Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 26: Gentle, lend me a staff

   The beep three times in a row made the six people puzzled. What is a BOSS? Is it powerful? What does it look like, isn't it still a rooster? All kinds of questions lingered in the hearts of everyone, lingering.

   But Rainy Night is a man who hunted wild boars in the jungle after all. He was fearless in his heart, and instantly calmed down, clenched his fists and shouted: "Grandpa and grandma stand in a circle gently among us, ready to fight!"

   The rainy night at this moment seems to fade away and become an invincible soldier; the rainy night at this moment is full of blood, and I look forward to the next **** battle!

   Ding, the Bronze BOSS appears, and the hatred "Peeping at the Little Girl Next Door", please avoid it in time!

   As soon as the prompt sound came out, Old Man Li suddenly saw a rooster higher than him, mightier than him, and more ferocious than him. It was only five steps away from him, and it was moving fast!

  The colorful feathers on the sturdy figure are like gorgeous brocade robe, which emits a clear cold light under the moonlight, very mighty! Especially the feathers on the tail stand up like steel brushes, as if they can crack mountains and rocks!

   The bright red cockscomb on the top of his head is charming and beautiful, like a rare ruby ​​in the world, and like the fire in April, it swings rhythmically!

   A pair of sharp eyes exudes evil light and a long and pointed yellow beak like an eagle, which makes people daunting.

   The short wings do not seem to have much lethality, but it is a hidden mystery.

   The two powerful feet of Kong Wu are like two yellow pillars with mottled bumps supporting his huge body, rushing towards the old man Li!

   The agility attribute of the old head is still relatively high. There is only one word in this situation: Run! Otherwise, if you are pecked by the sharp beak that looks like a diamond pouring, the steel feathers on the tail will be swept away, and you will be killed instantly!

   The fear of death forced him to break through the limits of the human body and run wildly. At the same time, the message of a giant rooster suddenly appeared on the team chat panel.

   name: bright red cockscomb king.

  Introduction: The village head's free-range rooster is a variant breed. Although it is a pure-bred big rooster, he once considered himself a great mother chicken, and his bounden duty is to protect his chicks from harm. As long as thousands of young roosters are hunted, their existence will be triggered, and the insatiable chicken thieves will be hit hard!

   Generally speaking, no team or individual can be bored enough to kill a thousand cocks, but this feat was accomplished by the gentle team by mistake.

   Zheng can be said to be where blessings come and misfortunes depend on.

   Level: Level three.

   Grade: Bronze BOSS.

   Attack power: 50-100

  Physical defense: 10-20

  Magic defense: 10-20

   HP: 3000

  Magic value: 1000

  Agility: 3

   Skill: Cannot be displayed.

   Rainy night looked at this attribute, without the slightest hesitation, rushed to rescue Grandpa Li, his blood is strong enough to resist, Grandpa Li can't do it!

   ran while thinking about countermeasures, and at the same time, he did not forget to throw a single body first to reduce the strength of the Cockscomb King, so that Grandpa Li could hold on for a while.

   Sure enough, Old Man Li didn't run far before he was overtaken by the Scarlet Cockscomb. He pecked, his blood volume instantly bottomed out, and there was the last bit of blood!

   You must know that this is the cockscomb after the rainy night is weak. If it is the previous state, the old head of Li will definitely report back to Xinshou Village.

  The attributes of the scarlet comb after weakness:

  Name: Cockscomb king shrouded in virus.

   Level: Level three.

   Grade: Bronze BOSS.

   Attack power: 25-50

  Physical defense: 5-10

   Magic defense: 5-10

   HP: 1500

  Magic value: 500

  Agility: 1.5

   Skill: Cannot be displayed.

   Seeing the scarlet cockscomb so weakened, Yu Ye couldn't help but re-evaluate her newly acquired skills! Two words: terror.

With the strength of the Cockscomb King before it was weakened, everyone was completely useless, and it was impossible to break the defense. Except for Gentle, but you can't let Gentle a little girl, a priest with a staff to beat the Cockscomb King, so the final result can only be One person died once, free to return to the village!

   But it's different now. The defense power is reduced to five. Although everyone can't break the defense, it is much better than before. The most important thing is that the blood volume and speed are reduced by half, so you can still fight.

   As long as you pay attention to your position, the balance of victory will eventually tilt.

At this moment, a soft green light instantly filled Grandpa Li's blood, but this move was tantamount to transferring the hatred. The Cockscomb King gave up the'little of the big girl next to the helmet' and pursued it softly. Seeing this on the rainy night, my heart became anxious. .

   stomped hard under his feet and used all his strength to hit the Cockscomb King. This was the only effective way he could think of.

  Cockcomb is half the size of an adult, so Rainy Night looks a bit petite in front of him, but even so, the explosive power of Rainy Night's horror pops like a bullet, mixed with absolute care for gentleness, and knocks him with a bang.

After    hit it, Yu Ye didn't just wave his hand. Two tough little hands full of thick calluses held its colorful feathers tightly, and the legs pressed **** the chicken body, and several feathers were pulled out by Yu Ye.




   Plucking feathers can even cause harm, which is unexpected on rainy night!

  Who would have thought that such a pair of hands would appear on a ten-year-old child! But the fact is so, no one can't believe it.

  The scarlet cockscomb king was in pain, the wilted chicken head instantly lifted up and let out a stern cry. The bright red cockscomb seemed to be cast a shadow at this moment, and the color was no longer beautiful.

There was a strong light of anger in its eyes, and the hatred instantly transferred to Yuye. The steel brush feathers on the tail were swept back, rubbing the rainy night clothes and scratching It turned out that the rainy night will be closed. He didn't continue to attack blindly, and he escaped.

   At the same time, the skill column of the bright red comb on the panel shows a skill:

   Tail Feather Sweep-Use the tail feathers to launch a quick attack, unexpectedly, the attack power is 1.5 times the total attack (between 80-160), and it is now between 37.5-75.

  Rainy night took the time to glance, and he understood the probabilities in his heart, and started to run with the Cockscomb, while looking for something that could be used as a weapon!

   The weakness of a rooster is nothing more than four points: chicken neck, comb, corns, and heart!

   As long as you can find weapons or favorable terrain, it is not difficult to kill it!

   But the rainy night has been running for a long time, and my eyes are too clean, there are no large stones, let alone things that can be used as weapons!

   While other people saw the hatred transfer, they came over to output, but their strength was still too weak.




   can only cause a little damage, which is really better than nothing.

   Although the damage is a little low, they are still insisting, after all, the person chased in front is their favorite grandson! Although the emotions exploded, the damage did not improve!

  Rainy night has been going around in circles, running, he found that it was like reality, and he felt tired, and finally he decided not to run.

An abrupt brake made a mark on the smooth sand. After a sharp turn, it changed direction and came to Gentle. He said: “Gentle, give me your staff. I will teach this attacker to be a man. No, it’s a chicken. ."

   Can you pick up a soft weapon as you wish on a rainy night? Can you kill the Scarlet Cockscomb King? What's more interesting after the kill, wait for the breakdown below!