Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 63: Unyielding Dragon Soul

   Five hundred people are like wild horses running off the rein, rushing into the dragon guild madly and starting to fight; and like a huge ship in the deep sea, they are transformed into artillery shells and slam into it without hesitation.

After this time of gathering, more than two hundred people came to the Dragon Touring Guild. Because there has not been a guild order, it is not a complete guild. There is no dedicated guild channel, and information can only be transmitted by humans, so it is very slow. .

   Five hundred to two hundred, the shoal guild's momentum is rising day by day, the winning ticket is in hand, and the dragon is completely ignored.

   Looking at the Dragon Touring Guild, facing 500 people, they are really lacking in confidence, and the number of people is more important than their strength.

   But the war has begun, then you cannot stop; but the war has begun, then you cannot be afraid of bloodshed; but the war has begun, then you cannot fear death.

   When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. No matter how strong the enemy is, no matter how good the enemy is, no matter how many enemies there are, you must have the courage to shine your sword, play the roaring dragon's momentum, fight the roaring dragon's mighty prestige, and beat the roaring dragon's arrogance.

   What's wrong with one beating two, don't believe it, don't you turn this group of GRs; what's wrong with one beating two, all dragons are heroes; what's wrong with one beating two, dragons belong to the unyielding soul.

   Roar, roar, roar, Youlong used three huge roars to raise the momentum of the two hundred people to the highest level, and fought with the five hundred people in the shallows.

  The war is so simple, all he needs is a small unnecessarily fuse.

At this moment, Changjian Hengge was getting closer and closer to the entrance of the village with her gentle and gentle Muer. She stood not far away, holding two small hands, looking at the scene in front of her, her complexion was very flat, and the situation in front of her could only be said. Is expected.

   She thought a lot for a moment, weighing the pros and cons, whether it is a dragon or a shoal, it needs a battle to prove herself and establish her early advantage.

   Fighting can only be fighting, there is no other way.

   Changjian Hengge only feels that the bloodthirsty soul in the body is trembling; the unruly fighting will is continuing to rise; the strong and excited heart is beating fast. She longs for a hearty battle to prove herself; she needs an exciting battle to sharpen herself.

   You must know that the road to success of every master is piled up with countless lives. Entering the final chapter, Changjian Hengge has a sense of jerky, as if it cannot be fully integrated into it. But presumably after this battle, this feeling will disappear.

  The sword is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold.

   held down her trembling hand and told Gentle and Gentle Muer to find a place to hide, stay away from the battlefield, and avoid hitting the pond fish, then she waved the double blade in her hand and joined the battle.

The members of the Dragon Touring Guild saw the arrival of Changjian Hengge, their morale skyrocketed, like taking chicken blood, the scene that was originally downwind suddenly became evenly matched, and the two sides entered a stalemate, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was just Apparently, if reinforcements are delayed, You Long's defeat will be sooner or later.

The blood flies around with the blade and turns into nutrients to nourish the land; the screams and howls are accompanied by blood, bringing a beautiful song to this space, the heat of life gradually disappears, the meaning of existence is close to disappearing, and fighting Still going on.

Some people died, and immediately went into battle after being resurrected, even if they didn’t have a piece of equipment, but as long as my flesh fist was still there, then I could continue to fight. You can kill me indefinitely, but you can’t destroy me. My fighting will can't destroy my fighting heart.

  Some people are alive, but choose to leave the battle. The farther they run, the better. At the beginning of the game, they don't want to waste the number of deaths and make the game experience impossible.

   The difference between the quality of personnel and the sense of belonging between the two guilds was immediately revealed.

   Look at Gentle and Ruan Mu'er again, where have they seen such a scene, they want to move and hide but find that their body is no longer under control.

   Facing the blood flying freely, facing the souls that have nowhere to lay, facing the wailing all over the ground and the dying people who fell on the ground. Xiao Qingrou finally remembered her mission to join the final chapter: helping others, helping all those who are being bullied, and helping all those who are suffering.

   Her spirit instantly sublimated, and her whole person became sacred and psychic.

   Cough cough, they are all fake, that is, Xiao Qingrou straightened her waist, no longer afraid, and can move at will.

   Xiao Qingrou is very similar to Yu Ye's character, completely like it was carved out of a mold, once it is determined to do things, ten cows cannot be pulled back.

   At this moment, I resolutely chose to control the young body, join the battle, to help the poor people, bursts of healing light flashed, green light appeared randomly on everyone's head.


  +260 Heal Critical Strike


   The gentle attribute has been improved a bit after being equipped with a colorful mage robe.

   and Muer is very obedient, choosing to stay away from the battlefield and not participate in it.

  The person who added the blood immediately felt alive and vigorous, and his vigor rose greatly, as if he had taken a kidney treasure tablet, cutting his opponent under the horse. However, because Xiao Qingrou increased blood randomly, some people from the shallows were also added, cutting the dragon-swimming people under the horse.

  The indiscriminate treatment caused numerous complaints from both sides of the war:

  What's the Where is the mentally retarded priest?

   Will not increase the blood can not increase, it will kill people.

   I'm cnnd, the mentally retarded priest hurry up.

  All kinds of unpleasant voices came and went, but Xiao Qingrou didn't seem to hear her, and continued to add blood in her own way.

   Everyone turned their heads to look at Xiao Qingrou, watching her serious little expression, waving her small staff, it was really cute. The verbal abuse suddenly disappeared, and even worse, it became a word of praise.

   Wow, beauty, give me blood, I need your grandma. ——A wretched man from the shallows.

   I want too, beauty, here-the second wretched man.

   The beautiful priest over there, please add blood to your brother, your brother is dying—a call for help from a normal person in Youlong.

   brush, a green light fell on him from the sky:


   instantly pulled his blood back, and backhand he chopped off the shoals back to Novice Village.

   This story tells us that it is really useful to look good, at least not to be scolded.

Although Gentle’s indiscriminate increase in blood was praised, her existence was a hidden danger after all. The'Shallow Shrimp Play' looked towards Gentle, her small eyes narrowed into a slit, and immediately issued an order to make the newly recruited first-rate The assassin master went and ended his gentle life.

   In the face of such a cute and beautiful gentleness, he can even get rid of it, which is really snake-hearted.

   Changjian Henge keenly caught the other person's invisible departure, and quickly sent one of the twin stars to protect him. If there is an accident gently, he doesn't know how to explain to Yuye. With Yuye's extreme character, he would definitely run hysterically.

   When the time comes, things will not be so easy to control.

   Hey, by the way, how about rainy night?