Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 254: Wave 1: Hidden Moon Rhino

"Hey, I'm ready to go to bed. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen suddenly. It's really annoying. Do you think this meeting counts as overtime? Do you pay for overtime? If it doesn't, it will be a big loss." A small senior in the platoon couldn't help complaining with a bitter face, and seemed very dissatisfied.

"Cut, do you underestimate our president? With the president's arrogant personality, you will certainly not lose such a little overtime. Don't you know the president for such a long time? I think your overtime pay is fake, think It's true to go back earlier and hold your wife, haha." The man beside him handed him a look that I understand you, and then let out a wretched laugh.

"Haha, I didn't expect to be seen through by you." Then the man replied with a more wretched smile.

Er, such people are a minority in the guild after all, and more people are discussing things about the Dragon Touring Guild.

"Pharaoh, what do you think the president will do this time? Go straight up and do it? Or wait, we will be strong in the future?"

"You are stupid, you must go straight up and do it now. If we are waiting, we will disband in the shallows. This time we can say that we have been forced to a dead end, Lao Zhang, looking at you who are so independent and thoughtful. Why are you a little stupid today? Listen to me, and fight for a while."

"Hey, look at the president's choice, I always feel that this matter is not that simple."

Before he finished his words, the president of the Ford, a young and promising young man in the'Shoal by the Shrimp Show' strode in, magnificent and extraordinary, and his equipment was even more powerful and unusual. At first glance, he knew that he was not a mortal thing. The weapon in his hand came to his place, and there was no extra words to ask directly: "What do you think of this matter?"

That momentum, look, and posture have a meaning of an early king.

In fact, looking at the weapons on the table, you can also understand the meaning of "Shrimp in the Shoal": dry, no hesitation.

How could it be an ordinary person who can become a company for a while and control such a large company in reality?

"President, do it! If you say something, my old bull must be at the forefront. What kind of wandering dragon guild, you must always lie down in front of our shoals and can't straighten up." A burly man rang out a bell. With a roar like that, with a face of fortitude and anger, he placed the meteor hammer in his hand on the table by the way.

"President, I mean the same thing, **** him, what a dragon guild is just a bug."



For a time, the group was excited, and the opinions were unified, only fighting...

Although they roared loudly on the surface and performed very hard, in fact, the "Shoal Shrimp Show" understood in their hearts and their minds were even clearer. They were just jealous of the guild's welfare, and just wanted to drain the guild's money.

Since the failure of the last battle with the Dragon Touring Guild, in order to stabilize the hearts of the people and win over the masters, he has issued a new rule: All losses in the battle will be compensated twice by the guild. The loss of fighting monsters these days and the compensation of the guild have also made them taste the sweetness, so they are very eager to fight!

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then I will talk about my plan." The'Shoal Shrimp Play' pretended to look like I didn't understand or understand your thoughts, waved his hand, decided to fight, and the scene was again. There was cheers, and the atmosphere was pushed up.

Just as the Shoal Guild was discussing, the three affiliated guilds were also notified to lead their respective masters on the line.

At 12:30 in the morning, the first wave of demons came quietly...

Ding, the first wave of the eighth-level fierce beast "Hidden Moon Rhinoceros" is about to strike, so please prepare for the Dragon Guild.



At this moment, all the members of the Dragon Touring Guild had this sentence in their minds, allowing them to refresh themselves and stand up on their guards.

Note: The demons do not belong to the Demon God.

Ding, the first wave of fierce beast "Hidden Moon Rhino" has arrived. Please be prepared for defense.



The interval between the two rapid system beeps is no more than three seconds, but there is still...

Ding, because the Long Sword Hate Song triggered any guild prematurely and established the guild, the attributes of the hidden moon rhino increased by 10%.



Phew, it's acceptable, the improvement is not a lot, only 10%? however......

Ding, because it is at night, the attributes of the Hidden Moon Rhinoceros have been increased by 100%, so please defend against it as soon as possible.

Grass, at this moment, all the members of the Dragon Touring Guild could not help but burst out an swear word, what is the game? The monsters in the Novice Village can also improve their attributes, and the foreign ones also increase their attributes? Attribute increase by one hundred and one? How to fight this? Fortunately, Changjian Hengge made a timely statement to stabilize the military spirit and let everyone settle down.

Puff and puff, thunder like a heartbeat came from a distance; Salazar, the thick leaves of old trees in the distance kept falling with the impact; rumbling, the ground trembled with the running of the rhinoceros.

All staff are on alert, ready to attack.

The dust mingled with the roar of the rhinoceros swept across, and the shock was prominent with the appearance of the rhinoceros body.

It was only thirty meters away from the city wall built by the that everyone could see their bodies clearly, became familiar with their appearance, and saw the target of this battle:

The hidden moon rhino is not as huge and mighty as imagined. On the contrary, it is a little petite and a little mini. The height is one meter, and the rhino horn in front of it is only three meters long. It is reasonable to say that the rhino is white because of its height. , But Yinyue Rhino is abnormal:

The entire body is covered with thick leather like armor. The thickness and luster show that the defense is extremely high; the leather is covered in pieces, like scales, layered on top of it, and the defense is even higher.

The four sturdy and powerful little short legs are even more extraordinary. The cyan metallic luster covered on them spreads to the rhino's feet, chucking, and the sound is clear, as if they are artificially forged to protect them, and their defense is even better. One chip.

Looking up, the eyes, nose, etc. on the rhino head are the same as the other rhinos. The only difference is that the front end of the face is neatly arranged with three rhino horns: a milky white color, like the bright moon on the horizon; One is pitch black and matches the skin of a rhinoceros; one looks illusory but concrete, with a little blue light on it, like a crescent moon.

It turns out that the term Yinyue refers to this rhino horn...

The tail is even more worth mentioning. The thin oxtail flips up and down like a twisting snake, and it flashes with electric currents, echoing each other like the dawn before dawn, reflecting the shadow of the rhino in the dust, so beautiful, so good. terror.

The three rhino horns seem to have different abilities and different characteristics, but no one pays attention so much at this time, watching the rhino madly attacking the wall. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, chat about life, and find friends~