Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 43: Exclusive design drawing

   Batu raised his calloused hand and scratched his head vigorously to cover up his embarrassment.

He stood up and patted Yuye’s shoulder and said boldly: "Holy Dragon, I have made you a friend. From now on, we will be called brothers. Don't worry, you can give your equipment to the old man, old man. Brother won't let you down."

   Lost a piece of dark gold equipment that did not belong to him, but gained the brotherhood of a sixth-level dark gold master. In the final analysis, rainy night is still profitable, and it is a big profit.

   Yuye just wanted to talk, but Batu once again graciously interrupted him and waved to the doorman outside and shouted: "Close the door for me. Today I refuse to meet guests."

   The gatekeeper boy is an absolute NPC, he is 100% obedience to the master's words, Peng said, the gate of the blacksmith shop closed.

   The people outside had already scolded, but no matter how they scolded, there was no response inside. After waiting for a long time, there was still no sign of opening the door, and everyone had to disperse.

   But it was such a small matter that was still passed on to the forum by good people, causing a heated discussion.

   Are there ghosts in your 999 Novice Village? First, the village chief had an accident, and then the blacksmith shop had an accident, so everything happened to you-from a spitting man who seemed to be a wise man.

   Support upstairs, are you 999 Novice Village haunted? How we develop the situation is very good-a boring person from another novice village.


   Some even asked the final chapter company, but the response was yes: the data in the game is normal.

   There is no other way but to keep waiting.

   In the blacksmith's shop, Batu first took Yuye to see all of his forging works. Seeing Yuye was shocked and dumbfounded, Batu was very satisfied. He wanted this effect.

   Batu’s hundreds of works are actually gold at the lowest level, and the wear level is no more than ten.

   Yuye realized for the first time the power of the blacksmith.

Since Batu decided to tailor it for the rainy night, he naturally asked about the rainy night's thoughts and brought the rainy night into the studio. The two chatted for a long time. After a while, the rainy night came out and only Batu shut himself in the studio. Busy, design an exclusive design blueprint for the plague mage profession.

   Did not let the rainy night wait long, Batu quickly came out of the studio with a solemn expression on his face.

   In just a few minutes, Batu designed it. I wonder if it was prepared before or because of the strength of the Dark Gold Master?

   glanced at the helper next to him, and issued a non-committal command: "Go to the warehouse and bring all my precious materials such as mythril and fine gold!"

When the helper heard this, his face was slightly stunned, and there was no movement at his feet. He hesitated and said: "Master, have you really decided? That is your life's work? Really want to...? "

   did not finish the helper's words, but Batu ruthlessly interrupted him and said coldly: "Go get it!"

   The helper took a fierce look at the rainy night, vented the dissatisfaction in his heart, and ran away angrily to get the materials.

Although Yuye has heard the names of these materials for the first time, the look of the helpers can also tell the value of these materials. Looking at the big brother Batu, he said sincerely: "Big Brother, I don't need ordinary materials to make it, I don't mind! "

   Batu didn't watch the rainy night, but sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

   Yuye wanted to continue to say something, but was pulled by the person next to him and motioned him not to speak.

   Yuye didn’t understand, but he still chose to respect Big Brother Batu, standing still and not talking.

   After a while, the helper slowly moved in reluctantly at very small steps, holding a pile of small boxes on his chest, about five or six. Just looking at the style and age of the boxes, you can see that they are very valuable.

   His eyes were still staring at Yuye fiercely, even more than before, the kind of anger, the kind of helplessness, the kind of reluctance that pierced Yuye's weak heart like a sharp knife.

   He couldn't help but think, did he do something wrong?

   This look made Yuye extremely uncomfortable, as if he had really done something bad. He felt that he should do something now, otherwise, this matter would form a permanent grudge in his heart.

   He twisted his waist, took advantage of the ejection from the ground to stand up, his eyes were firm, and he walked sincerely to the helper's side and said without humility: "You take these things back, I will explain to Brother Batu!"

When the helper saw Yuye coming, he was shocked at first, and was frightened by Yuye’s eyes. After all, he was just a small helper. Faced with the brother of Yuye, the younger brother was still afraid, but as the next rainy night, let him Enter an incredible state.

   The whole person seems to have been given a fixation method, standing still in place not knowing what to do.

   But before his mind turned around, Yu Ye was already close to Batu. He looked at Big Brother Batu who was still closed at the moment, bowed first, and then said, "Big brother, it doesn't have to be like this!"

   Batu’s true temperament, non-hypocritical, honest and kind character, made Yu Ye identify with his elder brother from the bottom of his heart, he did not want to embarrass this newly recognized eldest brother.

   Batu opened his big eyes like a copper bell, and his eyes were calm and there was no wave of waves. This is the condition that the master should have: Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his color.

He did not pay attention to the rainy night, nor did he look down at the rainy night. This is his attachment, his pride alone. Once determined that it cannot be changed, he would stand up in front of the helper as if it were air. Pass the pile of boxes in his arms.

   turned his head back to the forge and said faintly: "You have been fired."

After speaking, the silhouette of the worker suddenly disappeared into a little bit of starlight. Immediately, Batu's gaze turned, a hammer appeared in his hand, slammed on the iron block, and there was a crisp noise and shouted: "Get busy, guys. "

   One piece of data disappears, and no waves can be seen in the eyes of the rest of the data, as if this helper had never appeared before.

   But in the eyes of rainy night, the guilt in my heart is even worse! He seemed like a transparent person at the moment, stunned in the same place not knowing what to do.

   咚, 呯, hoo, Taoist figures get busy, and the various sounds in the air form a wonderful music.

   Rainy night retreated to the corner, for fear that one of his actions would affect them.

The scene in front of    is slightly different from the scene where the chef teaches cooking skills, but they have something in common.

   There are so many skills that do not press down-from the quotes of Grandpa Zhang who is still lying in bed.

   Rainy night always remembers this sentence, so he will not give up any chance to learn. At this moment, he is studying as seriously as a primary school student, compulsively incorporating all kinds of skills into his mind.

   Although I don’t understand, although I don’t understand, it’s right to remember first.

   Time passed slowly in the slightly noisy music, the heart of the rainy night became silent, and the mind moved rapidly.