Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 265: Ford internal meeting

The entire conference room fell into the silence of zero temperature and the embarrassment of capitalization. No one dared to say a word or jumped up a word. Seeing this, the three presidents had to play haha ​​and narrate with the "Shrimp in the Shoal". Reminisce.

However, the more embarrassing, the higher the identity of the "Shallow Shrimp Show", the more imposing, and he can't let his subordinates show up.

His whole person's feet are still on the conference table, what seems to be showing off? He didn't mean to respect others at all, and he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​respecting the old and loving the young; he coughed slightly, attracting the attention of the three people but did not speak.

The three presidents didn't seem to have seen this situation. They still understand the reason why people have to bow their heads under the eaves if they let him do this.

The momentary impulse can only be exchanged for eternal evil results and endless circles-encourage each other.

There is nothing more alive than a mere dozens of years, and forbearance will pass. As long as this little boy is not too much, the three presidents can bear it, and can all be regarded as not seeing, none of them is not crawling from the bottom Going to this day step by step? Which one of the relationships can be as strong as iron?

The three people can be described as old fritters who are well versed in the workplace. They understand the stakes and the various routines; and it is not easy to drag the family.

It's easy to turn your face, and to express your dissatisfaction, but then? How do they live? How to get mixed up in the game?

Since the game is a world, there is no need to repeat the powerful relationships one by one. To understand is to understand, and to understand is to understand.

After some embarrassing and bewildering scenes in the conference room, Lao Wang's eyes lit up, as if thinking of some wicked idea. With his eyeballs, he immediately got his mind, and opened the previous live broadcast room in a hurry. The attack of the hidden moon rhinoceros and the attack of the second wave of red flame gophers were repeated one by one, attracting everyone's attention.

The three presidents are all players of the older generation, and they don't know much about live broadcasts. Seeing such a scene, one of them stood up and exclaimed:

"Wow, the chairman of the'Shoal Shrimp Play', you are really good at getting such a precious video screen? My admiration for you is like the Yellow River flooding out of control, like the rolling Yangtze River endlessly, please allow me I will pay tribute to you first."

Uh, the most shameless of the three presidents took the lead in flattering. Where did he see this? Although he hasn't seen it, he also knows that the sooner this kind of thing flattery, the easier it is to get the vanity of the'shoal caught shrimp drama' Satisfaction, the greater the benefits, but this time it is obvious that the horse hooves are photographed.

The face of "Shoal by the Shrimp Show" was green and white, thinking inside whether this flattery should be accepted or not?

Before he could speak, the other president quickly reacted and even flattered him.

Oh, the reaction arc of the third president seems to be too long, and I understand at this moment. With a soft huh, he also slapped flattery.

What else can I do? Faced with his subordinates, did he expose his own ugliness and say that you were all wrong. At the moment, the "Shoal Shrimp Play" had to act as a fake and pretending to be a deep silence, silently beautifying and musicians without acknowledging it There is no denial.

At this time, a faint voice suddenly came from the corner for no apparent reason: "This is a live broadcast, a group of silly x, how can our president have such great ability."

Er, although his voice is very small, he can still be heard by everyone. Everyone imagines the scene, and everyone's expressions are also imagined. However, the fate of this person is doomed, and he was taken out by the old Wang on the spot.

Hey, another fool? Why are there so many fools in our guild?

Where's the idiot, still be next to me, don't spread stupidity to me.

Neuropathy, can this also be said?

Everyone has different thoughts in their hearts, but their expressions are very the same. If they bow their heads deeply and do not speak, they will lose their words.

The three presidents seemed to have not heard them, and they were still admiring and complimenting, but at this moment, the appreciation, "Shrimp on the Shoal" sounded like a curse, and their faces were hot and I didn't know what to do.

The replay at this moment just happened to be played to the part of the command of Changjian Hengge.'Shoal by the Shrimp Play' quickly found the topic pretending to be calm, knocked his legs on the table twice, and said quietly with a soft cough: "Three seniors, what do you think of the formation of Changjian Hengge? Is there any flaw?"

"I don't understand."

"I don't understand either."

"President, I don't even understand."

Three old fried dough sticks smoothly solved this difficult question in an instant, saying that they didn't understand.

He hadn't expected such an answer to the "Shoal Shrimp Play" at all. In his memory, even if the three of them did not speak, even if the three of them expressed a little opinion, he could use the questions to speak a lot of truth.

Who ever thought that an old fritters is an old fritters, and everything does not leak.

The ‘Shallow Shrimp Play’ was choppy for a while, and I didn’t know what to do, so I had to stare straight at the screen to watch.

The first viewing and the second time are completely different experiences. UU reading has a completely different atmosphere. Naturally, the questions and answers he thinks in his mind are also different.

The first time he watched the battle from the perspective of the audience, he was eager to know the result, and wanted to know the next move of the Long Sword Hate Song, he couldn't help but a little bit of speculation in his heart, and he wanted to join it, but the second time ...

After all the video screens were finished, the'Shallow Shrimp Play' slowly lowered his feet on the table and looked around the crowd, exhaled a breath of staleness in his chest, looked at the three presidents faintly and asked: "You three What is your opinion on this? What do you think Changjian Hengge will use to meet the challenge this time?"

Several people were thinking about the previous scenes, planning in their minds, if they were to form a guild, would they be able to resist such an attack? Can you figure out a way to withstand this attack? Can a guild be formed? Uh, this is the biggest problem, haha, it's all empty talk about not being able to establish a guild.

Seeing that the three presidents finally did not play sloppy eyes, but seriously thought, a smile appeared on the corners of the mouth of the "Shallow Shrimp Play". He was not afraid of making a mistake, even his subordinates would dare not say it.

In fact, after watching the second time, he felt a lot of feelings and thoughts. From the perspective of the master for a while, he thought about the problem, put himself in the place and indulged in finding a solution, but in the end he had no choice but to draw a conclusion: According to the current strength and accumulation of the Shoal Guild, the establishment of the Guild at this moment will definitely fail 100%, and there is no way to deal with it.

The long sword hate song's response method should be regarded as almost perfect, and there is almost no need to modify it. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, chat about life, and find friends~