Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 27: Violent aesthetics

   The gentle little beautiful girl heard her brother Yuye’s words, she was very excited on her small face. She had only heard of her brother’s legends and deeds before. Today, her dream can finally come true. Isn’t it worth the excitement?

   There is not a trace of perseverance in the black and shiny pupils, on the contrary, they are full of desire and extremely bright.

   Ding, a reminder sounded in Xiao Gentle's mind: Whether the soul-bound item is unbound! After unbinding, the status changes to: Can be discarded, can be dropped, can be stolen, can...

   A series of prompts sounded, and our gentle little beauty did not even think about it, untie it directly!

   threw the priceless staff in his hand to Yu Ye without distress, read the information contained in his brother's eyes, and ran back obediently, leaving an indelible figure in Yu Ye's heart with his swaying posture.

  In Qingrou's heart, my brother is everything, and any requirement of my brother should be satisfied as long as he can do it.

  Don't say it's a broken staff, even if you want to..., oops, what do you think softly, his face flushed instantly, and he didn't dare to look directly at Brother Yuye!

   Rainy night, he jumped hard and took the staff in the air, while not forgetting to give Gentle a handsome look and a relieved smile.

After landing,    rolled around three times quickly, unloading the impact, and then turned around gorgeously to face the sluggish Cockscomb King. Cockscomb King instinctively felt a little embarrassed. He stood there alone and started to meet each other!

   If you want to talk about the opposite, who can compare to the natural king of the opposite: the chicken, and the fighting chicken in the rooster, the king of the fighting chicken! The strength of the eye should not be underestimated.

   ahem, a bit far away!

   In the rainy night's mind, the system prompts the sound:

  Ding, whether to bind the artifact: the wound of the soul, after binding: cannot be discarded, cannot be dropped, cannot be stolen, cannot...

  Ding, it is detected that you belong to a special class. Artifact: After the Injury of the Mind is bound, it will not be able to be unbound again, and the attributes will change accordingly. It will become the exclusive artifact of the Plague Mage. Is it bound?

   Wow, this is really a big temptation, as long as you choose it gently, Yuye will be able to become a god-like man from now on.

   Yu Ye: I want you to be long, get out!

   He has the answer in his heart long ago. As his dearest person, his sister is too late to spoil her, how can she be greedy for ink, no, not bound!

After    is selected, the system prompt sounds again:

  Ding, a kind reminder, this staff does not match your profession and cannot activate the attached attributes. Please use it with caution. The current state can be discarded, dropped, stolen, and...

   Yu Ye has completely ignored this news, and in his heart he doesn't take too much attribute bonuses. What he wants is a hard fire stick, a handy weapon.

   pushed the sand deep under his feet and exerted force again, his eyes burst out with unconvinced fire, gritted his teeth, and held the tip of the staff horizontally, holding the huge gem in his hand, and slammed to the cockscomb king.

   Cockscomb King was not to be outdone, his wings shook, and he flew up a few meters in the air to reach the peak height, retracted his wings and at the same time the thick chicken legs retracted, and launched a fatal blow with the sharp diamond eagle beak!

   Seeing this on the rainy night, he still didn't panic, holding on to his staff and preparing to attack.

   Although Rainy Night does not have the blessing of the additional attributes of the artifact staff, his own agility is more than three times higher than the weakened Cockscomb King, appearing at the place where Cockscomb King is about to land at the speed of thunder and thunder.

   Holding the staff in both hands, he made a circle, and with a bang, the huge gem directly hit the head of the king of cockscomb.

  -10, weakness attack.

  Note: Attacking weakness increases damage by multiples.

   However, the strength of the rainy night is a little short after all. After the two pillars of the chicken feet of the King of Cockscomb fell on the ground, he hugged himself tightly in place, shook his head to wash away the shock.

   then launched the enhanced version of the iron-mouthed peck, and slammed straight into the rainy night. The rainy night's short body rolled backwards at the moment of the moment, and it could be avoided!

   At this time, Yu Ye finally realized the importance of agility!

   rolled out of the sight of Cockscomb King, and stabbed at the huge son again!

  , watching the battle softly showed a disgusting expression, and secretly swears in his heart: Brother is really bad, how can I use this staff in the future, no more, huh, I must let the bad brother pay me a better one!

   The grandparents were also dumbfounded, but they were different from Xiao Qingrou's performance. They all praised: Rainy night, this kid, it's cloudy!

   I have the style of the past, miss me back then...

   Haha, interesting, interesting.

   Everyone, you say me, the chicken's face is almost lost by them!

   However, the damage of this blow is real, and it directly exploded with a lot of data.


   Kill one-fifth of the blood of the Cockscomb King at once, which is not bad. If you continue to deal with it, the death of Cockscomb King is just around the corner.

The battle continued. The rainy night picked up gems to bombard the Cockscomb King, and the Cockscomb King launched his skills to attack the rainy night. The two fought happily for a while, coupled with the constant harassment of the grandparents, in just one minute, the Cockscomb King His blood fell to one thousand two hundred.

   However, due to repeated carelessness in the rainy night, the blood volume dropped sharply to the warning line of five hundred.

   Because of this, Rainy Night can be considered to have thoroughly understood all the skills of the Cockscomb King, there are four in total!

   The first two have been introduced, namely the tail feather sweep and the enhanced version of the iron beak, UU reading www. The other two in are chicken feet trampling: pressing the enemy under your feet, launching a shock attack, a total of three shocks, each shock is equivalent to twice the total attack power (50-100)!

   Yuye just now suffered this blow because of a mistake, and his blood volume dropped by nearly 250. If you change to another Crispy Master, you are already in Novice Village at the moment!

   But Rainy Night, the Plague Mage, is an exception, with high blood volume, high agility, and high attack, with a typical three highs. This is the strength of rare professions, far away from others for dozens of blocks!

  'S last big move is the double-winged slash, which is combined with the chicken feet trampling, and its power cannot be underestimated.

   Waves short wings, inflicting ten horrible combos on the enemy, causing huge damage. Each attack is one-half of the total attack power (13-26).

  Note: Don’t think that my chicken wings can only be used to make cola chicken wings!

   Rainy night seemed to be unable to feel the wounds on his body, and kept fighting with blood. Various different data were quickly analyzed in his mind: attacking the head hurts the most, especially the eyes are its weakness.

   Finally, there was a flash of light in his mind, and he thought of a good idea.

   But it can't be implemented yet, hold on to the staff and continue to slap the Cockscomb King, as soon as possible to suppress its blood volume within 500!

   Several minutes passed again, and the blood volume of the comb continued to decrease.





Finally, its blood volume was successfully reduced to less than five hundred under the concerted efforts of everyone. At the same time, the price paid by the Rainy Night Team was also cruel. Old man Li chose to resist an attack for Rainy Night despite his own safety, resulting in the last blood volume remaining. What time, has been gently forced to withdraw from the battle!