Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 264: White snowflakes

"Long Sword, I know...but I'm...reluctant, don't force me." Long Sword Hengge rarely showed indecision, for some reason.

"President, hurry up, it's not that we forced you. If that thing is gone, we can choose to explode again, but if the guild is gone, it will really be gone. So much effort and so long hard work will be in vain. Think twice." The short sword breaks the sky at this moment is also a reasonable and well-founded discouragement loudly, he also knows a little inside story.

   Changjian Hengge lowered his head and pursed his lips in silence, as if he was making an important decision, completely ignored the urging of the two of them.

   "Hey, what are the three of them playing dumb puzzles? How come I don't understand at all? Am I too stupid?" The other people in the guild were also helpless in this situation, one of them asked.

   "No, I don't understand either. It seems that the chairman is hiding something from us."

   "Hey, I believe the president, she will definitely be able to turn the tide and save us from fire and water."

   "President, we believe in you, believe in you, no matter what decision you make, we will definitely support you."



   Listening to the shouts of teammates from all directions and the voices of every sibling, Changjian Hengge's heart suddenly had an idea.

   What was the purpose of establishing the Dragon Dragon Association? Isn't it just for your brothers and sisters to have a support? With a place to settle down and live, the guild can bring warmth to everyone and bring good memories to everyone.

Since    has chosen to establish, then there can be no force that can destroy it, no, nothing will work.

  Youlong Guild is our home, our support, and the hope that we all work together. Now that the home has just been established, should we let them be ruined? Was it ruined by this group of beasts? No, absolutely not.

   Thinking of this, Changjian Hengge's eyes immediately regained firmness, restored to the old look, and something suddenly appeared in his hand.

The shape of this thing is like a glass ball without any flaws in the sky. The long sword Hengge can hold it in one hand. It is definitely not small. The whole body is silvery white, like the white snow of the twelfth lunar winter, like the sun to the extreme. Light.

   There are no extra tedious patterns, no trivial marks, and some are just a white snowflake imprinted on it, very pure and crystal clear.

   Changjian Hengge's hand holding the ball trembling slightly, as far as possible to control her own eyes not to look at that direction, she was afraid that she would be reluctant to look at it more, and reluctant to use it.

  Sisi's cold air emerged from it like a leak, and a little white light appeared between the fingers of Changjian Henge.

Time waits for no one. At this moment, there are only 200,000 points left on the city wall, which is precarious, and the red flame gophers that have crossed through the ground also came to the stone monument and set a posture to destroy it. At this moment, Changjian Henge threw the white ball to the ground with a painful look.

"Hey, what's the situation? Is the network connection unstable? The picture? Anchor, come out soon, the picture? Where is the red flame gopher? I want to know the ending of the Dragon Touring Guild, the anchor, my Virgo, you It makes me uncomfortable."

   "Yes, the anchor, are you asleep? I beg the anchor to resume the live broadcast. Isn't it possible for me to give you a gift? What do you think of the two yuan?"

   "The **** anchor is probably asleep, the camera is crooked, and it has been reported."

   "Let's go, go to sleep, the anchor is probably not working, and the ones who can survive until now are all men, I respect you."

"It's only half past two, what do you sleep? I have to wait, I have to wait, if it still doesn't work, I have to enter the game even if I die, and I can't see the ending of the Dragon Touring Guild. I won't be at ease tonight. ."



  Uh, there are really everyone in this world, dare to say anything, honest children, the scene in the live broadcast room stops at the moment when the red flame gophers appear inside and outside the city wall.

   At this moment, in the conference room of the Final Chapter Shoal Guild, the screen suddenly stopped.

   A look of doubts appeared on the face of "Shrimp in the Shoal", pushing the projection equipment next to him, fiddling with the unnecessary air, seeming to be manipulating something? Then he looked at Lao Wang's diligent figure and asked for advice, "Lao Wang, what's going on? Is it because our network is down or there is no picture in the live broadcast room."

   Live broadcast of this stuff, Lao Wang really doesn't have much contact with him, so he is still unclear at the moment.

"President, I know, it's a black screen. It has nothing to do with the Internet. Do you keep jumping while watching the subtitles above?" The wretched man who had spoken earlier seized the opportunity again and hurriedly said flatly, dreaming about it in his heart. What rewards can you get this time?

   "Shrimp in the shallows" nodded to show that he knew it, and ignored him. What reward? It is ridiculous that the villain wanted to say something to increase his credit, but he was pushed aside by the old Wang.

  The ability of observing words and colors, Lao Wang called second, absolutely no one dared to call first, he instantly understood the meaning of "shoal caught shrimp drama".

  Md, I've already seen it uncomfortably, and still want to take credit? I'll give you all the credit, what do you want us to do.

   made a look at the same time, let the people beside him frame him, expelled him from the shoal guild, and never hired him.

Then came to the'Shallow Shrimp Play' and lowered his Holding the document in his hand, posing as the next person, said solemnly: "President, do you want to contact us in the Dragon Guild Spy, surely they can know something? Also, are we going to attack now? I think now is the best time."

Shoal was caught by a shrimp show sitting on a luxurious chair, placing his legs on the table, reaching out to touch his nose, his eyes were firm and bold and resolute, said: "Pharaoh, first ask about the specific situation before making a decision; Lao Zhao, put the three guilds together Please come in and say I have something to discuss with them."

   These two people can be regarded as the right-hand man of the shrimp show in the shallows. They have been following him since the beginning of online games. They can be regarded as loyal, and the shrimp show in the shallows is very reassuring to them.

   After a while, the presidents of the three major affiliated guilds came in. Since the decision was made, the status of the affiliated guilds was naturally worse, but it was not much different. After all, the shoals sometimes had to rely on their strength and could not be pressed too tightly, and from time to time they had to give some benefits.

   "Pharaoh, tell me what's the current situation? Tell me carefully."

   "President...There is currently no signal coming from, as if our spies have been found, what should I do?"

At this moment, I was embarrassed. The purpose of calling in the presidents of the three major guilds was to share information to arrange the next battle, but now... the "Shoal Shrimp Play" only feels like something in my heart. There is nowhere to release the nameless anger, and it can only be endured.

"Continue to investigate, you must know what happened to Changjian Hengge?" If you want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and chat with more book friends. book of