Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 34: Soft tears

The two slender, woman-like legs can't be idle like an octopus. They are gentle, lifted their heads slightly to look at Xiao Genrou who is sulking, making a grimace, tongue spit out, mouth crooked, eyes instantly turned into corns. , Raised his eyebrows, and all the muscles on his face were mobilized by the rainy night, creating a strange expression.

   噗噗, Xiao Qingrou turned her head to look, and was instantly amused by the ugly look of her brother, and put her pink hand in disgust and said: "Bad brother has become ugly brother. Gentle doesn't like it even more, huh."

   After finishing speaking, he buried his head lower, and his body curled up tighter. The little expression was extremely cute, and the rainy night looked so soft.

   After a rainy night, is Xiao Qingrou immune to this method? That can only change the strategy. I slowly retracted my hands and legs, stood up, quickly dressed up a piggy face close to Gentle, and said, "Gentle beauty, your brother pig is here!"

   Gentlely felt my brother pull out his hand and immediately turned his head around. Who knew he saw a pig face, he burst into laughter, looked at the silly look of his brother, Gentle finally decided to forgive his brother and was not angry.

   turned over, lying flat with his eyes closed, what seemed to be waiting for?

   Yuye smiled helplessly, kissed softly on her forehead, looked at the happy smile that overflowed from the corner of her mouth, carefully pressed the quilt for her sister, and lay down on the side of the bed after leaving her for a certain distance.

   The quiet moonlight touched them like a mother's warm little hands, accompanying the rainy night to gently fall asleep!

   No words for a night, the next morning.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning has not yet risen, and the moon can still be seen faintly illuminating the earth. There is only a faint white belly on the horizon, and the surrounding objects can be seen clearly. The rainy night walks out of the house under the twilight moonlight and comes to the ground. Start farm work.

   The wind in the morning is extremely cool, but the heart of the rainy night is extremely hot.

   He wants to take advantage of this very short time to prepare everything for everyone within his ability. He doesn't know how long he can work hard to support him, he doesn't know when death will come in the next moment.

   He is strong and weak at the same time. He is brave and scared at the same time. He is unwilling and satisfied at the same time.

  While working on a rainy night, the morning sun slowly rises through thin clouds, shining wanton on the green crops, shining on the disrepaired rooms in the village, shining on every beating heart in the world.

   As the sun continues to rise, the sun becomes more and more poisonous, and the temperature continues to increase. On rainy nights, they return to the village with a basket full of wild vegetables. If not unexpected, this will be their vegetables for the next period of time.

  Returning to the village on a rainy night, it was still quiet. No one came out to enjoy the morning sun. He shook his head and sighed slightly. These bad old people who are addicted to games, don't even plan to eat breakfast?

   went back to the room and glanced at the old wall clock, the hour hand just pointed to eight. It was still too late. The rainy night watched as he slept soundly, the sun was already basking softly, kissed his forehead, got up and went out to cook, and it didn't take long for a pot of fragrant corn paste to come out of the pot.

   Call all the old people out of the game and eat first. When I asked, I realized that they had been playing for three hours, and they entered the game the moment they left the village. And the reasons have been found: we are old and can't sleep!

  Especially when Grandpa Zhang said that they were already Level 3 and could kill the chicks in one blow, Xiao Qingrou showed a surprised expression, came over and took grandma grandma's hand like a spoiled child, and kept asking why he didn't bring herself to play.

   Looking at the five people discussing in full swing in front of him, Yuye was completely speechless to them.

   After eating breakfast, only the rainy night was left alone to clean up the scene, and Xiao Qingrou had already followed her grandparents into the final continent and started her journey of shepherd and goddess.

   After the rainy night was cleaned up, he sat in the place of his grandparents and enjoyed the sun, stealing for a long time, feeling the pain in the body, everything was normal, he decided to do something!

   got up and slapped the mud all over, carried the basket on his back, took the sickle, and walked out of the village with a trace of firmness in his eyes, and entered the forest without hesitation.

   Does he not want to be immersed in the world of the final chapter and gallop? The answer is no. Does he not want to be with his sister and give her the greatest degree of protection? The answer is no. Does he not want to live in peace and abandon these pains that he shouldn't bear? the answer is negative.

   In Yu Ye’s heart, he just wants to make a little more contribution to the village before his life stops; he just wants to prepare more food for his sister while he can still breathe.

   Uh, in fact, if Rainy Ye were playing games now, he would discover how mentally retarded what he did.

   As for what happened, please see below! When the rainy night came back with a pheasant and a basket full of corn, I was surprised to find that grandparents and Qingrou were waiting for him in the shade of the village. And seeing them with drooping faces, depressed and languid looks, it seems that they have been waiting for a long time.

Still Xiao Qing with sharp eyes, one glance away from the big one, I saw my brother returning full of loads, hurried over, tears in his small eyes, wiped while running, really pitying people, ran to the rainy night to hug Brother Zhu's waist burst into tears.

Yuye was shocked, what happened to Gentle, but instead of asking Gentle, he picked Gentle up to his grandparents, too late to take off his back basket, and a sullen expression appeared on his dark little face. His eyes were deep and wise and asked, "What happened, grandparents?"

   There is a trace of affirmation in the words, and it is not like a ten-year-old child at all.

Old man Zhang raised his head weakly at the moment, trembling with a finger bracelet, sitting on the spot with his head drooped, and said without a trace of energy: "We were killed three times in the game on a rainy night, and now I feel very weak. Very weak!"

   spit out these words as if taking away the strength of Grandpa Zhang's whole body, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was trembling in a coma. Old man Zhang is the youngest and the best in this group. How could it be like this now?

   Yuye did not ask Grandpa Zhang again, but turned his head nervously and asked Grandpa Zhao, "Grandpa Zhao, can you be more careful!"

Grandpa Zhao’s look at the moment looks a little better than that of Old Man Zhang, watching the rainy night almost crying out to tell the story of the matter: "We were hunting chickens at the entrance of the village, but we didn’t expect a group of arrogant and domineering people to suddenly appear. Let's get out of the way, old man Zhang was not angry, and went forward to reason with them, but he didn't expect to be hacked directly!