Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 262: Amazing talent

"Okay, I bet you, I have so many gifts, but I just wait for the anchor to make a face."

"Me too, a basket of gifts, as long as you have the ability to take them away, just wait for the anchor to hit your face."

"Come on, who is afraid of who? I don't have a gift, but I'm still waiting for the anchor to make a face."



Before the words fell, the anchor watched from all directions and instantly saw fifty archers rushing out of the deep forest to shoot at the rhino, and the screen instantly switched.

"Uh, coincidence, it must be a coincidence, how can it be so accurate."

"That's just one guess."

"Still waiting for the anchor's one million reward."



The second wave of predictions is still successful.

"There are so many coincidences in the world, haha, still waiting for the anchor's million rewards." The smile was obviously a wry smile.

"It's just a coincidence. Don't worry about it."


The voice of questioning this time has been much less, and the confidence is obviously not as strong as the previous two, and not as high as the previous two.

After knowing the success of the third wave of predictions.

All the voices of questioning have disappeared, and many of them quit the live broadcast room directly to avoid seeing the embarrassing news next.

"Hey, the one who called the loudest just now, come out and give gifts, come out..."

"That's right, the man who decided to eat shit, come out quickly."

"Haha, anchor, if I serve you, isn't it just a gift? Here, a little red flower..."

The countless gifts below the live broadcast room took off instantly, mainly one piece and two pieces, but from time to time they could still float out of airplanes, rockets and the like.



"Thank you for your support, thank you for your gifts, and thank you for your trust. If nothing else, the first wave of offensive dragon guilds from the demons should be taken down. I estimate that it will be able to create a hundred against the city wall. About 60 out of the damage."

"Anchor, I believe you, but where did the demons come from? Is it great?"

"I don't know, the final chapter gave too little information, and there was no information about the demons. If it weren't for the Dragon Touring Guild this time, perhaps we would not have known such a race? Everything is unknown."

"Devil, what demon? Where did the demon come from? Are they our enemies in the future?"

"That's for sure, Mozu, do you know what the concept is? That's...ah." He said, he couldn't hold on to it, it leaked.



When someone asks a question, someone will answer it naturally. Even if you don’t know, you have to change your way and force the answer.

The scene calmed down for a while, and after a while a question was directly swiped:

"The anchor is great, you think the other guilds will choose when to carry out the harassment."

"Yes, the anchor is big, come to speculate boldly and give us an answer."

"I also want to know, this question is a good question."



"Since everyone wants to know, then I boldly speculate. I hope the players in the other guilds in Novice Village No. 990 will not say that I leaked secrets in advance? Haha, I declare in advance that I do not belong to any hostile guild of the Dragon Touring Guild. The following are all speculations."

"Oh, I watched it. Fortunately, the id is not displayed. Otherwise, it won't be easy to mix in the Novice Village at No. 990, haha." Although the anchor said it was quite ridiculous, the self-confidence revealed in the words was able to It makes people feel his confidence, completely worthy.

His strength should not be underestimated...

"Anchor, just say it, you're still not a man anymore?"

"Yes, what are you afraid of? Being able to reach the tenth level leveling zone, your strength is not too low, what do you pretend?"

"Yes, anyone of you knows why the Dragon Touring Guild was established in the tenth level training area? And what about the tenth level monsters? Why don't you see them attack?

Hey, someone asked the question that many players most want to know.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand."

"The ghost knows, listen attentively."

"Ahem, okay, let’s talk about my inference. If I were a'shoal caught shrimp drama', I would definitely not launch an attack now, because it is very unwise. The city wall is not completely damaged and the monster gathering attributes are strengthened. Breaking through a hundred people requires at least the cover of 10,000 people, which is not cost-effective at all.

According to my inference, the second wave of monsters should be able to completely destroy the city wall. At that time, the "Shoal by the Shrimp Play" should launch a wave of tentative attacks and harassment, but it will not go to war or break the net. After the third wave, it will depend on the situation. Certainly, if you can't carry the dragon, the shallows will definitely take over immediately.

Even if they can barely resist, they will not be able to take advantage of the shallows. The ending can only be a defeat. With all due respect, I don’t see any chance of winning this battle. Pay attention to the importance of time. "

"The anchor's analysis is reasonable, and I also think that the Dragon Touring Guild has no hope of victory this time."

"Hey, keep watching, and see what the Dragon Touring Guild will do next?"

"Cold, feel cold, go to sleep, sleepy."

"The timing is too wrong. It is only a few levels to form a guild. Failure is reasonable, and success is unexpected joy."

"It's so many top-ranked guilds in other novice villages dare not take the lead in setting up. Changjian Hengge is an early death, and a lot of money was wasted. What a pity. "

"People are rich, you think it's all you, poorer than one."

At the same time, in the game shoal meeting room, listening to the talk of the anchor in the live broadcast room of the "Short Shrimp Play", the corners of the charming mouth could not help showing a smile, and the expressions were full of tension and excitement. , Have you contacted the anchor? This person has amazing talent and must be used for his own use."

Following the'Shoal Shrimp Play' for so long, it was the first time that Lao Wang heard him comment on a person so generously and admiringly, placing a person at such a height, he could not help but look up again in his heart, but still Turning his head, a pair of eyes flashed helplessly and looked at the chairman and said honestly: "I added it, but I talked to him and ignored me."

"Hmm, continue to send messages, offer him generous terms, and try my best to recruit him."

"Brothers, there are many people who have sent messages to me privately. I am replying one by one. Please be patient." As if to respond to the anxiety of the'Shallow Shrimp Play', the anchor said.



There was a lot of joy in the live broadcast room. After half an hour after the Dragon Touring Guild, a thousand heads of hidden moon rhinos were finally killed and all their value was squeezed out. You must know that You Long Cai The group's intrepidity is not an understatement.

However, the blood volume of the city wall was also reduced to less than 40%, which was almost the same as the anchor’s prediction. It consumed more than 600,000 blood volume of the city wall in half an hour. This was the result of the long sword hate song ordering a physical delay. For this reason, there are definitely more. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~