Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 46: Plague Mage-Scythe of Good and Evil

Hearing this softly, with a look of surprise with a hint of surprise, he slapped a kiss on the rainy night's cheek, hugging his brother's neck affectionately, and said coquettishly: "I knew my brother would help me take revenge, but grandparents Don’t let me tell my brother, how did my brother find the fifteen bad guys."

   When Rainy Night heard that there were fifteen people on the other side, he was taken aback for a moment, and his inference made a mistake. It turned out that the seven people killed before were only half of the culprit. It seems that the newly built weapon can come in handy!

   He only killed seven people. He didn't plan to tell his sister to avoid causing unnecessary worry for her sister.

   However, the matter of revenge cannot be done too hastily, it needs to be done slowly.

   After this battle, Yu Ye understands a truth. The authenticity in the final chapter is too terrifying. The difference between a master and a rookie is like a godsend. He is really a kid playing a big sword at the moment, so he can't show his strength.

Rainy night was silent for a long time without speaking, but steadily picked up Gentle and gently put it back on the bed. After putting on the shoes for Gentle by the bed, he came out holding hands and looked at the situation of the grandparents, and saw the grandparents. Still sleeping, the two smiled at each other and returned to the room.

   After playing and playing for a while, Yu Ye Dialogue changed and asked casually, "Gentle, do you want to return to the game and continue playing?"

   There was a hint of hesitation in his big soft and bright eyes, but suddenly he became firm and said: "Brother, Gentle is going to play, but, brother, you must protect Gentle, Gentle is a little scared."

Seeing my sister’s pitiful appearance, the rainy night felt distressed for a while, touched her soft and somewhat tangled hair, her face showed a firm look, and her dark eyes revealed decisively, “Little beauty, you Don't worry, my brother can definitely protect his sister, my brother is amazing now!"

   nodded softly and assuredly, trusting her elder brother 100%.

   The two people lay on the bed and twisted their buttocks in sync, looking for the most comfortable position, glanced at each other, bumped their little noses, raised their tender hands, and slipped the bracelet into the game.

  Ding, welcome back.

Now both of them are little local tyrants, they don’t care about the gold coins at all. Rainy Ye drove the voice all the way to find Gentle. Looking at the dirty appearance of Xiao Gentle in the game, Rainy Ye intimately handed Gentle a clean pill. After taking it, Gentle again Become glamorous and lively, chattering non-stop beside the rainy night.

   Their goal this time is very clear: go to level up!

Before taking revenge, Yu Ye wanted to increase his strength to the highest level. After taking out the experience pill, Yu Ye flashed a golden light on his body. He only took one, and the other two were used when he was in danger. Clear all, he still just knew this.

   Attribute points, skill books, and skill points can be used at all three levels.

   The four dimensions of rainy night now are:

   Power: 23

   Power: 18

  Agility: 18

  Spirit: 58

   HP: 2300

  Magic value: 5800

  Physical attack power: 18-36

  Magic attack power: 158-316

   But this is just rainy night's naked attribute, he still has the ultimate ultimate not to use.

   summoned out the backpack, looked at the sickle that was built just now, and clicked on the equipment.

  Ding, this equipment has not been named yet, and the equipment and attributes can be displayed after naming.

   The name of this sickle Yuye has been thinking about for a long time, it fits my previous artistic conception very well, and the name lingers in my mind: the sickle of good and evil!

  The good ones, use this sickle to benefit the crowd; the evil ones, use this sickle to chop the roots.

  Ding, named successfully: Plague Mage-the sickle of good and evil. Whether equipped.

   Note: Because it is a professional weapon, there is a prefix in front of it.


After    was equipped, the rainy night felt a burst of energy flowing in the body, and the attributes of the whole person increased sharply again, and he hurriedly watched the attributes of the sickle of good and evil.

   Equipment Name: Plague Mage-Scythe of Good and Evil

  Introduction to equipment: The work of the human tribe's purple and gold master Batu is also a work to help him get promoted. The power is very high, please use it with caution.

  Equipment level: None

   Suitable occupation: Plague Mage

  Quality: Gold (with a seal, the highest grade: purple gold)

   Durability: 100

   Grade: Supreme

   Attack speed: extremely fast

  Additional attributes:

  Additional physique: Five

  Additional power: Five

  Additional agility: Five

   Additional spirit: Ten

   Although it is of gold rank in general, it is still a bit inferior to the gentle silver staff, but how is the gentle staff an artifact? It's already pretty good.

  Physical attack power: +50

  Magic attack power: +100

   Casting speed increase: 10%

   Attack speed increase: 5%

   Physical critical strike rate increased: 3%

   Magic crit rate increased: 3%

   Hit rate increased: 3%

  Special effect 1: War Machine-After equipped, the cooldown time of the skills of the host at level 3 and below is reduced by half.

   Special effect 2: Warlord-every skill released by the host after equipment reduces the mana consumption by 20%.

  Special effects three: not turned on


  Special effects five: not turned on

  Purple-Gold equipment with five special effects is already against the sky, but like a gentle artifact, the surprise continues:

  Additional Special Skill One: Blood Carnival-The bleeding effect is triggered after each hit, until the target dies.

  Additional Special Skill 2: Dark Light, unavailable at this stage, it will be activated after level 10.

  Additional mosaic hole 5: The first one has been opened. Remaining unopened: four

   Oh, it's over!

   only has one stunt, but this stunt is simply a magical skill before the priest has obtained the dispelling skill book. He can't wait to experiment!

  Equipment status: It belongs to rainy night alone, and it will not be dropped by death or theft.

   Current status: Untradeable. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

   Lucky value: 1

  Note: Because it was the work of Dark Gold Master Batu who was promoted to Zijin, it was a bit of luck from Zijin Master.

   Now look at the four dimensions of rainy night:

   Physique: 28

   Power: 23

  Agility: 23

   Spirit: 68

   HP: 2800

   Magic value: 6800

   Physical attack power: 73-146

  Magic attack power: 268-576

   Physical defense: 14

  Magic defense: 28

   Such a terrifying injury, no blood cow at this stage can hold it.

   There are also newly acquired skills not introduced:

   Rainy Night has obtained fifteen skill points. At this moment, there is no one left. All of them are used. They are evenly distributed to three flu raging skills. Each one has no change except for the damage caused by ten.

The flu is raging one-chanting spells, issuing gray fog chains, non-directional skills, the strength of the hitter is reduced by 10%, lasting 30 seconds, causing 20-40 points of damage, mana consumption: 100, cooling time: One minute.

The flu is raging two-read the spell, cast the gray fog chain, non-directional skills, the agility attribute of the hitter decreases by 10%, lasts 30 seconds, causes 20-40 points of damage, mana consumption: 100, cooling time: One minute.

The flu is raging three-chanting spells, issuing gray fog chains, non-directional skills, the physical attributes of the hitter are reduced by 10%, for 30 seconds, causing 20-40 points of damage, mana consumption: 100, cooling time: One minute.

  Note: The damage caused by the raging flu is fixed, not measured by magic attack power, but skill points can increase damage.