such a stupid person be a customer service? Although he had taken a few deep breaths, the anger in his heart still couldn't be suppressed, but it got worse.

In the end, I don’t know if it was resolved, but from then on there appeared an embarrassed homeless man, a scruffy scavenger, and a poor man who could not enter the village.

According to a valid report: This person spent a day calling Tao Yuan's phone, and he was swearing at his head and face. It is not surprising to get such a result.

Three minutes of silence...

In the early morning, the warm and fascinating morning light and laziness shot into the room like a lazy baby. A few bad old men woke up from their sleep, coughing, and a crisp and dull cough came out, which clearly indicated their physical condition; The speed and breathing sound of the people indicate their growing age.

They are no longer young...

"Xiaoye, I'll serve food, and call to wake up gently for breakfast."


The conversation between the old and the young sounded from the room.

After a while, he gently yawned and rubbed his wistful eyes, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and walked down the stairs in a nice and close-fitting dressing gown. His little mouth was pouting very unhappy, and his little face was full of anger.

"Ah, people want to sleep, sleep, bad brother, you know to bully me."


Seeing Qingrou's appearance, of course everyone laughed heartlessly.

"Well, there is actually the smell of meat. I can smell it. Don't eat it all, Grandpa Zhang, save me some." The soft tip of his nose moved slightly, and his eyes widened and ran down from the stairs. The rainy night called The anger of her getting up disappeared in an instant.

"Gentle, go wash first, otherwise you are not allowed to eat." Grandma Sun's harsh words came.

"Oh, I'm going now." Looking at the meat porridge on the table softly, he swallowed, reluctantly averted his gaze and ran to the bathroom.

Meat porridge with pancakes is hearty.

Uh, eating meat early in the morning is bad for your health, right?

Ah, what are you talking about? Poor than...

After eating, everyone lay comfortably on the sofa watching TV, discussing some things.

"Xiao Ye, we have discussed and decided to invite a tutor to help you study." This matter was proposed by Grandma Sun, and naturally Grandma Sun said it at the moment. The four elderly people had no objection and all agreed.

In the past, there was no opportunity, no money, and no power in the village, but now there is everything, and some things naturally have to be put on the agenda. Is it not possible to let these two villains be illiterate like them? This will not work.

The identity certificate has not yet been implemented, and the household registration takes less than half a year. Naturally, this half year cannot be wasted.

"Okay, okay, Gentle likes studying the most, otherwise I can't even read TV." Gentle's expression revealed joy and was the first to express his opinion. There used to be teachers in the village to teach them. At that time, Gentle was right. A good student who is strong in learning.

Yuye also likes to study, and naturally agrees.

"Yeah, that's fine, I will contact Xiao Li now and let her make arrangements as soon as possible." Grandma Sun was also afraid that the two would disagree, and at the moment she got a reply, Le Kaihua dialed Xiao Li's call.

Old Zhao Tou: It's over, no one will take me to upgrade in the future, what should I do?

Old head Li: Hey, I have to rely on myself again, I can't.

Old Zhang Tou: Good study, should I follow along to read? So I can satirize old Zhao and them. Haha, why am I so smart.

"Well, I will arrange it as soon as possible, don't worry." Xiao Li hung up the communication and got busy again.

Today the leader gave her another order: to meet any of their requirements. You should know that after omitting the word ‘as much as possible’, the meaning of this sentence is completely different.

"Brother, what are we doing today? Gentle wants to go back to sleep." After watching TV for a while, her small eyes became blurred again, and said dazedly.

"Gentle, go to bed first, my brother will call you later." Yuye said very considerately and tenderly.

"Xiaoye, we decided to play the game, do you want to play?" Old Zhangtou took the lead and asked, while looking at Yuye with a murderous look, he would not allow him to escape again. Old Zhao and Old Li immediately followed, and the room was full of murderousness for a while.

"Okay, okay, okay, let's enter the game now." Rainy night reluctantly agreed under the pressure of everyone, he originally wanted to continue forging, after all, there are more drawings and less time.

Ding, welcome back to the game and wish you a happy game.

It was half past seven at the moment, and a few people were considered early birds.

Yuye directly pulled up the team. Since he decided to level up, he couldn't persuade and the monster level could not be too low. After thinking about it for a while, he led the small team to the level ten leveling area: Lizard Canyon.

Uh, you are only at level 6, do you use this spell?

Rainy night: Do you know what it means to enjoy the cool under the big tree? Intellectually disabled author.

At the moment when the squad was galloping, a system prompt came from the sky:

Ding, congratulations to the player's "Final Chapter Mainland First Wholesaler" for the first to reach level Hereby rewards skill points +5, free attribute points +10, and each attribute +5.

Ding, congratulations to the player's "Final Chapter Mainland First Wholesaler" for the first to reach level ten...


"Fuck, I'm only level six, why is he already level ten, it's unscientific, totally unscientific." The player who was fighting monsters couldn't help letting out a grumble, and the giant bear in front of him in panic seized the opportunity to shoot directly. It fell and attacked frantically.

After a while, the person died and turned into white light and returned to Novice Village, where he died decently.

"No, my heart can't bear such a big blow. I'm going to eat breakfast, eat breakfast." Another fat man let out a scream dizzy.

"Tenth level, so far away, how many chicks I have to hunt to reach, eh, I'm only level three, can someone take me with you?" A little girl about ten years old at the entrance of the village thought quietly, brushing quietly. There was no one beside the wild monster.

Huh, when is this? There are still third-level people? Still killing chicks? This is not a new player joining the game, right? It doesn't look like it.

"Md, it's almost, it's almost that, the first one to reach level ten should be mine, it should be mine, the first chance to enter the town should be mine, it's mine, it's over, how much money you have to lose? ."

At the other end of the Lizard Canyon, there was a sudden roar and a hysterical scream from the place where the Dragon Touring Guild had not yet radiated. That was a terrifying call and a terrible call.

As he said, he was angrily beheaded the lizard king in front of him, and a little bit of starlight turned into experience into his body, while leaving a piece of equipment, as if to vent his dissatisfaction, he did not conceal his inner waves and chose The whole village was notified. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~