Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 36: This punch is gentle

   In contrast to the rainy night’s prompt sound: Ding, because you actively provoke: Ghost Power Leveling Team*Ghost Sha, Ghost Power Leveling Team*WISP, etc. For the next half an hour, you will continue to be in a red name state.

  Red name status: Towns and cities cannot be entered. Once in, they will be blocked by guards. Please be cautious. At the same time, the intimacy with individual NPCs decreases, and the intimacy with individual NPCs increases.

   Fighting monsters can eliminate the red name status, and killing monsters corresponding to the level can be eliminated for one minute.

   Death penalty: All equipment is dropped and pain is increased by 10%.

  Note: Every time a person is killed, the red name time doubles.

   During the rainy night in the battle, he was extremely focused, and the prompt sound was automatically cleared from his mind, and it was not a trace of interference.

After Yuye cast the'flu raids' on him, he did not wave his hand or stop the steps under his feet. Instead, he rushed forward with full of resentment. He raised his hand and imposed a single disaster on Gui Sha, instantly applying his full attributes. A decline of fifty percent.

   After falling, ghost evil attributes:

  Occupation: Warrior

   Race: Human race

   Level: Level 4

   Deputy occupation: None

   Movement speed: 3

   HP: 150

  Magic value: 150

   Attack power: 3-6

   Defense: 6-10

   Skill: None

   Equipment: Dark Iron Pauldrons, Dark Iron Gauntlets, Dark Iron Belt, Dark Iron Warrior Blade...

  'S attributes dropped directly by half, and he suddenly changed from an evil spirit to a little ghost head, which was still seven or eight years old. Right now, he is only a level of bluffing, and his true strength is probably not even the second level.

   Rainy night flew up and fell from the sky and punched, without any mercy, with his anger, with the pain of his grandparents, and with soft tears.

   Note: Why did he jump up on the rainy night, uh, because his height is too short!

   However, although the speed of Gui Sha slowed down, his reaction power as a master did not decrease. Seeing this menacing punch, he did not choose to avoid it, but chose to head-on.

   He didn’t look at his own attribute panel, he just felt a weak body for no reason, but he didn’t pay attention to it.

Boom, Yu Ye’s punch fell directly on his arms, 15 points of power at this moment, Gui Sha, with only 3 points of power, absolutely crushed, creaked, and the sound of bone fracture sounded, Gui Sha’s right hand was instantly Waste, and Yuye at the same time with the help of this huge impact directly threw Ghost Sha to the ground.

   Although it is a game, the pain and experience really exist, and at the same time, the red damage of -30 floats.

Gui Sha was instantly defeated by Rainy Night’s attack. At this stage, he was able to hit 30 damage, no doubt a master, and the most terrifying thing is that he hit 30 damage with bare hands, without borrowing any weapons, then This means that his basic attributes are scary.

   I couldn't help thinking in my mind: Have I offended anyone recently? Has the evil spirit power leveling team offended anyone recently?

  Thinking about it, didn't have the slightest clue, but he was so humiliated, no matter who he was, he had to beat him again. Seeing the truth under his hand, he just wanted to raise his arm and show off his crotch to resist, but suddenly realized that it was too late.

   He obviously doesn't understand Yu Ye. Before he made a fist, Yu Ye had already squatted on his body and once again raised his fist and hit the defensive head of Gui Sha.

   Click, the sound of the skull cracking.

  -50 weakness attack.

   punched again, -50, weak point attack, another cracking sound sounded.

The remaining members of the evil spirit power leveling team had already launched an attack when they saw Rainy Night, but the cooldown time and hit rate of Rainy Night’s monomer disaster were beyond their expectations. Everyone was hit without accident, and the damage was instantly reduced to Novice.

   dense attacks fell on Rainy Night’s body, pitifully low, -1



   Because they can't break the rainy night's defense with their current attack power, the damage is extremely low, and they don't care at all with the horrible two thousand points of blood on the rainy night.

   Someone may want to ask? Why is there no level suppression when Yuye hits at level zero, and the damage is reduced. That's because the novice village setting: before the tenth level, level suppression between players does not exist.

  Note: Except for monsters.

   Rainy night with red eyes at this moment, gritted his teeth and exhausted all the strength of his whole body to slap the last punch, which was for a gentle blow, hitting the ghost's temple.

-60 damage drifted by, Ghost Sha fell to the ground. After a pool of blood, he turned into a white light and returned to Novice Village. Because Gui Sha had previously participated in the hunting of the Gentle Squad, he is still in a state of red name. He was killed at this moment and his equipment was fully exploded. , Pain increased by 10%.

  Rainy night picked up the equipment lying quietly on the ground and put them back into the backpack. All the soldiers' black iron equipment, not a rainy night can use, after all, his profession is too special!

   On the other hand, Gui Sha was directly beaten to death by Yuye's four punches. At this moment, he seemed very aggrieved, especially when all his equipment was exploded, and he was also suffering a double blow from his mind and body.

   He forcibly endured the severe pain, opened his eyes wide and severely branded the appearance of rainy night in his mind for revenge in the future.

The other members of the evil spirit power leveling team are also blushing at this moment, angrily attacking towards the rainy The magician remotely attacks, the warrior, the paladin is positive, although the druid is weak in the early stage , But stood in the front at the moment, vowing to pay the ghost evil and kill Yuye.

   The fifteen members of the evil spirit power leveling team have lived and lived together every day for five years. The relationship between the brothers is very good, and there are even several pairs of GGs.

   Their feelings are worth recording, their feelings are worth cherishing, and their feelings are not afraid of secular vision.

The little bit of attack landed on Yuye’s back and head. He felt it carefully. It turned out that Gentle had suffered this kind of pain before. He murmured, then turned his head to look at the ghost leveling Other members of the group.

   Red eyes and hideous face, like a demon who just returned from hell, clenched his fists and violent veins, like a cruel killer who just came out of the base and entered the world.

   He stood up slowly, opened his **** mouth and shouted: There are six left!

   The six people saw such a rainy night, all of them horrified, and they did not dare to look at each other, except for one.

   Pushed hard, the sand was flying, it seemed to be waving the flag for the rainy night, and the wind was bursting, and it seemed to be playing a doomsday song for the enemy!

Suddenly, his figure flashed to the side of the evil ghost power leveling team-Menggui. Menggui was a warrior. With a punch in his stomach, Menggui opened his mouth, his eyes protruding, bloodshot, and his saliva spurted. My face was slightly raised with severe pain.


   The damage is not bad, the fierce ghost is unwilling to show weakness and lifts the sword and slashes it on Rainy Night's arm.


   The fierce ghost is a little puzzled. The young man in front of him has such a high defense. What is his background, but he still raised the sword and wanted to continue to kill Yuye.