Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 28: Kill the Scarlet Cockscomb

   Several other people with low blood volume also wanted to imitate Old Man Li's practice, but were forcibly banned by the rainy night, and frankly told them: If anyone is going to die, then the village will have no life tonight!

   Faced with the threat of rainy night, the grandparents had no choice but to output the pitiful damage step by step!

   Rainy night only has the last 100 blood left at this moment, if the next time it is swept by the attack of the Cockscomb King, then there is no doubt that the team will be destroyed!

   gave Grandpa Zhang a wink and asked him to cooperate with his actions. The specific action plan has been discussed on the team channel just now, and this time you will be benevolent if you fail!

   The two started running fast. One after the other, Grandpa Zhang struggling to run in a straight line before the rainy night, and ran in a circle after the rainy night. The Cockscomb had no human rights at the end, no, no chicken rights, so he could only passively follow the rainy night! .

   The hatred value of Cockscomb King at this moment has been firmly locked in the rainy night, and he will not stop if he does not kill it!

Finally, Old Man Zhang exhausted his entire body and dragged his tired body to the destination agreed upon with Rainy Night: a small slope, raised his arms and waved in the direction of Rainy Night, retracted his arms, and folded his hands tightly. Buckle together, buckle your legs fiercely in the sand one after the other to keep yourself stable.

   Success or failure depends on this. Grandpa Zhang’s bronze-colored face is full of calmness, his eyes are deep, as deep as the pool of water, showing strong confidence, and quietly waiting for the rainy night to come.

On the rainy night, when I saw Grandpa Zhang was ready, he quickly drew an astonishing arc on the ground and galloped in this direction. The breathing in his mouth was even, the swing of his hands was regular, and his feet were walking like flying. His speed was as fast as a hundred. Meter sprint is average.

   And because of the continuous attacks of Grandma Sun and the head of Old Zhao, only the last four hundred and fifty-six HP of the Cockscomb.

   was near, near, the two of them stepped back to avoid affecting the rainy night's plan.

  Rainy night twisted a little arc to look at the king of Cockscomb, his eyes were like swords, his eyes were surprisingly firm, like lights flashing in the night. As if due to excessive blood loss, Yuye's lips were a little pale, trembling slightly like two willow leaves, seeming to be asking something!

   Old man Zhang nodded when he saw it clearly, took a deep breath as he watched the rainy night less than two meters away from him, and restored his state to its peak!

Upon seeing it on the rainy night, he rushed over in three steps in two steps, a big jump fell on Grandpa Zhang’s clasped hands, Grandpa Zhang lifted up hard, and kicked up **** the rainy night, the movements of the two of them were smooth and flowing. It was done in one go, as if you had practiced many times before!

Rainy night took advantage of the force to lift off directly to an altitude of six to seven meters above the ground (note: the attribute increase in the game can be done, and it is definitely not possible in reality!), the Cockscomb King followed closely, rubbing Grandpa Zhang and about to put down His arms jumped up, vowing to fly up in the air and pounce high to give Yuye the final fatal blow!

   It flew up, because it was born with the advantage of short wings, it gradually approached the rainy night in the air, and opened the sharp beak carved from the diamond, ready to deliver a fatal blow.

And Grandpa Zhang is more miserable. Just about to leave the battlefield with a backflip, he was suddenly hooked by the chicken feet of the Cockscomb King off the ground. The thick and steel-like chicken feet instantly made a huge hole in Old Man Zhang's body. .


The high amount of damage popped out. The new damage and the old damage were counted together. Grandpa Zhang’s blood volume should have been cleared and returned to Novice Village. He once again felt the terrifying pain. His brain suddenly stopped thinking, and his eyes were silent. Waiting for death, but the accident happened in an instant.

On the other side of the rainy night, he was still calm at an altitude of five or six meters. His hands changed movements in the air. The staff that was originally held with one hand was changed to two hands, the waist was exerted, and the whole person suddenly became bowed and exerted force again. , And changed his movements again in the air, turning into a posture with his head facing down and his legs facing up.

   (Note: You can imagine the state of the Tathagata palm)

   The sharp-pointed staff held in both hands is facing downwards, borrowing the gravity of the earth and its own weight to issue this final attack.

  His eyes are sharp, and there is only the sharp beak of the Cockscomb in his black eyes. He is full of energy, recalling the actions just now in his light mind, his expression is firm, and the emotions contained in it include excitement, expectation, perfection, etc.

   This is a more difficult action than hunting wild boars, and the plan is much more mature than before. If there are no accidents, this cockscomb king will undoubtedly die!

  The sharp beak is to the tip of the artifact. It is self-evident who can win. Seeing that the situation is not good, the cockscomb closed the sharp beak, flapping wings and want to leave, but everything is too late!

The tip of the artifact held by Yuye’s hand has been firmly pierced into its sharp beak at the last moment when it is about to close, and brought it to the ground with a huge impact. At this time, it has not completely pierced its brain. In the final struggle.

   Tail feather sweeping, iron-beaked beaks, double-winged slashing, chicken feet trampled, all used, but Yuye's short body, coupled with the special position of Yuye at this moment, all failed.




   At the last moment, landing, the tip of the artifact held by the rainy night pierced the brain of the cockscomb as desired, and pierced into the sand.


The huge amount of damage appeared in front of everyone, UU reading was shocked. You must know that this is the first day of the game. Generally, the damage does not exceed ten time periods. Such terrible damage should be completely absent. It should have appeared, but now it appears in front of me alive, without any doubt!

   The King of Cockscomb died, and the system prompt sounded one after another:

  Ding, congratulations to your team for successfully killing the Scarlet Cockcomb King, gaining experience points: six hundred, you personally gain 100 experience points, you are still 86 points away from the level of experience required for the upgrade, hope to continue!

  Ding, congratulations to your team for successfully killing the Scarlet Cockscomb King and get the title reward: Chicken Terminator! One per person.

   Introduction: The proof of defeating a thousand chicks and a big cock! It is a symbol of glory, a totem of passion, and a proof of persistence!

   Title attribute: None.

   Title function: Facing a cock, your damage will increase by 10%.

   How to evaluate this title, let’s use the chicken's own evaluation, it is completely tasteless!

  Ding, congratulations to your team for successfully killing the Scarlet Cockscomb King and get the Scarlet Cockscomb*1. The effect is unknown.

   get a sharp beak *1

  Get chicken feet*2

  Get colorful feathers*100

  Get a chicken rack *1

   Get germ chicken*200, the effect is unknown after taking it!


The    ding ding ding sounded constantly, but the rainy night couldn't bring any joy, and shouted loudly to summon the crowd, posing a stance of waiting, facing the enemy in front of them together.

  Who is the person who appeared in front of them?

   Two figures, one big and one small, the big scary, the small lovable. Most of the readers have guessed that it is the female Tyrannosaurus and Muer!