Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 45: Gentle back to normal

After listening to the    prompt sound, the whole person went into a sluggish rainy night, unable to control himself for a long time, this reward was too terrifying.

   In fact, what Yu Ye didn't know was that all the masters of Dark Gold and above in the final chapter of the continent forging profession came from dwarves and goblins. There are only a handful of human Zijin masters, not to mention the sub-legends and legends above Zijin.

The war has begun, the flames of war are spreading, and the final chapter is about to be destroyed. Even so, they still cherish themselves and do not want to share. There is a prophecy of the wise who sighs: if the goblins and dwarves are willing to announce the technology to gather resources from the whole continent to resist together, the **** of destruction The pace will not be so fast.

   You have to know that during the war, the promotion of a purple and gold master forging will undoubtedly increase the logistics support for the coalition forces, so the reward given to the rainy night will be so terrible.

   Looking at Batu's side, his expression was solemnly bathed in divine light, as if he was receiving mysterious knowledge, and his muscles trembled and bulged slightly, as if being transformed by inexplicable energy.

  咚, none of the people present obviously beat the hammer, but there was an abrupt sound of hammer in the void, deafening! Go straight to the deepest part of your mind.

   Batu regained consciousness, hurriedly handed the sickle in his hand to Rainy Night, after thanking him, he entered the studio with ecstasy and began to retreat and consolidate.

Watching the whole person as if he was younger and huge, Big Brother Batu left. Yu Ye looked at the people around him, each of them was performing his or her duties, but the eyes of Yu Ye were full thank.

   You have to know that Batu has been in the dark gold stage for a long time. As the age increases, the possibility of breaking through becomes less and less, but he was hit by the rainy night to make it successful.

   The gratitude of the people is thicker than the heart and flowing on the surface.

   Seeing this on a rainy night, I hurriedly went up to cover up to see if I could turn the design drawings in my hands into actual combat power.

   came next to a big guy who looked very similar to Batu, pushed his thigh, raised his head hard and pretended to be immature, and said, "Uncle, can you make these two drawings?"

  He is Batu’s younger brother: Bass. Bass seemed very enthusiastic towards Yuye, the great benefactor, and took the drawing in Yuye's hand and looked seriously.

   After a while, he said boldly and without any scruples: "Brother Saint Dragon, this kind of drawing is a piece of cake for me. Go back and wait for my news. I will create it for you in a day!"

   Yuye nodded and said, "Thank you, Brother Buss."

   How does Yuye know his name? Because of the golden light on his head: Batu’s younger brother-Bath, has a clear view.

   After the rainy night gave the drawing to Big Brother Bath, he was very embarrassed and asked, "Bath Brother, can you build three sets, I'm useful!"

  Bus also learned from his brother Batu and patted Yuye on the shoulder, and said cordially: "No problem, brother, just look forward to it!"

After    finished speaking, he took the drawing and turned around to enter the studio, and started to get busy.

   After the two eldest brothers of Batubas left, seeing that no one was paying attention to them on the rainy night, they opened the door and walked out.

After    came out, the first thing was to go offline to see Gentle's situation. He didn't expect that it would take such a long time to build a weapon. Thinking of Gentle's situation in his mind, he couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

   Will my sister be awakened by a nightmare and cry on the side? Will the morning's things ring trembling in the corner.

   As for checking the attributes of newly acquired weapons, in the rainy night, gentleness is far less important!

   Ding, the rainy night returns to reality.

   Seeing that she was still asleep, very touching and lovely Xiao Gentle, the heart that the rainy night was holding finally let go.

   In her sleep, Xiao Qingrou unconsciously chuckled twice and muttered: "Brother, Gentle wants to eat meat, Gentle is hungry!"

   Hearing Xiao Gentle's words, the eyebrows of the rainy night suddenly stretched out, the corners of his mouth were brightly curved, and he quickly got up to heat up the leftovers at noon and returned to the room.

   whispered in her soft ear: "Little lazy pig, get up and eat meat, or brother will have finished eating."

Xiao Qingrou sat up on her back when she heard these words like a spring. Before she opened her eyes, she made an urgent voice: "Bad brother, you are not allowed to eat it. Where is the meat? Gentle wants to eat it! "

   After finishing speaking, Xiao Qingrou finally reacted, raised her little hand and rubbed her eyes vigorously, yawned in satisfaction, and stretched out happily, as if she had completely forgotten what happened in the morning.

   Rainy night gently walked forward, carefully brushed off the eye feces from the corner of her eyes, dressed her for her, and picked it up to the dining table.

   looked softly at the rich lunch on the table in front of him, and suddenly danced on the rainy night, making the rainy night unstable and almost falling.

   at the same time exclaimed freely and said: "Brother, it is so fragrant, put me down quickly, I want to eat, I want to eat."

   Talking softly while making The little hand swayed randomly, Yuye couldn't help but put Gentle down carefully to prevent her from being knocked by the corner of the table.

   Xiao Qingrou hurriedly ran to the table, grabbed the two chopsticks indiscriminately, not caring about the start of swallowing the dates when they were picked up backwards.

  Rice, cold dishes, chicken and other rich and nutritious ingredients are transferred to her belly at a speed like a wind rolling cloud.

   Yuye for the first time felt that Xiao Qingrou is so edible, I think I will make more of it in the future!

   hiccups, after Xiao Qingrou was full, she sat contentedly on the Grand Master's chair, rubbing her round belly with her two little hands, leaning on the back of the chair comfortably, and letting out a long, comfortable hiccup.

   After finishing the fight, he seemed to realize that his brother was beside him, and quickly covered his mouth, waved his hands and explained shyly: "Brother, it's not me, it's not me who hiccups!"

   Looking at Xiao Qingrou's little appearance that he did bad things and wanted to cover up, Yuye laughed happily.

   Although it seems that Gentle has walked out of the shadows, Yuye still feels a little worried, and carefully tentatively asked: "Gentle, do you remember what happened in the morning?"

   said this, Xiao Qingrou's face suddenly changed from embarrassment and shyness to resentment, and the little face was full of unhappiness.

   Standing on the Grand Master's chair, his hands on his waist, his eyes revealed uneasy, the tender flesh on both sides of his cheeks puffed up and looked at Yu Ye seriously and said: "Brother, Gentle, I was bullied this morning. I don't care. You want to avenge me."

   The rainy night was taken aback, and I still remember it softly.

   But the reaction was not as fierce as the last time, so Yuye quickly said: "Little Qingrou is good, don't be afraid or not, my brother has already taught the group of bad uncles, they will not bully our Xiaoqingrou again next time!"