Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 263: Wave 2: Red Flame Gopher

All the hidden moon rhinos will struggle before they die, and they will activate their third ability in an instant, using two or three percent of their HP to attack the wall as much as possible.

  Uh, although they show low intelligence and are like silly cows, the final blow is really painful enough to be admirable.

In the course of the battle, the second skill of the Hidden Moon Rhino should not be underestimated. The thunder and lightning chain will cause considerable damage to the front row of the dragon, and the four or five chains can also cause more attacks in amplitude, even with the power of the priest. Healing and slow recovery with blood bottles, but in the end one or two hundred fighters, paladins and other professional players died and returned to the Novice Village.

   Once they die, they will be taken off the assembly line immediately. This is the death order issued by Changjian Hengge. They cannot be discounted. Those who violate the order will never be hired out of the guild.

   No one knows the true intention of the Long Sword Hate Song? What does it mean?

   Changjian Hengge: Ah, I just want them to sleep a little longer, haha, don't think too much.

After the first wave of monster siege was over, Changjian Hengge quickly found someone to repair the wall and slowly restore the blood volume of the wall. At the same time, she let Mu'er and Gentle go off the assembly line to rest. The first wave of attacks was the most important in her plan. As long as she can resist it, the rest can also resist it. This is her confidence.

Everyone in the Dragon Touring Guild turned away like a spinning top. The live content and pictures were a bit boring, and the number of people watching dropped sharply. There was nothing the anchor could do about it. Could it be that a group of people stay here to watch the sword and hate? Sing up the wall? And there is still no sound at all?

After gently off the assembly line, I moved my petite body in the bed, closed my eyes tightly, and felt relieved listening to the slight snoring sound from my brother, and I secretly moved my quilt away and entered the quilt on the rainy night. Zhong nestled in his brother's arms and soon went to sleep.

   At one or two o'clock in the night, many players fell asleep one after another, and the number of people surfing the Internet dropped sharply, except for a few night owls.

   Although they really want to see if Dragon Touring Guild can resist it? I really want to see the ending of the Dragon Touring Guild? But the body is important and sleep is important. It will be the same for watching the replay tomorrow. The anchor has guaranteed that the whole process will be recorded.

   The time jumps to half past two, buzz, a system prompt sounds:

  All players in the Dragon Touring Guild, please note that the second wave of condolences from the demons is coming soon, please prepare to meet.



   The three consecutive ghosts and charms made all the players of the dragon wandering dragon could not help but hold the weapon in their hands and wait for it. The heartbeat speeded up and didn't dare to relax the slightest, and the brain was running fast and staring at one place.

   Seeing that there are no monsters, the eyes of all the people instantly looked in the direction of Longjian Henge and looked forward to her command, her inference, and her order.

   It is not the slightest impact on young people not sleeping all night, not to mention the matter of tonight has been said in advance, everyone is accompanied by functional drinks, full of energy.

  Ding, the second wave of demon creatures: the red flame gopher is about to reach the battlefield, the goal: to destroy the dragon guild.



  Ding, the Red Flame Gopher arrives.

As soon as the system prompt disappeared, the Dragon Touring Guild and others saw the dazzling fire from afar, which can be regarded as red all over the sky, as if you are under the rising sun; the annoying hot breath, as if you are in a furnace Among.

   The squeaking gopher's teeth grinding should be very small, but now it resounds like thunder in everyone's ears; like a waterfall falling, it makes people upset.

   The flame did not last long. After a few seconds, the red light in the deep forest disappeared instantly, but the heat continued, and the harsh screams disappeared.

   "President? What's the situation now, where are the rats? Has the second wave of attacks been cancelled?" A soldier on the wall asked suspiciously.

   "Yes, what's going on? Do we still need to be on guard?"

   For these silly questions, no one wanted to answer them, silently sad, hey, how did these two related households get in? Can you clean it up? The brain is not enough.

   Changjian Hengge ignored him even more, not because of putting on airs, but because he noticed the fire element floating in the air and the temperature gradually rising in the air.

   This matter is not that simple.

Ten seconds later, Changjian Henge slapped his forehead and finally reacted and understood the joints. He twisted his body and exclaimed loudly at the crowd: "Don't be stunned. All the players abandon the wall to fight, outside the wall. One part, one part of the strong city, take care to protect the guild stele."

As soon as the words of Long Sword Hengge fell, nearly two hundred red flame gophers drilled from the ground inside the city wall, madly and desperately ran towards the stele, and the Long Sword Hengge was improved. , Everyone reacted instantly to surround them and intercept them.

However, a depressing scene happened in an instant. Before they touched the bodies of these red flame gophers, they turned into a flame and plunged into the ground. The slightly lifted mud told their progress, and the bulging marks indicated their goals. .

   Not only is Changjian Henge stupid, anyone in the Dragon Touring Guild is stupid? The second wave of Mozu's offense is so abnormal? How to fight this? Return the crystal without dismantling the tower? Can you still play like this? Let them go and the remaining 300-odd heads are crazy and desperate to attack outside the city wall, consume the blood of the city wall, and involve a part of the crowd.

   The dungeon traps outside of the city wall seem to have no effect on them at all. They can't deal a little bit of damage, and they can't explode any negative effects.

Moreover, their attack power and attack methods are obviously much sharper than Yinyue Rhinoceros. In just a few seconds, they disperse the disciplined troops of the Longsword Hengge organization, and overwhelm the vigorous power of the Dragon Touring Guild. He attacked the city wall braggingly, not afraid at all, and it could even be said that he didn't put them in the eyes of the mouse at all, and the blood volume of the city wall was reduced by nearly 10,000 every second.

   If the situation cannot be contained, after more than a minute, the first defense of the Dragon Touring Guild will be exhausted.

   Both the inside and outside of the city wall were devastated? How will Long Sword Hate Song respond this time?

  Note: There is no rainy night, the turbulent, talented roaming dragon guild does not have the attributes of the red flame rhinoceros, and can only speculate with the skills they release at the moment. This shows the importance and particularity of smart eye surgery.

   The attribute is unknown, but it should be very high.

   Skill 1: Burrow into the ground, ignoring ground effects

   Skill 2: Flame Breath, which can cause huge damage to city walls.

   "Chairman, let's make a decision, otherwise..." The long sword stood before the stone monument, with a slightly mad look in his eyes. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends